This is the cutting wit I should be laughing at.....but life is too depressing.
Many of my exs were fat when I met them.
Trump? Doing illegal things??? Shocked! I am shocked! Yes, that's the word. No other word describes my feelings on this! Shocked I say!!!
........not that shocked actually.
Step 1: get young actress with big boobs who wants her next big break to wear a bikini with their logo to jump on a trampoline to shoot a commercial to be shown at the superbowl.
There is no step 2. This is how easy marketing is. Take a logo, slap it on some young tits, have them bounce. People remember your brand now!
Oh no, it's worse than that. I've explained several times to several people the terrible business practices that nestle use.
I've named off some of the bigger products they make.
90% of people I've explained this to gave zero shits. The other 10% feigned interest but didn't change their behavior.
So, the people I've explained it to can't feign ignorance. It's apathy.
Don't give the swastica website clickable advertising! You can just say kanye west is doing it. We don't need the web address.
I’m starting to lose my mind I feel it
Ha ha ha.....
Oooooooh. You mean killed his usage as a mascot. I thought he meant the actual owl died.
No it doesn't. It could be Ted Danson. And I assume Ted Danson doesn't even know about the fediverse.
The same....boat???? BOAT????
......this. This is something. There is video footage of hitler raising an arm, and hundreds of thousands of people all raise their arm. Nobody to speak out. Nobody to question things.
It's the same vibe I got looking at this.
Greenland to Red White and Blueland.
Forget for a second how corrupt and awful the whole thing is. We'll circle back to that for a discussion for sure. But, for a moment, is NOBODY going to speak up about how terrible that name is???
Now, usually this the point where I'd say nobodys speaking up, because they're all sucking each other off.
Then it was pointed out to me that having a dick in your mouth isn't an insult. Which misses the point of the insult. It's not the dicks, it's the idea of just ignoring logic and critical thinking in favor of mindless self gratification.
So now I gotta think of something else thats in all their mouths....
I know.....the Cubs won the world series. You just can be having that!
They just said "for this particular issue, the hard drive is not working, and so there's nothing we can do about that".
I agree the hard drive wasn't working. So I asked them to point me to the claus in the warrenty that dismissed them if the hard drive wasn't working within the warrenty period. They just kept transfering me around.
It's decades later, and I'm still of the belief that I was right. It's also the reason I hold no grudge towards best buy.
Seagate defined their warrenty as 90 days, barring user defects (so like if I had spilled a drink on it, or did something on my end that would break it). Since nothing about the defect had anything to do with me, I'd say I fall into their warrenty.
If I had opened the box sooner, and gotten it back to best buy with the reciept, within 14 days, I'd expect them to have taken it back. I opened it a month or so in, so that part is on me. Best buy defined their terms before I purchased. I was outside those terms. Sucked for me, but you can't fault best buy for that.
I was just mad that seagate said "this is our warrenty, these are our terms", and then didn't honor it on a defective drive. At that point I DO fault the company that doesn't honor their own word.
Yeah, but I'm not in your economy. Average wage around here is lkke $10/hr.
My rent is $500 less than whatever metric you're using, but our local ecconomy is also lowers than yours.
Average wage here is 10/hr for a factory job. I've heard some places like Seattle make $20/hr just working at starbucks.
And keep in mind my rent is basically 1 room.
I hadn't opened the package for about a month. Best buy had a 14 day return period, which is why I don't blame them. They offered their terms, I was outside of their return period, even if the package was unopened.
The seagate warrenty was 90 days. Which I was within.
Lakewood, a suburb of Cleveland. It's overpriced as hell.
Just a few weeks ago I made comments that I wouldn't be interested in buying seagate's latest 34 terabyte hard drive, or whatever it was.
My logic was that in 2008 when I bought a brand new seagate hard drive, and it was dead before I plugged it in, they refused to honor their warrenty.
Which to me, is them being an untruthful company. THEY wrote the terms of the warrenty. I fell within them. They refused to honor their warrenty.
Alright. Fine, you're on the blacklist. And I haven't bought a seagate product since.
And peoples response on lemmy to those comments was "it was 15+ years ago, they make better products now"
Which misses the point entirely. I'm not boycotting them to reduce risk of getting another junk product. I'm boycotting them because they don't stand behind their word.
