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Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs.
  • Keep doing it. Especially niche titles.

    You think I can find tv shows like greg the bunny, or clerks the animated series? And then TV shows start retroactively saying whats ok to show and whats not. Then pulling the episodes from streaming.

    Or maybe the rights run out, and no other streaming picks it up.

  • Sony will cut around 250 jobs from the recordable media business manufacturing hub and will gradually cease production of optical discs, including Blu-ray discs.
  • Found a small part of the problem.

    Physical media is dying because the majority of people think just as short sighted as businesses do. Businesses think in short term thoughts like quarters. They do so because investers want immediate return.

    But why would you as a person not want physical media??? I literally bought a George Carlin dvd of one of his HBO specials 2 days ago. It was traded into a local resale shop as "used". It was brand new, because even though the plastic wrap was gone, the adhesive label at the top was still unbroken. Brand new dvd. $3.

  • oh rats its the trolley problem
  • No no no. See, she should have pulled the lever, ran over the 3 girls, backed the train up, pulled the lever again, ran over the one girl, THEN get on the train, and derail it.

    That's how you get the high score!

  • To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Board
  • It doesn’t disqualify him, it just lowers the bar for Trump

    This is the real takeaway. We've reached a point where we're not even sure either one can stay awake during important meetings.

    See? Shoulda went with Bernie Sanders. He may be just as old, but he's too angry to rest. He sees the injustices of the world, and he's been barking about them since the 60s. Getting arrested for his causes.

    I'm not saying Biden isn't sincere, but Sanders is so sincere that he's passionately angry at the system. The only thing that disqualifies him in my eyes is his age.......but fuck, if these are our only other two options, it's not much of a disqualification, is it? Biden gets confused halfway through his thought process that he moves over to another thought process midsentence. And Trump doesn't even start the sentence with a coherent thought process.

    So....uhhhh.......guess we're all just fucked?

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • I said this when Tamir Rice was killed. I said it in the 90s when the California kid was killed. And I'll say it here too.

    There's no one single person at fault, but the person at fault the most is the parents for not teaching their kid how not to be a dumbass.

    "Hey, what'cha doin' Jimmy?"

    "Just taking my toy gun out to play"

    "Whoa there! That's a bad idea. If this gets mistaken for a real gun, somebody will call the cops on you, and they'll KILL you for real! Nope! You're not going out with this gun. Even if it is plastic, a bb gun, a pellet gun, or anything else that could easily be mistaken as the real thing."

    And I've heard it before: "But cops are the ones KILLING the kid!"

    Yes, and I do agree that a LOT of what the cops do is corrupt, this is the ONE CASE where you expect them to shoot to kill. When they are under the impression that you have an active shooter, you WANT them to shoot to kill.

    "But it's NOT an active shooter! It's a toy gun!"

    And how do the cops know that? They get a call that theres a kid with a gun. Have you SEEN how many kids get real guns and shoot up schools the last 20 years??? They have to treat these situations as real.

    "But he's just a kid!"

    And a kid with a gun is just as deadly as an adult with a gun.

    The way to not have cops shoot you on the spot is to not appear like a deadly threat to society. Now we can sit around all day debating on how we got to this point, but the reality is we live in a world where kids shoot people with guns. If you have what looks to be a gun, you're gonna get shot. And the kid may not even know what he did wrong.....and thats the parents fault.

    Because if cops wait around, and figure things out first, you have Uvalde all over again. People were pissed, as they should be, that police showed up, and DIDN'T shoot a kid.

    I have no love for police in their current state. I'm even subscribed to a community on Lemmy called "the police problem".

    However, this is like the ONE THING they're good for, is stopping active shooters. Don't want to get shot by police? Don't make yourself appear as an active shooter.

  • What is *love*?
  • Don't worry. We can still do the club dance where we bash their body back and forth between us using our chests to throw them around, making them spill their overpriced club drink!

  • Tired kitty
  • God cats have the best life. They wake up when they want. No annoying alarm clock to tell them they're late to a place they don't want to be. Performing work they don't want to do, for an organization they don't like. Just to come back where they started at the start of their day....too tired to enjoy the 3-4 hours before bedtime ready to do it all over again.

    Nope. Cats just get to take 19 naps a day, be cute, and get free love and attention from the people providing this free lifestyle for them.

