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We coulda had Bernie...
  • They said most influential in the past 100 years, the civil war was 160 years ago.

    100 years ago everyone had the right to vote (though Jim Crow laws limited voting access in many states for people of color, something that's beginning to be reimplemented to an extent).

    I think FDR might have been more influential, but he won in a landslide. Trump got millions fewer votes than his opponent and only won by a couple thousand votes in certain swing states. I think in the past 100 years it was probably the most influential presidential election in the sense that so few votes held so much influence on history.

  • Pride System Icon
  • You can change it to any flag by modifying .config/prideicon/lastselected so the first line is the absolute path to the image you want (png on Linux, ico on Windows).

    I considered adding a menu option to open a prompt to select a custom icon, but I wasn't sure how many people would want to use it, so I just left it as a configuration file option for now.

    Screenshots are a good idea.

  • Pride System Icon
  • I also added a section to the project readme, thanks for the suggestion.

  • Pride System Icon
  • It uses a makefile, you can just type make while in the pride-system-icon directory.

    On Windows you may need to install GNU make first.

    You'll need to have Go installed, I've added a vendor directory to make it easier. The compiled files will be placed in dist/windows/prideicon.exe and dist/linux/prideicon

    Here are the commands to compile without using make:

    go build -mod vendor -tags linux -o prideicon
    go build -mod vendor -tags windows -ldflags -H=windowsgui -o prideicon.exe

  • Pride System Icon
  • Thank you!

    I just added a feature where you can select whichever icon you want by editing the text file in .config/prideicon/lastselected

    Just make it one line of text with the absolute path to the icon (.png on Linux, .ico on Windows) then restart the program.

  • Pride System Icon
  • Glad to hear it!

    I'm not sure if your name is a reference to the god of Red Dwarf or the yonic pokemon, but either way, cheers.

  • Pride System Icon
  • Done. Thanks for reminding me.

  • Pride System Icon
  • What if you want it in your system tray?

  • Pride System Icon
  • It's free and it's open source software. It can be discussed here.

    Some software is more about looking nice than serving a utility.

    I learned a lot about the system tray writing it. I think it stands as a decent example for how to add an icon to the system tray.

  • Pride System Icon
  • Nobody needs it, but some people like it.

    Last year Windows added a pride icon to the taskbar of some Windows 11 users, and people in the Linux community were having a laugh over the angry reactions, but some Linux-enjoyers mentioned that they'd actually like the option of adding a pride icon. I wrote a simple python script and shared it.

    Over the past year multiple people have said they liked the little icon in my system tray, so this year I decided to spruce up the project and make it compatible with Windows. It's just a silly little aesthetic option for anyone who wants it.

  • Pride System Icon Shawn Bird / Pride System Icon · GitLab

    Add a pride flag to the system tray of most Linux environments.

    Shawn Bird / Pride System Icon · GitLab

    Just a little system tray icon to show support for the LGBTQ+ community.

    Originally created last year as a simple one-off project in response to Windows 11 users getting mad about a pride icon appearing on their task bar.

    This year I remade it in Go, added support for Windows (7 and up), and improved compatibility with a variety of Linux environments.

    Let me know what you think, or don’t, just please be nice about it.

    Pride System Icon
  • I wasn't sure where to post it. It looked like this community had a decent number of posts showing off open source projects, so I figured it would fit in.

  • Pride System Icon
  • It seemed like other people were sharing their open source projects here. If it's against the rules I can post it somewhere else.

  • Pride System Icon
  • People in the Linux community were just having a laugh at Windows users who were unable to remove an icon, then some people were saying how they actually wanted a pride icon on their panel, so I wrote a simple python script and shared it.

    Over the past year multiple people have said they liked the little icon in my system tray, so I decided to polish up the project and share it again. I'm not expecting it to change the world, I just thought some people out there might enjoy it.

    EDIT: it's not a random executable, the source code is right there, you can compile it yourself if you like.

  • Pride System Icon
  • It's an open source project.

  • Pride System Icon Shawn Bird / Pride System Icon · GitLab

    Add a pride flag to the system tray of most Linux environments.