I feel we as people need to stand up, and police the businesses. Ok, so McDonalds is supporting trump. Mcdonalds is supporting russia. Mcdonalds is doing all this shady shit? Well then STOP BUYING BIG MACS, ASSHOLE! If we, collectively as a society held dishonest businesses to the flame for shady practices, then these shady businesses would stop being shady.
It's a simple formula.
(Shady thing) - (lost sales from protests) + (completed purchases) = total dollars.
Now, if the lost sales from protests swallows the completed purchases, then that means that shady thing cost them money. When that happens, they will stop doing the thing that loses them money.
But if the shady thing boosts their sales more than the protests cost the sales, it becomes just a cost of doing business.
It seems like such a simple concept too. Don't buy from shitty companies, but yet Nestle is out here just thriving.
You kids just don't know what it's like! When I was 19, it was 2002, and do you know who we had as a president? We had an idiot that couldn't socially function, but the republicans made excuses for him daily. You don't know what that's like.
When I was 19 we had a president that thought he deserved to be president just because of his last name. You don't know what that's like.
When I was 19, we had an overly polarized society where nobody could agree on anything! It was almost like the media was pushing a divide among people. You don't know what that's like.
When I was 19, the republicans in texas were trying to reshape our lexicons by calling it "freedom fries" when everybody knew that was just a thinly veiled attempt at pushing racism through by removing the name of a foreign country from a well established term. You don't know what it's like.
When I was 19, we had a president that racist people loved, but everyone else could easily tell he was racist. You don't know what it's like.
When I was 19, there was an unwarrented mass hysteria that we were going to be entering WWIII soon, even though no nation wanted that. You'd turn on the news every night and see stories of war overseas, and think something bigger was about to erupt. You don't know what that's like.
When I was 19, we had a president that made up his own phrases, such as fool me once, shame on....shame on you. Fool me twice....can't get fooled again! He would just make up his own phrases and words to suit his own political image, and never admit he made a mistake. Well then the other republicans would DEFEND his misuse of language and covfefe him! You don't know what that's like.
When I was 19, everybody complained about everything being made in china, but nobody actually did anything to STOP that from being the case. They'd just blame china as an easy political fall guy who they didn't need to worry about consequences of. You don't know what that's like.
When I was 19, gas prices were a real problem! They often got as high as $1.10 per gallon! Outrageous! You don't know what that's like!
When I was 19, you just COULDN'T afford food. You'd get a job at a fast food job just to take home the extra food or whatever. Living off of ramen noodles, and rice. And hey, if it's 3 hours until close, and the boss says to put 6 potatoes in the oven.....and you put 8? oopsie poopsie! That's how you had to eat during a time when the politcal regime didn't care about it's people! You don't know what that's like!
When I was 19, healthcare was absurdly expensive! It often felt like the rich were just profiting off of peoples suffering. You don't know what that's like.
When I was 19, the police were corrupt, and not held to any amount of accountability. They'd get away with whatever they wanted, and would often beat people, or kill them without reason. You don't know what that's like! today man, I tell ya! It's a different world out there now!
GUYS!!! Why are there like 4 Cleveland communities, but all of them are dead??? Let's all post here, and let's all say all the Cleveland things!
And since I know controversy creates engagement, and will get you guys to post in this thread, I'll go first.
I don't like the west side market. I don't see all the hype, and quite frankly, the only perk they have that makes it slightly worth thinking about is the fact that you can easily get to it via the red line rapid. Outside of the convenience factor, I don't see what all the hype is about. And my one visit to Sokolowski's left me unimpressed!
Dear Aldis....
Why are you like this? I show up to buy ramen noodles, and I can't find them. So I think "Did they move them? There's not an empty space on the shelf where they used to be. Either they moved them, or they no longer carry them."
So I ask a person, who's stocking shelves with a look on her face that tells me she's now 3 hours behind schedule and worried about being tied to the rack after her shift and whipped mercilessly. That mixture of anxiety and fear make me even hesitant to break her concentration. So I ask another employee who's seemingly having a staring competition with a milk carton. I can't tell if she's winning or losing. Either way I'm fairly sure she's high as balls. I ask her if they've moved the ramen noodles. The response I'm met with is "Oooooh, yeah, maybe."