    And then sometimes....just sometimes....they stare into the void. It could be a blank white wall, but they see something we don't. Something frightning. Something terrifying!!! Whatever it is, it cannot be percieved by our simple human brains, but they can see it. They can see it clearly. So they take off running like a bat out of hell, racing up the stairs and under your bed, only to enter the cat dimension! No greebles can get to them in there! But what about the humans??? Can the humans survive the greebles attacks??? There is no way to find out until it happens. If the humans were smart, they'd have ran under this bed too when the greebles approached. All we can do now is wait, and prey that the macebre of death and destruction is at a minimal this time. For as a cat, they have seen this before, and know how it ends! It ends when the chosen son of goul is reserected into the body of.....wait, is the human using the CAN OPENER!!! CHICKEN! CHICKEN! CHICKDN! GIMMIE GIMMIE GIMMIE!!!!

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • It's not that they had no confidence. It's that they took Nintendos approach on hardware. Sell low at a loss, and make the money on software.

    Problem is, you could pirate every single game on dreamcast. Just get a legit copy of the game (renting, buying and returning, borrow from a friend), and have a CD burner.

    Then you could make a 1:1 copy of the game in roughly an hour. As the year 2000 went on, websites even made it easier by posting the game files for download. If you didn't have broadband (many didn't at the time. Most had 56k), you could go to your local library and carry a USB stick.

    So every console sold cost them money. And the software was performing abysmally. Plus, PS2 was right around the corner. XBox was an unknown, and Gamecube was assumed to do better than it did.

    From a console war perspective, the year 2001 may have been the most competitive year EVER for video games.

  • Poor Sega just didn't get the timing right.
  • Hey.......I still remember the release date. 9/9/99.

    Plus, you could use your dreamcast to talk to a fish. An insulting sarcastic fish.....but the game was narrated by Leonard Nemoy. Sometimes he'd insult you too.....

  • What if Tyrannosaurus Rexes moved and walked like chicken do?
  • You.......attacked the cocos??? YOU MONSTER!!!

    Fun fact, Danny Sexbang had ZERO idea about that feature despite playing Link to the Past growing up. It wasn't until Arin Hanson forced him to repeatedly attack them. Then we got to hear Dannys reaction in realtime for the first time ever seeing what happens.

  • Ohio Republicans force anti-trans bathroom ban at last minute
  • "These kids today have no future. They have NO future! Do you know what this place is gonna look like in 40 years? It's all going to be one big ball of flaming fucking shit. Thats what's going to happen." ~ George Carlin 2008.

    And with republicans in charge, Carlin may have overestimated the time it'll take. That was 16 years ago, and it feels like it already happened long ago.

  • Dr. Disrespect's YouTube Channel Demonetized After He Admits to 'Inappropriate' Chat With Minor
  • He doesn't affect me at all. I heard of him once about 5 years ago.......and then I forgot he existed until this development.

    trump doesn't affect me either.....but he's shoved into my face every minute of every day. And there's no stopping it. Even if some nutjob killed him, he would STILL be in the news about why he was killed. Nobody talks about Lyndon Johnson, but everybody talks about JFK. Nobody talks about Andrew Johnson, but everybody remembers Lincoln.

    Point is, there is no escaping it. At least with dr disrespect, you can just move on from that ONE post, and your day will be free of him for the rest of your day. Not so with trump.

  • I just had an idea that people smarter than me have probably had long before I heard of Lemmy.....but I don't see it implemented, so I'm sharing it anyways!!!

    Ok, so one of the bigger problems I see on Lemmy is the fact that I subscribe to dozens of different communities, but my feed is always the same. News news news technology technology technology.

    What if I want something lighthearted? What if I DON'T want to see certain topics???

    Maybe I'm at work, and a big sports game is going on. I don't want spoilers, so now I can't look at Lemmy.

    Or what if Nintendo hosts a Nintendo Direct before I get a chance to see it? Welp. Can't look at Lemmy.

    But......what if I could? What if my main feed was exactly what it is now. But what if I had user created catagories? I could make one called "News". Now if I want to see the news, I can include that catagory in my home feed. Or I can exclude it from my home feed. I could switch over to the news catagory, and then every community that I've designated under the news catagory that I've created will show ONLY those communities home feed.

    Or maybe I want to see only video game related stuff.

    Or maybe I only want to see sports stuff.

    I could even create user created tabs. I could name the first one "Happy" and it could include light hearted catagories. Things like /c/aww and /c/humor

    I could have a tab called "Serious" and it could be all news, and updates on the world.

    I could have a tab called "Nerdy" and it could be all technology and video game related stuff.

    Or I could have my main home tab, where I choose which communities/catagories do and don't appear.

    And you could do the same concept in Mastadon with followed users. If you follow some users who only post about pro-wrestling, and you don't want to see that? Uncheck your pro-wrestling catagory from your home feed tab. Have a seperate tab just for pro-wrestling.