    Shawn Bird / Pride System Icon · GitLab

    Just a little system tray icon to show support for the LGBTQ+ community.

    Originally created last year as a simple one-off project in response to Windows 11 users getting mad about a pride icon appearing on their task bar.

    This year I remade it in Go, added support for Windows (7 and up), and improved compatibility with a variety of Linux environments.

    Let me know what you think, or don't, just please be nice about it.

    Anon learns that his grandfather dodged being drafted
  • Connected to the month of June?

  • Please vote
  • Okay, but swinging at third party people does nothing to sway them, tends to do the opposite, and tires you out. It's like punching your own dick instead of your opponent in a boxing match.

  • Please vote
  • Please don't

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • Fair enough, but the backlash from 8 years was already beyond the pale.

  • Nuclear isn't perfect, but it is the best we have right now.
  • What are you talking about? In 2023, solar power alone generated 1.63 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity. Twice as much as was generated by coal, and more than half as much as was generated by nuclear. Solar plus wind out performed nuclear by hundreds of gigawatts.

    The only thing holding back renewable power is grid level energy storage, and that's evolving rapidly.

  • Netanyahu walks back proposal for Gaza hostage-ceasefire deal endorsed by Biden

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said he is interested in a "partial deal" with Hamas that will free "some of the hostages" held in Gaza and allow Israel to continue fighting in the enclave.

    Why it matters: Netanyahu's remarks walk back an Israeli proposal for a three-phase deal that would lead to the release of all remaining 120 hostages and to "sustainable calm" in Gaza.

    • More than 37,500 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, according to local health officials.
    • Netanyahu's comments contradicted statements by Biden administration officials who in recent days said Netanyahu and his aides had reiterated their support for the proposal.
    • In recent weeks, Netanyahu's radical right-wing coalition partners, ultranationalist ministers Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, threatened to leave the coalition and topple the government if the proposal turns into an agreement.

    Flashback: The proposal was approved by the Israeli war cabinet in late May and was presented publicly by President Biden in a speech on May 31.

    • The Biden administration mobilized broad international support for the proposal and managed to get the UN Security Council to pass a resolution endorsing it.
    • Hamas officially responded to the proposal nearly two weeks after Biden's speech. The group asked for changes in the proposal and raised new demands that went beyond its own previous positions, * U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on June 12.
    • Blinken said at the time that while Israel accepted the proposal, Hamas didn't

    Driving the news: Netanyahu remarks were part of an interview with Israel's Channel 14, a pro-Netanyahu television channel.

    • When Netanyahu was asked if he agreed to end the war as part of a hostage deal he said he didn't. "I will not stop the war and leave Hamas standing in Gaza," he said.
    • "I am ready to do a partial deal, it is no secret, that will bring back some of the people. But we are committed to continue the war after the pause in order to achieve the goal of destroying Hamas. I will not give up on this," he added.

    Between the lines: Netanyahu claimed his position "was no secret" but it was the first time that he spoke publicly about a "partial deal" or suggested he hadn't intended to implement all three phases in the Israeli proposal.

    What they're saying: The Hostages Families Forum Headquarters, an NGO that represents most of the hostages' families and is pushing for their release, attacked Netanyahu for his remarks.

    • "We strongly condemn the Prime Minister's statement in which he walked back from the Israeli proposal. This means he is abandoning 120 hostages and harms the moral duty of the state of Israel to its citizens," they said.

    The big picture: The Israeli Prime Minister's remarks are likely to increase tensions between the Israeli government and the White House, which have grown in recent days over Netanyahu's claims that the Biden administration is withholding weapons from Israel.

    • Netanyahu said on Sunday at the start of a cabinet meeting that there was a dramatic decrease in the munitions coming to Israel from the U.S. beginning four months ago.
    • "For long weeks, we turned to our American friends and requested that the shipments be expedited. We did this time and again. We did so at the highest levels, and at all levels, and we did so behind closed doors. We received all sorts of explanations, but the basic situation did not change. Certain items arrived sporadically but the munitions at large remained behind," he said.
    • Netanyahu claimed that only after there was no change in the shipments, he decided to go public in order to "open the bottleneck".
    Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war, WSJ reports | CNN

    The military leader of Hamas has said he believes he has gained the upper hand over Israel and that the spiralling civilian death toll in Gaza would work in the militant group’s favor, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing leaked messages the newspaper said it had seen.