........ok? Can you maybe point me in the right direction?
"Well, they're probably getting ready for valentines day. They sometimes change the packaging to be holiday themed".
At this point, I'm thinking she misheard me? Because when the fuck have you EVER seen valentines day themed ramen noodles??? I'm not talking about fancy shit. I'm talking those little tiny packs of noodles you get for like 50 cents each. The cheap shit!
So I ask "No, I'm asking about RAMEN noodles."
and she replies back like I'm stupid "Yeah, we're probably waiting on the valentines day packaging."
Now, I'm fairly sure since I asked twice, and made sure to enunciate clearly the second time, I'm fairly sure she didn't mishear me, but there's still SOME miscommunication going on. I just have no idea I don't know how to move this conversation along. My brain is really struggling to even comprehend what a valentines day ramen noodle would be. Like, is it just pink packaging with hearts? Are the pre-cooked noodles shaped like a heart instead of a square? Is it a special flavor? I'm totally lost by what we're discussing at this point.
Just then another guy walks by dragging a big cart behind him to stock shelves. And she says over to him "Hey, are we still waiting for the valentines day ramen?" and he says yes. He just agrees with her.
I'm fairly sure they're messing with me at this point. I don't know what is happening or even what to envision with valentines day ramen noodles.
I just googled it, and I'm finding stuffed animals from 5 below in the shape of ramen noodles.....which, just in itself.....what?
I'm finding etsy products where they take ramen noodle imagery, and valentines day imagery, and make a pink wrapper for the noodles......again....what?
But I'm not finding official products from any ramen noodles producer that seem to be real. So. What the hell just happened???
Then I go over to where the hot chocolate packs are. I buy 1 pack every 2 weeks in the winter. The space where they'd normally be is totally empty. So I sigh, and walk away. That week our current temperatures were negative 5. I can fully understand why hot chocolate sold out that week.
Next week I go in. Temperatures are now 25 degrees. Still not warm, but not nipple hardeningly cold as it was. Still though, it's been almost 2 weeks at this point since I had hot chocolate. Still none.
Last week I go. Still a bare shelf. At this point I want to ask an employee if they've stopped carrying it, or if there's some manufacture issue. But that didn't exactly go great last time, and my sanity isn't exactly my strong suit right now. I'm not sure I could handle being told some random bullshit like Marty McFly came back from the distant future year of 2015, and took them all. This was almost a month ago, so I don't think the new tariffs, even if they would be affected, would be in place yet.
And I can't even call Aldi's before I leave my house to go get hot chocolate. I'd love to just call and ask "Hey, is it on the shelf right now? It's not? Well that saves me 45 minutes coming out there for something you don't have! Thanks!"
Instead, I just gotta roll the dice, possibly waste my day off, and don't talk to anyone. That's what obtaining hot chocolate has come to. I'm legitimately considering going to Walgreens......but then I remember that they always have the same cashier, who always wants to talk your ear off. And I'm sorry, but I don't give a shit about your kids. I don't care what award he won in 3rd grade. I don't care about his peanut allergies. I've never met your kids. I have no interest in doing so. I'm just here to buy whatever handful of items you happen to carry that are hard to find elsewhere. Which apparently no longer includes DVD-R's. I wanted to buy a small bundle of maybe 10. I understood I'd be overpaying, but fuck it. I just wanted to get home, use 1, and throw 9 in a drawer to never be used again. But no. Walgreens doesn't even carry them anymore. They'll carry a USB stick of 8gb for $30, but no DVD-R's. In fact the cashier didn't even know what I was talking about. She used the excuse "DVD what? Like the players?" "No, these are like the discs, except they're blank. You can write data to them." "No, we sell some DVD movies that nobody ever buys...." and points to a bin of movies that nobody should ever buy. Why are these here? Why do these even exist at all? Who is ever going to buy a Tim Allen movie called "Restless for the holidays"? See you've never heard of that movie, and don't know if I just made it up, but it serves the example of the level of movies they're carrying in the Walgreens $5 dvd bin. All that to say that no, these dvd's are not DVD-Rs. And she says to me "Oh.....I don't know what they are. I'm too young for that."
