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Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • I think that some of us hoped "strong ties" would maybe stop at "enabling genocide." Biden has signaled disapproval, but the US is also basically threatening the ICC for making a warrant for bibi. Absolutely unhinged shit. Dude is unquestionably a war criminal.

  • Helldivers, what are your favorite loadouts?
  • Yes! The adjudicator is criminally underrated. I honestly thought it was fine as a high fire rate DMR, but with the mag size increase and recoil reduction it's a beast. Good scope. Manageable hip fire. Two taps devastators to the face, and kills them to the chest if necessary.

    I do run it fairly regularly on bots but the only reason it isn't my main is because the scorcher can handle scout striders.

    I don't run it on bugs because ammo management becomes an issue. It takes about a full mag to kill a single hive guard (last I tried at least) and the comparatively low mag size and recoil make it not great for clearing chaff. Not awful, just not spectacular enough to compete with the breaker incendiary.

  • Please vote
  • I may be a shitlib for saying this but biden debated trump before and handled him. There's no reason he couldn't have handled him now, except his brain is soup. Trump's brain is likely in a similar situation, but seeing as he already spoke like a 3rd grader, the difference isn't as alarming.

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  • Seriously he just needed one or two dark brandon moments to get trump on tilt and it's smooth sailing from there. Oh well. I'll enjoy the dem campaign managers running around with their hair on fire while I can. They should've managed someone else into the spotlight years ago.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Sure, but they're like a car trying to make it to the finish line with 2 flats and a broken axle. They lost a lot of support when they killed roe and are losing people on the trans culture war, if only because it's been the only thing they've talked about for the past several years.

    Granted, a lot of dems are working hard to be unelectable, so we'll have to see if the GOP can establish a fascist theocracy before they fall apart. It's a toss up currently.

  • Oh Joe...
  • completely self-destructs

    Well the GOP is on its way, and if they reform into a moderately sensible party, the dems will have to move left to actually differentiate themselves.

    I'm dreaming though.

  • Helldivers, what are your favorite loadouts?
  • I definitely feel you on the unlimited ammo. I switched to EAT main because dying and being separated from your quasar during heavy fighting is really rough. I'm probably competent enough now to avoid that, so I might try it out again. Also much fewer heavies with the spawn changes.

  • Helldivers, what are your favorite loadouts?

    You know the ones. Old faithful, when you aren't feeling spicy and just want to spread managed democracy as hard as you can.


    • Incendiary breaker: great impact damage, burns. Kills everything below a charger easily. Perfect for sweeping across waves of chaff and letting them burn.

    • Grenade pistol: perfect for closing bug holes alone and from a distance.

    • Incendiary impact grenades: closes bug holes, area denial for chaff, good damage against bigger bugs.

    • Light armor with + grenades: speed is important for kiting, and can never have too many incendiary grenades against bugs.

    • Orbital gas strike: shuts down breaches, low CD, simple as. Used to stan orbital airburst but it doesn't last as long as the breach.

    • Orbital railcannon: sometimes you need a charger dead now. This will do the trick.

    • Shield pack: protects from incidental damage and slows from hunters and stalkers. Lets me gamble a bit more on letting bugs burn to death and conserving ammo.

    • EAT: slaps everything, low enough CD to stockpile or share. Combined with the orbital rail, you can handle a lot of heavies at once.

    Criticisms of my own build: The shield is kind of a crutch, but it really comes in handy when running light armor, saving your ass from incidental stunlock deaths and getting wrecked by an unseen charger. Also saves from friendly fire, especially rovers and turrets. I recently switched from mining orbital airburst to gas for breaches, but I do think airburst is much easier to use for cleaning up massive waves. The incendiary breaker is one of the easiest weapons to team kill with due to the fire and insane spread it has. Running it alongside the grenade pistol basically means I am unable to support allies from a distance without being very likely to murder them. This is very much a "do everything yourself" build and not a team oriented one. I switch it up with friends in comms, but randos get this build.


    • Scorcher: Hits hard, pens medium, explodes. Takes out devastators and walkers alike.

    • Redeemer/verdict: Both delightful, depends how I'm feeling. Definitely necessary to run something with high damage output because the scorcher has a small magazine.

    • Impact grenade: Tricky to use on fabricators, but takes down walkers and group chaff like a charm.

    • Medium armor with explosion resistance: keeps mobiity while preventing you from getting wrecked by a stray rocket.

    • Eagle airstrike: Hands down favorite strategem on bots. Hits multiple fabricators, takes out tanks, heavy patrols, can do decent damage to a factory strider if hit right.

    • Autocannon: Should need no explanation but I will anyway. Kills fabricators from a distance, 2 shots devastators, cripples hulks, kills static guns/mortars, basically does everything. If there's already 2 acs in a group, I'll run the spear instead for more direct murdering of hulks and striders.

    • Eagle cluster bomb: Big wave clear.

    The last slot is flexible. On lower difficulties I might run orbital gas because it can actually kill fabricators as long as the strategem is on top of or touching the building, and the gas will wipe out a small factory easily. Airburst might do the same but it just occurred to me that I have no idea if it destroys fabricators. On higher difficulties I might take orbital rail, especially if I'm running autocannon because sometimes those hulk face shots are hard to hit.

    Criticism: I should probably run stun grenades over impact to deal with hulks, but the instant results of the impact are great. If I have to reload facing down devastators or walkers, impacts clean up quick. This build is more tuned towards larger enemies. The bug build has the advantage of the incendiary breaker being a glorious wave clear weapon, while the scorcher is single target and very low ammo. The eagle cluster sort of helps there, but I rely on secondary weapons fairly often.

    Feel free to share your builds, suggestions, and criticisms. I will die on several of these hills.

    Ever dive into a black hole?

    Crushing gravity isn't that big a deal, once you get used to it.

    So the game lets you finish mission sets even if the planet is liberated (or destroyed, I guess) so I was able to visit Meridia and dive again even though the planet is gone.

    2 down, 10 to go

    Maybe oc? I'm sure someone else has thought of this already.

    Catbox full size images not loading

    Not sure if this is a connect problem or catbox problem, but often when clicking an image hosted on catbox, it'll flash the low res then show a broken image picture when it tries to load the high res version.

    Unrelated issue but I've also noticed that occasionally when turning the screen on while viewing an external link in-app, the app will crash.

    Heard it was world rat day

    Post pic is the outgoing one.


    This is the adventurous one.

    Fat little turkey

    She's not actually that fat, just a very unflattering angle.

    How much game am I missing?

    I played ages ago and got scared off by the learning curve, but a friend recently got me back in. The problem is that this friend has a "speedrun" mindset and wants me to get end-game ASAP. To illustrate, thus far I have outfitted my starter ship with cargo racks, did some runs, bought a type 6, did a shitload more runs, bought an anaconda, slapped cargo racks on the conda, did more runs, and recently limpet farmed resources. Next on the agenda is unlocking a bunch of engineers to engineer my ship bits (and also farm another 450 mil somewhere in there).

    I'm about 50 hours deep and I barely know how to play. I recently learned how to change route settings to avoid stopping at every fuel star along the route. I've done 2 bounties in a fighter I threw together when I was bored of trading. The game is massive and I feel like I've missed out on a ton. I'm big on learning how a game ticks before trying to powergame/minmax/etc.

    I guess my question is this: in my rush to the end game, have I missed anything that's important to do or learn?

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