    Hamas leader said civilian death toll could benefit militant group in Gaza war, WSJ reports | CNN

    The military leader of Hamas has said he believes he has gained the upper hand over Israel and that the spiralling civilian death toll in Gaza would work in the militant group’s favor, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, citing leaked messages the newspaper said it had seen.

    “We have the Israelis right where we want them,” Yahya Sinwar told other Hamas leaders recently, according to one of the messages, the WSJ reported Monday. In another, Sinwar is said to have described civilian deaths as “necessary sacrifices” while citing past independence-related conflicts in countries like Algeria.

    The messages reported by the WSJ offer a rare glimpse into the mind of the man steering Hamas’ thinking on the war and suggest an uncompromising determination to continue fighting, regardless of the human cost.

    Sinwar’s alleged comments emerged as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was on another tour through the Middle East to push all sides to agree to the latest proposal. Speaking from Tel Aviv on Tuesday, Blinken made it clear that the US believes Sinwar is the ultimate decision-maker.

    “I think there are there those who have influenced, but influence is one thing, actually getting a decision made is the is another thing. I don’t think anyone other than the Hamas leadership in Gaza actually are the ones who can make decisions,” Blinken said, adding that “that is what we are waiting on.”

    Blinken said that Hamas’ answer to the proposal will reveal the group’s priorities.

    “We await the answer from Hamas in and that will speak volumes about what they want, what they’re looking for, who they’re looking after,” Blinken said. “Are they looking after one guy who may be for now safe … I don’t know, 10 stories underground somewhere in Gaza, while the people that he purports to represent continue to suffer in a crossfire of his own making? Or will he do what’s necessary to actually move this to a better place, to help end the suffering of people to help bring real security to Israelis and Palestinians alike.”

    In early messages to ceasefire negotiators, Sinwar seemed “surprised” by the brutality of the October 7 attack on Israel.

    “Things went out of control,” Sinwar said in one of his messages, according to the WSJ, adding he was “referring to gangs taking civilian women and children as hostages.”

    “People got caught up in this, and that should not have happened,” Sinwar said, according to the WSJ.

    US expects Israel will accept Gaza ceasefire plan if Hamas does US has 'every expectation' Israel will expect ceasefire proposal

    The White House believes Hamas has been weakened to a point that it cannot repeat the 7 October attack.

    US has 'every expectation' Israel will expect ceasefire proposal

    Speaking to ABC News on Sunday morning, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the US had "every expectation" that Israel would "say yes" to the proposed ceasefire deal if Hamas accepts.

    "We're waiting for an official response from Hamas," he said, adding that the US hopes that both sides agree to start the first phase of the plan "as soon as possible".

    During that initial six-week pause in the fighting, Mr Kirby said the "two sides would sit down and try to negotiate what phase two could look like, and when that could begin".

    Political Memes AbsentBird
    Slava Ukraini

    cross-posted from:

    > Slava Ukraini

    Memes AbsentBird
    Slava Ukraini
    Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza 'No excuses': Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

    The US President made the remarks during a meeting Italy's Prime Minister.

    'No excuses': Biden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza

    The US will begin air dropping food aid to the people of Gaza, President Joe Biden announced on Friday, as the humanitarian crisis deepens and Israel continues to resist opening additional land crossings to allow more assistance into the war-torn strip.

    Speaking in the Oval Office, Biden said the US would be "pulling out every stop" to get additional aid into Gaza, which has been under heavy bombardment by Israel since the October 7 Hamas terror attacks.

    "Aid flowing to Gaza is nowhere nearly enough," the US President said, noting "hundreds of trucks" should be entering the enclave.

    Biden said the US is "going to insist that Israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need, no excuses".

    He also noted the efforts to broker a deal to free the hostages and secure an "immediate ceasefire" that would allow additional aid in.

    absentbird AbsentBird
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