Was NOT angry before she said that. I was disappointed. THAT comment brought me to "NOW LISTEN HERE YA LITTLE SHIT!!!" levels of anger internally. Holy shit. I have a good poker face, so she never even knew I was mad, but oh my god.
All of this entire post just to say, that I'm cold in my apartment, and instead of using my new electric kettle I got in December, I'm sitting at my desk in a sweater! A SWEATER!!! LIKE A PLEB!!! ARE YOU HAPPY ALDI'S??? YOU DID THIS!!!!
I wrote this from the perspective of a kayfabe fan. If you've never heard the term kayfabe, it's an old carny term. It means to go along with the routine. Basically carnys are trying to scam you, and so they all work as a team. If they're in character, maybe one pretends to be an average carnival goer, such as yourself. They pretend to be just part of the crowd. And if they see you're being roped into a scam, they walk over, and rope you in further using the disguise as not being part of the scam to gain your trust. Then encourage you to fall for more scams.
Well in the old days of pro wrestling, it was presented as a legitimate competition. The scam was it's all rigged, and it's predetermined. Who wins and loses is all based on what will scam you out of the most money. Back then nobody realized this pro wrestling was all just a carny work.
And so I'm writing this unpopular opinion examining the character(s) that Mick Foley portrayed from the perspective of someone who's been taken in by kayfabe. But when you think of what's happening here, if you thought it were real, then Mick Foley would have SERIOUS mental health issues. And I'm presenting the stories told through the eyes of a kayfabe fan. Which is unpopular because nobody wants to think of the ramifications for what it would all imply.
So he starts off in the early 1980s, wrestling in small towns in upper state new york. Wrestling in small time wrestling shows organized by the guy who trained him.
He doesn't have the self confidence to be himself, and doesn't want to bring shame to the Foley name. So he uses a temporary name until he feels he's good enough to ditch it. He wrestles a handful of matches, before his trainer gets him an oppertunity to wrestle as enhancement talent in the WWF against The British Bulldogs.
This match was brutal, and even after retiring, he STILL listed this match as one of the hardest times he'd ever been hit in the head. This coming from the guy who's a meme on reddit for having fallen off the hell in a cell in nineteen ninety eight. But we'll get there eventually.
This match with the bulldogs is one of the hardest he'd ever been concussed, and I'm saying it's the first of many pivitol points for his mental state.
As often times it does, this "oppertunity" went nowhere. The WWF just needed two nobodies to lose to their champions without hurting the credability of their other stars. A blink and you'll miss it moment of Cactus Jack being on WWF tv in the 1980s.
So he keeps at the local circuit, eventually making his way to Japan after getting a reputation as being the guy who can do really violent things without it affecting him.
About this time in the early 1990s, WCW had become a nationally televised wrestling product, but a clear distant number 2 to the WWF. However the owner was Ted Turner, who had a grudge against WWF owner Vince McMahon over business deals gone bad in the 80s.
So Turner was trying to crush the WWF through WCW. Which meant WCW was willing to take wild chances. Mick Foley by this point had been punishing his body for almost 10 years on a nightly basis. He caught the attention of WCW, who signed him based on his wild man antics.
Now Mick was in a number 2 company, nationally televised and had a chance to make a name for himself on a national level. Mick knew he didn't stand a chance to compete on star power or good looks against the likes of Sting, and Ric Flair. So he took a different approach. Do things nobody else can do. Be completely different than anyone else in all of professional wrestling. Become can't miss television programing by being like nothing else you can see anywhere else from anyone else. And he did this by becoming car crash tv, with his body being the car crash. He took chairshots, he took dives, he lost teeth, he fell on concrete, he worked with brutes that tore his ear off, he hung himself by his neck and let his body dangle, he put his body through hell with a smile on his face to convince the audience that this guy was nuts! And it worked.
As his wild and violent antics reached new audiences, WCWs ratings rose. But Cactus Jack got hit in the head too many times, and got Lost in Cleveland. Joined a cult of homeless people. It was a whole thing. Then he remembered he was a WCW wrestler, so he came back.
