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RFK Jr.’s Family Doesn’t Want Him to Run. Even They May Not Know His Darkest Secrets.
  • No one knows his darkest secrets anymore, except the brain worm, which consumed the memory

  • Political Memes PugJesus
    Self-regulation ALWAYS works out
    We coulda had Bernie...
  • No, no, I was assured Hillary Clinton was Basically The Same as Trump and Both Sides Were Bad.

  • Conspiracy Theorists Think Biden Was Hit With Directed-Energy Weapons During Debate
  • Wow, and here I thought he was an old guy with a stutter getting flustered while a fascist fuckwad spewed inane garbage.

  • Spamming, by the tankie definition: "Posting something once, but it's something I dislike >:( "
  • (wich is technically possible but would probably result in way more casualtys because hamas attacks fleeing civilians)

    You do realize that Hamas are shithead terrorists, not Saturday morning cartoon villains, right?

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • While I'm aware of the 'Lettergate' scandal and have different conclusions than you on the matter, upon reflection, I'm being tetchy above and beyond even what I normally am because I'm in pain today. That's no excuse for my dismissive rhetoric, and I do apologize.

  • Will Biden's green jobs policy help him win votes?
  • No, because the people who like renewable energy are the same ones who are either:

    A. Already voting for him


    B. Saying "It's not enough!" and using that as a justification to usher fascism into power.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Lol no, not “The Americans”, I’m American myself.

    And? Some of the most conspiratorial thinking I know comes from Americans, about Americans.

    Not to mention Pakistan itself had some very good relations with the USA in the past.


    No, not really.

    Pakistan and the US have a long history of using and backstabbing one another.

    Ah, yes, the horrific scandal of "A diplomat had a conversation critical of the PM's policy of cozying up to Russia during an ongoing genocide", clearly the Amerikkkan Empire couped him

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • Lol what? If you conquer a country’s capital, that country falls unless its government moves elsewhere and establishes a foothold which doesn’t happen often. When the Germans conquered Paris, the French government basically collapsed and from the Germans were able to take control and establish puppet governments.

    Yeah, like when DC fell in the War of 1812, or when Moscow fell in Napoleon's invasion, or when the Japanese took Nanking during the Second Sino-Japanese War, or-

    Nobody thought that the Nazis were liberators.

    See, this is the insane thing - many DID think of the Nazis as liberators. Numerous national independence movements were suddenly excited to collaborate after the start of Operation Barbarossa, for about all of three or four months, at which point it became apparent that the Nazis were even worse than the Soviets.

    Those governments were Russian puppets. Russia was always a multi ethnic empire that favored Russians and oppressed the rest. There’s a reason why Stalin went through his “deportation” (read: genocide) plans. They weren’t good.

    I'm not arguing that the Sovs were good. Far from it. My point is that there weren't well-formed independence movements waiting in the wings to take power should the Soviet government falter - all power was tied up in the Party and its bureaucracy, and the only organized institutions capable of taking action would have been Soviet puppets who were 'all-in' on the Soviets by a mixture of clientism and purges. If Moscow fell, the idea that the Central Asian SSRs would suddenly turn, or lose their grip, just... doesn't strike me as realistic.

    I think it’s pretty clear given the context that I meant the rate of shipments accelerated

    I wouldn't say 'pretty clear', but if I misread it, I misread it.

  • Spamming, by the tankie definition: "Posting something once, but it's something I dislike >:( "
  • OP is sealion arf arf

    The 'arf arf' makes OP seem cute, though

  • Spamming, by the tankie definition: "Posting something once, but it's something I dislike >:( "
  • One was generically anti-genocide, one was anti-genocide in the context of the Palestinian genocide, namely, critiquing the idea that just because LGBT rights amongst a people being genocided are less than stellar doesn't mean that genociding them is okay or should be tolerated, even by LGBT folk.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • LMAO! Imagine blaming all of your problems on big bad outside boogeymen. Only, of course, instead of "The Jews" it's "The Americans" who are behind every plot and all instability everywhere. But you have fun with your conspiracies, and the strange sense of scale you have where 8 posts over three months is a rushing torrent of spam. :)

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Oh I’m sorry I should have said the past 3 months of your terminally online ass

    Eight Biden posts over the course of three months - what a horrific torrent of spam! Lmao.

