Considering the iceshelf is losing hundreds of billions of tones into the ocean every year I imagine the amount of rootbeer needed to flood England would make the whole world taste like rootbeer. Also possibly make mold the dominant life form on Earth for a long time.
He saved the world. He somehow made a truly infinite renewable resource and we used it for energy, water, and growing crops.
Which is what I'd like people to say about me, but their hitmen are after me. They know my gift would not even ruin them, but even that small threat to a loss of profit is too much for them.
I'm on the run, but wherever I go, I try to help those in need of a crisp refreshing beverage. They can't root me out, you beerter believe it.
Day 982. I have accepted my fate. I will never escape the Mug dimension. I drink another root beer. It tastes like blood. I'm glad for the new sensation.
i dont drink alcohol.
edit: lol at people that cant stand a harmless joke, i dont even freaking know what root beer is and i doubt its even comercialized in my country, hate for uk tho can be world wide
It's like a sweetened, fizzy sassafras drink. Pretty good depending where you get it.
The USA has a weird thing where we use the words for alcoholic drinks to describe non-alcoholic ones. We also call spiced fruit drinks "cider" and actual cider "hard cider". Not sure why.
The guy that commercialised it was a teetotaller and wanted it to be called Root Tea, but because his target market were miners in Pennsylvania, he opted to call it Root Beer instead.
From my understanding, that title would be more accurate too, as it is produced from molasses with extract rather than grain mash, but my source is "skimmed Wikipedia" on both topics, so you should probably default to skepticism.
Either way, it apparently doesn't taste like beer, comes in both alcoholic and non-alcoholic* variants, usually doesn't contain caffeine and has a ton of flavours and variants from all over the world. If you care, you probably can find some.
*The process does involve fermentation, so I assume it will contain some ethanol still, even if it's below the threshold for the "non-alcoholic" label, in case that's an issue for you.
I mean, only England seems to be highlighted. I don't know mug, I don't know if I've ever tried root beer, I don't think I'd miss it.
Still, there are some nice things I like from England - Games Workshop, for instance, some Internet buddies, probably more things I'm not aware of...
I guess I could find people that enjoy root beer (or are in dire need of potable hydration of any sort) and see about donating it to them. I could sell some through local retailers and restaurants to cover the expenses.
One could interpret it as all the localities with their own distinct cultures are freed from the yolk of the Bri'ish crown. Tolkien loved England but hated the Bri'ish empire as an example.
While I normally don't give the Brits much credit, gotta say NI is not being held in the UK against its collective will. Your imagined cruel English oppressor holding on to land by force, opposing the will of the local population, is out of date in the 21st century.
Almost all Brit politicians would love to be the PM at the time of Irish unification.
Since 1998, the NI Secretary is obliged by treaty to carry out a referendum for unification as soon as polling indicates there's a reasonable chance it would get a yes majority.
It just hasn't happened yet. It probably will, within a few decades.
Watch derry gerls and see it’s being held against its collective will. Just cause you invade, rename the place London-Derry, and fill it with your people so that after centuries of strife when you finally are forced by international pressure into signing the Good Friday agreement (military occupation didn’t work, yeah give ‘em credit for that) which allows for a path to a free Ireland (and do not forget the strife needed to get any free Ireland at all), doesn’t give you a “but they don’t wanna cause they can’t muster the vote cause we’ve filled it with our peeps” ain’t a “out of date in the 21st century” view.
Fuckin travesty they have to have their passport and different coinage to visit relatives on the other side of the border, while still being in their own island. BRITS could just set em loose not do the song and dance “oh the nationalists we planted and stoked for centuries are too many you can’t get the vote ha ha”. Orrrrr if England was gonezo the Welsh and Scots would def let it go
TLDR; git güd, see the unnecessary pain, see Sinn Féin wins parliament seats but does NOT participate in parliament because they know they are being oppressed against their will and will not participate in that system of oppression.