There was one problem. Mick Foley's violent style didn't fit the Turner networks family friendly image. So a few years later, he was let go. Then he went to Japan, won King of the Deathmatch. Got even MORE violent, came back to America, joined ECW, played with fire, Foley's hero Terry Funk got burned, and it made Cactus Jack swear off the hardcore lifestyle. He wrestled the next few months doing headlocks. Lots and lots of headlocks. Long boring safe headlocks. In front of an ECW crowd. The same crowd that cheered when New Jack stabbed a 16 year old legit, who later died of complications of both obesity, and complications of his stabbing. The ECW cheered that level of violence, and here was Cactus Jack intentionally pissing them off with non-violent manuevers.
Then Mick Foley left the public eye for a few months, lost even MORE of his sanity, and changed his name to Mankind. Now he lived in boiler rooms, ripped his own hair out, called out for "Mommy", which was in reference to a fat man who at the time was keeping his own psychopathic son locked in the basement ashamed of his own grotesque burned image for the past 30 years. This fat man was named Paul Bearer, and he had spent the last 30 years mentally gaslighting his stepson for murdering his own parents and half brother, his son, knowing full well that his son was alive and well. I know. I know. Wrestling is awesome.
And now with this emotional and mental manipulator playing the role of his mommy, he kind of just had a full mental breakdown. Completely lost any resemblance to rational thinking.
So he did what any overweight guy missing teeth, missing an ear, body covered in scars, and lacking any sense of rationality would do. He gained confidence, put on some tye-dye, and became a ladies man from the 1960s. Owwww! Have MERCY!
Then he started battling his own multiple personalities. Mankind had evolved to being the slob version of him in sweatpants on a lazy sunday afternoon, who stuffs his pants with his best friend, a sock puppet who he sticks in other peoples mouth, and sucks up to his boss by eating ravioli and fist fighting an alcoholic who shows up to work drunk driving a beer truck splashing beer everywhere.
Like I said, wrestling is awesome.
He also is Cactus Jack. A violent self abuser who inflicts as much destruction on himself as his opponent.
And unlike most people with multiple personalities, they don't come and go over time. He once wrestled one match, three different times, as three different versions of himself.
Then comes the part everyone knows him for. The Hell in a Cell was a match type that was meant to be nothing more than a chain link fence surrounding the ring as a visual. The idea being that if a cage surrounded the ring on all sides, and had a roof, no one could get in or out. And that went horribly wrong.
There had been a few Hell in a Cell matches before this, with the highlights always coming from dropping partway down. In the first one Shawn Micheals climbed about HALFWAY up the wall of the cage, and then fell off. Because nobody would ever fall from the top right? Thats a 20 foot fall. That's insane. So naturally before the match, Mankind says to himself "What if we START the match on TOP of the cell??? That'd be pretty crazy, right?" It certainly was. And he certainly was. He gets thrown 20 feet off a makeshift chainlink fence, which was already buckling under the weight of both him and the Undertaker. He falls through a table, which he basically just bounced off onto a concrete floor with no padding, into the side of a guardrail that did not budge.
It took medics 10 minutes to make sure he wasn't dead, and his mental reaction to that is........"Ya know what? I'm gonna head back up there. Give that a second go. It's like chumbawumba always says. I get knocked down, but the medical team confirms my breathing and heart rate is stable, get me to my feet, I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!"
What? You never heard the unabridged version of that song? Moving on.
So he gets back on top of the cell AGAIN. And as dangerous as the first fall was, now all hell breaks loose. Or rather all hell in a cell breaks loose! Ah, wordplay! What I'm trying to say is that a tragic disaster nearly happened which was inches if not millimeters from ending Mick Foleys life live on PPV. When he woke up, he was in the ring, eyes, mouth and nose filled with blood, knocked out tooth in his nose, and he had the appearance of smiling because he was pushing his tounge through a hole which had just been ripped in his skin just under his bottom lip. The image of him dying in the ring, EMTs attending his now pale corpse, Undertaker standing on top of the cell clearly unsure what he should be doing, and Jim Ross on commentary speaking in hushed concerned tones. Is something I thought would be the most haunting thing I ever saw on WWF television, with the most emotionally gut wrenching presentation I'd ever seen. Everyone watching knew the show was a show. We all knew it was all a production. This was all part of the show......but at the same time we all knew THIS wasn't part of the show.........and now he's sitting up and smiling into the camera with a tooth in his nose. This motherfucker. It's the only time that for me the lines got blurred. Is Mankind crazy? Or is Mick Foley crazy? Either way we're cheering for mental illness right now.