    I'm sure you could implement this with other fediverse services. I just haven't used many to give examples of how they would work, if I don't know how the core platforms themselves work.

    We have GOT to do something about these bots....

    Ok, so I've been here almost two months now. And I'm a frequent commenter. What I have noticed is that almost every single comment I make gets exactly 1 downvote. Regardless of where, regardless of content. Doesn't matter what I say. I could say "Puppies are snuggly!" and it would get one downvote.

    This leads me to believe there's a bot (or maybe a series of bots) who go around and make sure everything gets downvotes. I don't see the point of that.

    Look, sometimes I make comments that people ACTUALLY don't agree with. I made a joke comment about trump and biden being young unheard of up and comers in the political world that haven't reached drinking age yet. I thought it was funny, but last I checked it had more downvotes than upvotes. Ok, fair enough. That joke bombed. I'll take the L on that one.

    But to downvote everything across the board? It's hard to tell when my material is just barely landing, or just barely not opposed to now assuming the downvote is a bot and I can't trust the negitive reaction.

    So, maybe this post could serve as a brainstorm session for how to combat this very minor problem. I'm not a techie with any knowledge of how bots operate, let alone how to stop them. But I'm sure others on this forum do. So lets hash this thing out!

    Found this ad in the airport of Mick Foley's model doppleganger.

    I work at the airport, and everytime I think it reminds me of Mick Foley, if Mick Foley took care of his body, and became a model.

    What are the criteria for trending communities?

    So I do NOT understand what makes a community trend. I thought I'd use it to discover communities I didn't even know I wanted. Instead, I've found a few communities I have no interest in, and thats fine. Not all communities are going to cater to everybodies tastes.

    But the real puzzler for me, is when I click a trending community, and theres 2 subsubscribers, 0 posts ever. What exactly qualifies that as a trending communities???

    I don't know if everybody sees the same trending communities, but if you do, theres one right now with a jumbled bunch of letters as the community name, no posts, 2 subscribers And the sidebar is a bunch of imdb links.......

    What am I supposed to do with that information? Why is THAT trending??? Is this a case of mods of that community (all one of them) are also the developers of Lemmy, so they program it that way? Or is this some algorithm thing that I don't get???

    What is going on here?


    Tonight!!! The Cleveland monsters look to become only the 4th team in history to accomplish a reverse sweep. Once down to the Hershey bears 3-0, the series is now tied 3-3 in a best of 7 series. With the winner of tonights game going on to face the Coachella Valley Firebirds this Friday at game 1 of the Calder Cup Series. The monsters in 2016, then known as the Lake Erie Monsters last won the Calder Cup in 2016, sweeping the Hershey Bears 4-0.

    Tonight, they battle the Hershey bears once again, this time in a game 7 to advance to the Calder Cup. Game starts at 7pm from Hershey PA, but can be watched on WUAB Channel 43 at 7pm.


    Cleveland Lost_My_Mind

    Tonight!!! The Cleveland monsters look to become only the 4th team in history to accomplish a reverse sweep. Once down to the Hershey bears 3-0, the series is now tied 3-3 in a best of 7 series. With the winner of tonights game going on to face the Coachella Valley Firebirds this Friday at game 1 of the Calder Cup Series. The monsters in 2016, then known as the Lake Erie Monsters last won the Calder Cup in 2016, sweeping the Hershey Bears 4-0.

    Tonight, they battle the Hershey bears once again, this time in a game 7 to advance to the Calder Cup. Game starts at 7pm from Hershey PA, but can be watched on WUAB Channel 43 at 7pm.


    New idea. Is this possible? Sub groups!

    Ok, so here's a situation I ran into, and thought of a solution for, but I'm not a programmer, so I don't know if this is possible.

    I live in Cleveland. Last I checked, we have a population of 300,00ish people. Might be closer to 350,000. Not the point.

    As it stands, in general I'd say roughly 10% of general society uses reddit. Using rough numbers, that would mean 30,000ish people. I just checked, and /r/Cleveland has 151,000 subscribers, but only 58 users on the site at the moment I checked. That tells me there's a lot of people subscribed to /r/Cleveland who no longer live in Cleveland.

    I refuse to believe that of roughly 300,000 people, half are on /r/Cleveland. Especially if only 58 are online. So, maybe a lot of bots.

    That being said Lemmy has probably less than 1% of society. And Cleveland has a finite number of potential users.

    So when I look for the Cleveland sublemmy, I find three of them. Two I could join right away, the third is still pending because it seems the mod is the only user, and he hasn't been active in months.