    A personal screw you for putting Pakistan on the wrong rail for this one:

    Aw, you think the Republican Party will be sweeter on Pakistan than the Democrats? How adorable.

  • Climate Rule
  • It fucking stuns me that we still use coal in this day and age.

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • Dude the Wehrmacht reached a town called Krasnaya Polyana which is 18 miles away from the center of Moscow. If they took over Moscow, which was a very real possibility then the Soviet Union would’ve fallen like France, or at the very least the European portion of it would.

    That's not how capitals work. France itself only nominally fell because it appointed an ultraconservative collaborator (Petain) to the highest position of government.

    I would assume the oppressed minorities within the empire would used them opportunity to get independence.

    Most of the oppressed minorities were in Nazi-occupied Eastern Europe, and very quickly found out that the Nazis were no liberators. Most of the remaining Soviet population was Russian, not ethnic minorities. A few of the central Asian SSRs were around, but their governments weren't oppressed, but participants in the oppression - why would they rise up?

    I didn’t imply that they weren’t?

    After trying to previously avoid war with US, he went and did it for no good reason. This brought second wind to the allies as Americans weapons starting pouring into the UK and the Soviet Union

  • Illegal crossings at U.S.-Mexico border fall to 3-year low, the lowest level under Biden
  • You're really not getting it. Sending aid, even with strings attached as to what it's used for, is not even close to the same as an internal decision by the national government of the country of origin to change their investment priorities.

  • Soviet (right) and Nazi officers celebrating the joint invasion of Poland as their countries both embarked on a genocide of the Polish people, Brest, modern-day Belarus, 1939
  • Hitler was never even close to winning. The fact is, the war plan was screwed from the moment the Sovs decided they were going to fight back after the surprise attack, despite Stalin's initial breakdown. One of the first things the Sovs did after Operation Barbarossa began, after all, was to begin moving industrial equipment east. They were preparing for the long haul - while Germany exhausted itself considerably in the opening stages of the invasion. Once the initial surprise of the attack was over, the sheer material calculus was just not in their favor - casualty ratios and equipment loss were about equal, but the Sovs had something like 3 times the population and had the same proportional advantage in vehicle production. Taking Moscow just would not have made enough of a difference.

    As for the UK, they were receiving lend-lease BEFORE the invasion of the Soviet Union.

  • Palestinian home in Jerusalem before Israel's ethnic cleansing, 1920s, alongside modern photo of the same building

    "After he finished building his house late 1920s in Talbiya neighborhood in occupied West Jerusalem, Shukri Al Jamal has gathered his family to take a photo in front of the house that would include his wife, his sisters and his daughters to remain as a memory for them grandchildren who were supposed to be playing in the yards of this house.

    After Nakba and the occupation of west Jerusalem, and in particular in the 1960s, three storeys were built on top of the original building, where white concrete was used, but they failed at imitating the original style of the building, these attempts has caused deformation in the building, noting that at the time of building the house, prominent builders and good quarries were mainly located in the eastern part of the city as well as in the west bank which was entirely occupied at a later stage (in 1967).

    Shukri didn't know that, after 20 years of building his house and taking this picture, his family would be expelled from their house along with the entire Palestinian population of the neighborhood and west Jerusalem and to be replaced with israeli settlers who slept on their beds and cooked and eat with their utensils."

    PugJesus PugJesus

    Cripple. History Major. Vaguely Left-Wing.

    Alt of PugJesus for ensuring Fediverse compatibility and shit

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