Usually when I post a comment the spinny wheel takes 1-3 seconds. Today it's taking 45-90 seconds. So I reset my phone, thinking it's just me, but no.
Anyone else having this issue, or is Verizon throttling Lemmy for me?
So, if the president dies, the procedure is that the vice president would then become president for the remainder of the term.
But what would happen if some extremist group somehow kidnapped the president (any sitting president, so this isn't targeted towards trump specifically, although I guess for the next 4 years it would be).
Like, lets say every Monday at noon, this extremist group did a live stream somehow, showing that the president is still alive, still coherent, but ballgagged so they can't just blurt out where they are.
And lets say that nobody is able to figure out where they're broadcasting from. For years.
Would that president remain president? Or would they treat them as dead, even though they're shown to be alive, and vice president becomes president for the remainder of the term?
Call it a midlife crisis. Call it a justifiable reaction to what reality around me has become. Call it a complete breakdown of my mental well being. Just don't call it a comeback. There's no coming back from this.
I figure I'll just let go. Go into the light. I'm still alive, but mentally I'll be already gone.
Weeeeeeee!!! Let's fall down on the ice again, and explode into a million pieces, and eat some rock candy! That's not candy! It's my toe! That's what Joe Walsh used to say. Smoooooooke on the water......a pencil in your eye........
stares blankly at a wall
That leprechaun smells like toast.
So I just got home from work, and I was playing Nintendo Switch at work. Well, the battery died.
So I get get home, plop that bad boy in the dock. Turn on the TV, turn on my controller, and.....TV has no signal, controller isn't connecting.
I walk over, and press and hold the power button while it's in the dock, and it's not doing anything. I pull it out of the dock, and press the power button. It's showing me a blank screen with a red battery symbol to indicate no battery.
Yeah, that's fine. The dock has external power. Use that. Except, no. It's not. I need to wait for it to charge for a few minutes. At least enough to turn it on. THEN I can run off of wall power.
I understand the BATTERY is dead. I get that. But why can't you just draw from AC if it's in the dock? I don't even care if it's charging right now. I just want to play. It can charge later when I go to sleep, and it's just in the dock all night.
I want the switch 2 to just be drop and play, even with a dead battery. Bad enough I need to worry about if my controller is charged!
Can we bring back the WiiU controller battery life? I'm pretty sure that thing is still charged since the 1970s. Which doesn't even make sense, but it still somehow goes to show how long that controllers battery lasted.

So I'm walking home, and there's this little tiny bit of ice. Psssshhhhh big deal. I got this. I walk over worse ice than this every day! This is childs play! Bitch please!!! This ice ain't nothin!!!! Why you makin' my life worried about ice? Ain't nothin but a thaaaaang! Just some frozen water on the sidewalk! No big deal!
What I'm trying to express is that I was not concerned about a thin layer of ice on the sidewalk.
Well I step over it. I thought I stepped over it. I stepped on it. So I start slipping. No big deal, I'll just position my other foot on the unpacked layer of snow, to get some traction. All of this took place in all of 0.5 seconds.
Well I do that, and turns out I stepped on MORE ice. So I'm like "oh shit, there's a genuine chance I might fall here.......oh, actually, I think I'm falling. I think I might legitimately be falling. OH SHIT I AM FALLING! I should prepare an impact stratagy. Ok. So basically I want to tuck my chin forward, spread my arms and shoulders, and curl my knees. That's going to spread the point imact over a greater space while preventing my head from impact. Also, with curled knees, my legs shouldn't break upon impact as long as I roll WITH the impact. I mean, worst case scenario, you get a bruise.
