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200+ women faced criminal charges over pregnancy in year after Dobbs, report finds
  • Of course a modern underground rail road would function different than the one 300 years ago.

    Certainly, but I suspect there will be parallels. I consider it important to understand the past and apply that knowledge to the present to predict the future.

    Legal adults don't need to notify anyone that they are moving.

    Of course not. But you know as well as I do how important personal rights (particularly women's) are to the party of Law and Order. If women started fleeing, they'd find some line of arguing why this couldn't possibly be them exercising their human rights.

    Multiple normal states have already passed laws that protect women from any persecution for laws restricting their bodily freedoms.

    My worry is that the other states (or rather the unhinged citizens thereof that create such legislation that would warrant saving women from them) may escalate this ideological conflict. We've seen the hateful incitement of violence happen already. It's not legal to storm Congress either.

    If I don't respect your laws, believe that they're "wrong" anyways and disobeying them is right and just, and think that I can get away with it, what's to stop me?

    no way to tell why a woman left.

    Obviously evil librul indoctrination! The same people believing that the female body "has a way of shutting that down" and that a woman's proper place is in the kitchen probably don't respect the woman's actual motives, if they consider it an evil plot. As you rightly pointed out:

    Because their goals are to subject women and to ensure that there's always a poor, unhealthy, uneducated, and subservient population.

    If they don't believe on a woman's right to self-determination, none of the good and legal reasons women might want to determine their own lives will matter to them.

    It's way easier to move a willing person over someone who is surrounded by a supportive community. I'd imagine this organization would help LGBTQ+ people escape as well.

    And that is exactly what the opposition would need to be: a stronghold, united in the purpose of being a safe haven for all the oppressed.

    All these parallels to slavery aren't an accident. Like the Railroad mentioned in the premise, I worry that an effort to liberate women from the stranglehold of a society trying to subjugate them, yet depending on them, would spark a similar counter-effort to recapture them. In the hypothetical that such a modern Railroad would be created, this Railroad and all its supporters would similarly need to be prepared for a violent response. I wish freedom could triumph peacefully, but history suggests poor precedents for that.

    That's not an attempt to dissuade, mind you. I'm all for it. Liberate the enslaved and oppressed from their oppressors and have a plan to defend them.

  • 200+ women faced criminal charges over pregnancy in year after Dobbs, report finds
  • While I'm not sure the idea is practical, I would be curious to see it play out.

    What starts as a few cases of women disappearing would become a pattern. Allegations of abduction would be leveled as pretense to seek, arrest and prosecute all that help them leave. Meanwhile, by the power of the Internet, it would be quickly found out where these women fled to. An underground counter-stalking network would emerge, seeking to steal back the women. Eventually, another civil war might break out, this time over women's right to control their own fate.

    History might not repeat, but it may well rhyme.

  • Utah book banners now want to make Little Free Libraries susceptible to criminal charges
  • Would be a shame if someone could just shut down neighbourhood charity like that, if this discouraged even having these libraries, if the free exchange of thoughts beyond the control of those who don't want their supremacy challenged was hamstrung like that...

    Fucking assholes. This is why can't have nice things: Because someone will inevitably ruin it for others to compensate their own misery.

  • ich🚆⏰iel
  • KĂŒrzlich eine Reise mit ICE und Umstieg gehabt. Schön sorgfĂ€ltig geplant, morgens pĂŒnktlich aus dem Haus, komm am örtlichen Hbf an... und stell fest dass ich eine Stunde zu frĂŒh bin. Na gut, zum GlĂŒck Flexpreis gebucht, nochmal vergewissern und dann einen frĂŒher genommen. Schade um die Sitzplatz-Reservierung, aber lieber mehr Zeit zum Umsteigen.

    War dann auch gut so, weil wir VerspÀtung hatten, ich aber trotzdem noch ein Mittagessen holen und in Ruhe verspeisen konnte. Der eigentlich geplante Zug war wohl auch verspÀtet und fuhr dann kurz vor dem Anschluss ein. Schön, sowas.

  • Armor is armor
  • I can see helping to put on or take off armour to have potential for tender intimacy - not the raunchy sexual kind, more like reaching beneath the plate to adjust the doublet, asking if it sits right now? Pulling the straps, checking the articulation of the faulds, the seat of the pants so the ride won't leave her sore, straightening out her mail voiders, using a piece if char to draw a heart on the gorget, a cheesy pun about gorgetous, a squeeze of her arm before affixing the gauntlet. A last kiss on the cheek before she pulls up the hauberk and dons the helmet, helping her mount, handing her the lance, and off she goes to bring the thunder.

    Shit, did I just write knightly romance?

    (War is a gruesome business, mind, but this romantisation of medieval warfare would fit right in with people like Bertran de Born, who was quite convinced that war is awesome. That doesn't reflect my view, but as an epoch piece, it would be fairly accurate.)

  • ichđŸ„Čiel

    Hab jetzt die Ursache fĂŒr die AbstĂŒrze ermittelt. Ein Hochstrom-System hat bei einem Hochdatum eine brechende Änderung vorgenommen. Gut, dass ich mittlerweile geĂŒbt darin bin, ihr Änderungsprotokoll zu durchforsten, dann mĂŒssen sie mir nicht vorher Bescheid geben.

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