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I'm helping I promise!
  • I think you're thinking of declawing.

    Trimming nails is good for the cat because otherwise the nail grows so long that it loops around and stabs into their hand. In the wild this is fixed by them breaking off as they do normal activities but they don't do that nearly as much in a domestic situation.

    Declawing though, is cruel

  • I'm helping I promise!

    cross-posted from:

    A life lesson for you
  • We're at the point where I can't tell if you're getting wooshed or I am

  • A life lesson for you
  • But good things come in small packages

  • A life lesson for you

    cross-posted from:

    July moment

    cross-posted from:

    He needs to be there 7.00 AM sharp!
  • The use of an AI generated image in a meme where a corporate man looks for ways to exploit more money from the people was a good choice.

  • the rule for columboposting is upon us
  • This is my favorite era

  • ????

  • What is your favorite though provoking movie?
  • This movie was really upsetting for me. I enjoyed it a lot but it's hard to separate it from the reality of the princess and the frog problem.

    Why can't Disney make a movie about black people without turning them non-human?

  • United States | News & Politics Maven (famous) Supreme Court: Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' For Core Constitutional Powers

    The court found that Trump is entitled to presumptive immunity from prosecution for presidential acts.

    Supreme Court: Trump Has 'Absolute Immunity' For Core Constitutional Powers
    I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all
  • Similarly, when I'm counting stuff I always do

    Group of 3 Group of 3 Group of 4

    Okay that's 10

    Rinse repeat.

    It just works very well for me to count lots of things very quickly and easily. I can easily see what a group of 3 or 4 looks like so the whole process is super fast.

  • Political Memes Maven (famous)
    Please vote
    I tried to explain ADHD math to someone and they didn't understand at all

    Edit: it appears that this is not exclusive to ADHD.

    Posting this meme stemmed from my own efforts to explain my thought process when doing math and how it is similar to other people with ADHD doing math, while being different from every neurotypical person I'd talked to on the same subject.

    While I didn't make the meme itself, instead finding it in my saves and wanting to share, I did accidentally spread misinformation that I had only backed up with personal anecdotal evidence.

    I'll leave this up just so people can see the explanation below but this appears to not be ADHD related and just due to different people doing math in their heads differently...


    Can anyone confirm if this is accurate?

    Lemmy is the best social media
  • There is a user named JimmyDoreIsALefty who constantly posts bait and argues in the comments of it.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Flying squid is definitely not a troll tho. Not sure which bones guy you mean.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Damn I forgot about dore is a lefty!

  • What's your biggest gamer achievement?
  • I used to be a (semi)pro gamer! Basically the college football of gaming... But like... It was Team Fortress 2 so it's more like the college mens Volleyball of gaming...


    RGL Advanced Highlander Season 5 - Grand Finals.

    lay civ 5 vs I Hate Mondays

    Neither team was favored to win the season but after multiple upsets during playoffs, they both ended up there.

    It was EXTREMELY close!

    The first round on Ashville went to I Hate Mondays with every round being almost dead even.

    The second round, on vigil, went to a tie breaker within the round as lay civ 5 and I Hate Mondays trade blows. Eventually lay civ 5 got the points.

    With a score of 1-1 the game went to a tie breaker on swiftwater...

    Round 1 went to I Hate Mondays by about 30 seconds.

    Round 2 was incredibly close. Both teams had better scores but ultimately lay civ 5 won with literally 0 seconds left on the clock.

    The final round... The tie breaker of the tie breaker...

    Lay civ 5 starts and gets a solid time. About the same as round 1...

    And just like round 1, I Hate Mondays manages to sneak away with an extremely close victory. Making them the unlikely champions of Season 5 Advanced!

    Despite division dysphoria having an undefeated score and even Home Depot Esports having more wins than both of the teams in grands... I Hate Mondays took home the gold and I firmly take the credit for it!

    Of course... I was playing for lay civ 5... But I promise you... I was the reason that I Hate Mondays won.

  • Doctors hate this one simple trick!
  • I would love it if more people posted to ! . Heading other people weird stories that only locals know would be so much fun!

  • Doctors hate this one simple trick!

    cross-posted from:

    South Park (TV Show)
  • I used to like it a lot... As a kid... As I've grown it seems more focused on being incredibly in the middle than ever actually making any sort of point...

    Matt Stone and Trey Parker are just so incredibly "Enlightened Centrist* that it can be painful at times.

    They have some good bits and some of their jokes have rightfully stood the test of time... But God damn... If you're going to make a political show... Do something other than the most fence sitting thing possible!

  • Rule
  • Edging?

  • How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?
  • 1 minute = 60 seconds

    60 / 3 = 20

    1/20s is 3 times the speed of 1/60s

  • We cater any event!

    cross-posted from:

    Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs
  • I definitely leave a trace everywhere after watching porn

  • NSFW
    Live Interview
  • I was asked to put a warning on it and that was the one I knew how to do

  • Maven Maven (famous)

    They/them NB

    The most annoying thing about being famous is having to tell everyone how famous you are.


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