Yeah, I had all of 0.5 seconds to formulate that plan. So even though my instinct kicked in, and I did what I could, I didn't have time to actually engage my plan. I just sort of slipped, and suddenly my knee hurts. Took the fall mostly on my knee. One second I'm up, and walking, the next I'm on the ground, wondering how I'm going to get up.
Now, it's 3 hours later and my thumb really hurts. I didn't even know my thumb was part of the landing. But it hurts now, and it's purple. And it's the biggest "injury" I got from the fall. Mild bruise on my knee, but my thumb is purple.
I made an owwie, and now I'm bored on the internet at 4AM. No I didn't hit my head. I'm not loopy. I'm just a weird person. I'm eating potatoes.
Open-source instant messaging server that makes classic AIM and ICQ clients work again. - mk6i/retro-aim-server

I just heard about RetroAIM. Which is a way to use AIM (AOL Instant Messanger) in the modern day, running your own servers.
Good vs Evil. A story as old as time itself. It's a story of a legitimate basketball game, played by the greatest basketball players of all time, as told from the perspective of a Harlem basketball fan.
It's a movie about Keenan and Kel working at Good Burger in their mid 40s. They have mental trauma so they regularly call radio psyciatrist Fraiser Krane.
Keenan and Kel never meet Fraiser, but half the movie is Keenan and Kel, and half the movie is Fraiser. They're regular callers, and screaming in agony in the world that is 2025.
I am NOT ok with music in the 90s being refered to as "oldies". Oasis is NOT oldies!!!
So it's these little GPS enabled robots the size of a marble. You stick them up your butt, and then they walk around, and map your insides, sending real time data and imaging to your doctor.
And they're programmed to do all sorts of stuff. Like if you can't poop, these things find the source of the blockage, and carry small chunks of poop and dump them in the toilet, before marching back up to complete their big brown business.
And they search for tumors inside you. They could even tattoo QR codes inside your bowels with a link back to a 20% off chipotle coupon, so when your doctor is rooting around in there, he can get lunch.
Person - Nick Jagger.
Place - Las Angeles.
Thing - Lawnmover.
And then Pat Sajak just acts like it's spelled right. "WHAT'DYA MEAN IT'S NOT NICK JAGGER??? HE'S THE SINGER FROM THE ROLLING STONED!"
So I have a style of comedic timing, that can basically be described as "Angry old man rants, while making culturally relevant references".
And part of my whole bit, is I'll list 3 things that are wrong in society that should make you angry/depressed, but because I'm ranting about them I'm making them into a joke. The joke being that I'm saying things that are true, I'm just saying them really really loudly.
5 years ago, I made the 3rd one into "And California can best be described as CURRENTLY ON FIRE!!!"
At the time, there was a wildfire. I figured, I better get in on that before they put the fire out. Not like it's going to be funny anymore in 3 months, right? seems like I've not had to replace that line anytime I do one of my rants. It's been 5 years, and it seems like every few months there's ALWAYS another news story about California battling some raging inferno.
The original line was "And Australia can best be described as CURRENTLY ON FIRE", but that cultural reference came and went pretty quickly. Today most people don't even remember that some ridiculous amount like 70% of Australia inhabited areas were at one time engulfed in 30 foot tall fires in 2019.
But whereas Australia had a disaster, and an emergency situation, they did put it out. They put out the flames, and I assume they'll be rebuilding for decades. New Orleans still to this day is rebuilding after Hurricane Katrina in 2004.
But, the point is, Australia has moved past their calamity. California it seems like it's never ending. They put out THIS fire, and then there's THAT fire a few months later. Then they put out THAT fire, but there's ANOTHER FIRE sometime later. Repeat and repeat and repeat.
Should we be worried that California seems to basically be an infinite tinderbox just waiting for a spark? I mean, I still get upvotes when I poke fun of all the chaos and destruction, but at this point it's starting to feel like making fun of the slow kid in class who eats glue.
Back when the X-Men movies were coming out, I had an idea. Instead of the 5 or so X-Men movies we got, I thought it would have been cooler to shoot 1 massive movie, that is released over multiple movies. If you don't think that's doable, I'll remind you that all 3 Back to the Future movies originally were supposed to be one movie. Then they realized it was waaaaay too long, and chopped it up into 3 movies, and added some padding on the 3rd movie.