    Point is, this city, even if there was only one Cleveland sub would still have a very small userbase. Now we're dividing it among multiple communities all serving the same purpose. There's only so much that happens in Cleveland. The majority of the reddit posts are "where should I eat? What should I do when I visit? Why do you guys have billboards of just eyes?"

    There is NOT a lot going on here. And if we split these users up multiple times, you'll have what we have now. Multiple dead communities, with a split userbase. So logically the first idea is "Well you only need one Cleveland community. The other one should close." But that flies against the very foundation of what this place is built on.

    So how do you integrate both communities userbases as one, without merging the subs? And that's when it hit me.


    User groups, and sub groups. Lets start with sub groups.

    So lets say I'm the head of Cleveland@instance1 and Fred runs Cleveland@instance2. We both see the userbase problem. So I send Fred a message, and ask if he wants to group up. He says yes. Now we're grouped up. So what does that mean? It means that Joe, a Cleveland resident, could subscribe to Cleveland@instance2. It would then have some checkboxes that say "group Cleveland@instance1 and Cleveland@instance2?"

    And for every checkbox you leave ticked, you'll group those subs together. If you don't want to group them, uncheck the boxes of the ones you don't want to group.

    So now Joe is subscribed to Cleveland@instance2. But because he's grouped my Cleveland@instance one, everytime he posts, the comments and the up/downvotes for his comment will now be grouped together. So when he makes that post on Cleveland@instance2 it will show up on Cleveland@instance1 too. Anything in that post is technically being posted to Cleveland@instance2

    So if you ARE subscribed to Cleveland@instance1 but NOT subscribed to Cleveland@instance2, then you wouldn't even see the post in Cleveland@instance1. You're only seeing it, and able to interact with it from Cleveland@instance1 because they're both officially grouped, and you agreed to the grouping on your end when you subscribed.

    You could, in theory reject the grouping when you subscribe, and then subscribe to the second one seperately. Which would keep everything seperate and as it is now. I don't know who would want to do that, but it would be possible.

    Now, for the user groups.

    Pretty much the same concept, but on an individual basis. So, lets say I subscribe to videogames@instance and I also subscribe to gamers@instance. Those communities have NOT grouped for whatever reason, so YOU group them for yourself.

    So now when you post, you'll post once, and it will post your new post once in videogames@instance and once in gamers@instance.

    So now you posted two seperate posts, but because you grouped them on an individual basis, you'll see all the upvotes and replies in one post in your inbox on your end. In reality there are two seperate posts, but your interaction with it feels as one.

    What's the concensus on SpaceHey?

    I just learned about the Fediverse in May. I now have a Lemmy account, and a Mastadon account.

    I'm not interested in /kbin, as I have no interest in facebook, but something caught my eye. SpaceHey.

    Problem is, with mainstream things, you can google and find out which places are safe, private, not stealing your info........or you can find out that they're facebook, and stealing EVERYBODYS personal data. Even people who've never signed up.

    I have less info on SpaceHey. And since I figure you guys know what's going on, maybe you can give it a yay or nay. I'm also interested in Peertube.

    I've seen a few of their profiles, and when they say they made it just like 2008 myspace, they're pretty much wrong. This isn't 2008 myspace. By 2008 myspace was still a social network, but they were making major changes to the interface.

    The profiles I saw looked more like a customized myspace profile from 2006. It was just a huge difference, but I was there.

    Also, I'm unclear if it's because I have no account, but the profile display pictures don't seem to have any way to click them. You used to be able to click them, and go into a page of many pictures. The one on your profile we just called your "default photo". It was the one to represent YOUR profile. I'm also noticing that nobodies default photo is their own face. It's all anime and drawn picture art. That's not in the spirit on 2006 myspace. Your default pic was the one that you thought made you look the best.

    So youngin's, don't think the idea of super close face shots, or above the head looking down shots to hide your personal body issues are some new concept. We were doing it in the dying days of 56k connections. Back when some of you were learning your shapes and colors. We were debating if that picture was default worthy, and wondering if we should re-arrange our top 8. Then getting offended when our profile was dropped from one of our friends top 8s, or moved down a rank.

    Long before there was "facebook official" there was "top 8 worthy".

    So, is there anything bad I should know about SpaceHey, other than the massive amount of nostolgia it's hitting me with?

    Lemmy.World acts different on my tablet than it does on my cell phone.

    I like Lemmy.World. I'd like you use as my default experience.

    On my cellphone, I just click it in the sidebar. Done.

    On my tablet, I click it. It just displays a blank white page. Refreshing does not help. If I type in old.Lemmy.World, I get the old ui loaded, but I'm logged out, and it will not allow me to log in. It accepts the log in as a correct username/password, but then reloads the old ui with me still logged out.

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