Heh, yeah. Mined goods should go 'stale' or something. And of course they made all these new systems and policies and promptly gave up so we're left with this mess until they get around to tweaking it.
I don't get to play much and had an hour this morning so I hopped on when I saw a PCZ on the discord. When I got in system it was a PCZ between Grom and Antal. Delaine (good guys) was shown leading the system control score at the time. So I just popped the 8 enemy I needed between the two conflicting powers (to satisfy my last weekly) and left. Was strange seeing all those radar blips in the PCZ as red, no NPC even tried to engage me until I did though. Very strange.
Fuck yes! I have "Evangelical Schism" on my 2025 bingo card.
Where's my modern Martin Luther?!
If you don't hold it, you don't own it.
How cool would it be to be that musician? I thought it was cool when I got to play a 120 year old coronet, those things are 3000 years old man.
You gave a command, I rejected it.
hmm, 7786?
If the internet is gone I have no need for a Linux box.
E: and if it is really just me in my own LAN then I have the man pages
Fucking Wayne. That guy is a real dickhead. Didn't he get ousted and maybe even jailed?
E: lol, not jailed but holy shit that guy's wikipedia page is a complete shitshow.
OK Boomer.
Counterpoint: everything one needs to learn Linux is online.
Power Play is gangsters doing gangster shit. Come join Archon Delaine and be part of the Kumo Crew. Fuck all those little bitches undermining in solo, give your nutsack a tug.
E: give your lady nutsack a tug also. Play open, don't let the fear get you.
Virtue signaling is a large part of many peoples personality
Fix PP.
Why am I mining to reinforce Kumo Crew systems? Why is the best way to gain control points in a spaceship game doing silly FPS thief missions? Why can people do PVP in solo?
E: probably a grom downvoting. Fuckoff, come meet us in open. Kumo Crew flys open 24/7. Don't hide behind solo or a carebear instance.
The headline is clickbait, but this is just tit-for-tat
Yeah, but who are those shell companies working for? A big selling point in the general buyouts is, "we want people out of govt service and in the private sector where they can do thier best work!"
I'm thinking we don't want a bunch of freelance spies contracting to the highest bidder
Mar-A-Lago is 7 hectares, maybe start with that little bit of land for resettlement?
If homeopathy is correct, that water has the memory of all the shit that's ever been in it.
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I'm a big fan of naltrexone, I take it daily. I've stopped drinking dozens of times but naltrexone made it stick.
Health officials have confirmed the first case of severe illness in the U.S. caused by bird flu. And California Gov.

President-elect Donald Trump's opposition to what was considered must-pass legislation reinjected a sense of chaos and political brinkmanship that was reminiscent of his first term in office.

Ho. ly. shit.
I guess, whatever? Let's fucking do this.
When considering early retirement, it is important to understand that starting retirement benefits early will reduce your benefit. Use the Retirement age chart to determine your reduction if you begin receiving benefits before your full retirement age.
.world c/news didn't like this so maybe it fits better here