But my idea is first you see X-Men. And it's a stand alone movie, but the individual X-Men kind of rotate in and out until the final battle of the movie. Only thing is, the final battle doesn't happen in this movie. Instead, the big finale is Morph of the X-men dies. He would be heavily featured in the main movie. As basically the "main character", since the other X-Men are tagging in and out so rapidly.
Then, 3 months later, we get "X-Men: Prof X". It's a back story of Charles Xavior, and how he started the X-Men. And it shows his lifes work leading up to, and including the events of X-Men. You even see every time Xavior was onscreen in X-Men, that footage is reused in "X-Men: Prof X" as part of the story. But this movie expands on his personal role in the main movie. And this movie would only be in theaters a short time. Maybe a month.
Then X-Men: Wolferine would come out. And again, his backstory, and the events leading up to, and including the footage from X-Men.
And you begin to see why the main movie the X-Men cycle in and out. Each individual X-men will get a brief run movie, and each movie will include footage from the original movie.
I figure Cyclops and Jean Grey would be bundled together for their backstory movie, and their scenes in the main movie would be bundled.
And each one would get these full movies, but they're like side piece movies. Thats why they get limited runs.
And remember when I said the final battle doesn't happen? Well, I lied. The final battle just doesn't happen in the FIRST movie. The second movie X-Men 2 picks up immediately after the first one ends. And by that, I mean even in shooting it's shot as just one continuous scene so the second one picks up IMMEDIATELY after Morphs death.
Then they spend the first third of the second movie regrouping, and making sure they're well prepared for the battle. And the middle third is fighting big fights, but not the final battle.
Then the final third is the big epic battle everything has been brewing towards. And it comes to a finale.
And then they judge audience engagement. If the audience just wants X3, thats where they go. But, if they want more Morph, they can do a Morph backstories movie. He doesn't get one with the rest, because he's already the main character of the first movie.
Oh......and by the way.......MY version would have had Wolferine WEAR THE GOD DAMN YELLOW SUIT!!!
But here's the cool thing about all of this. Both X-Men, X-Men 2, and all of the backstory movies (with the exception of Morph) would all be shot at the same time.
And the entirety of X-Men can be seen in the backstory movies if you watch all of them. However in each individual backstory movie, only maybe 15 minutes of the original movie is present, because each one only shows the footage reletive to that movie.
So anytime Wolferine is on screen in X-Men, that same footage will be used in X-Men: Wolferine. But you won't see Cyclops in X-Men: Wolferine unless he shared screen time with Wolferine in X-Men.
So this may be a very very niche use case......
But I have an 8bitdo Switch arcade stick. And I just bought this game yesterday. Now, I've only played it in handheld mode, but I cannot WAIT to get home, and play it with my arcade stick.
It's use of in game currency to advance yourself really replicates the spirit of quarter draining. $1000 in game currency = a 1-up. There's upgrades though. If you buy upgrades with your cash, all further runs will be a bit easier. Or you can unlock characters which have different abilities.
There seems to be just 4 stages, but I'm sure that'll unlock more stages as I beat all 4. I only did a quick pickup and play. Beat the 1st stage, died in the second one.
But if I'd have had $3,000 I could have traded in for 3 tokens. I only had $750. I know. I suck. But I was just playing casually on the joycons. When I get home, it's time to get down to serious business!
My point is, this game gave me the retro vibes of a arcade beat em up, while still maintaining the modern approach to game design. And still taking the time really think about how to handle unlockables. It's not just "reach the end of the stage, and beat the boss". There's a whole bunch of unlockables, and each one takes tokens to unlock. So you have to earn the money, and then decide if you're going to cash out, and delete your save, which gives you the tokens for unlockables? Or are you going to keep going, get MORE cash as you play, and risk using your cash on 1-ups?
I'm just starting, but this looks like a meaty advanture. I wish I were able to play this back in my drinking days.
That shit is OVER! Take down your decorations. You're past the socially accepted limit.
Unless your name is Mick Foley. He's allowed to be as crazy as he wants. When YOU fall 18 feet to your death, twice in 30 minutes, and still get up breathing......yeah, nobody gonna mess with the hardcore legend.