Not exactly. For some yes but that's the polytheistic part. Different from (early) Judaism, monotheistic Hinduism isn't "my God is the only one" but more like "the god we already agreed to be one of the main gods is actually the only one and the others are expressions of this one or lesser beings". There are 2 or 3 candidates for that but all are very canonically important in all of Hinduism. There is still a lot of diversity and it's more about which school you belong to. I think some have a more abstract way where it's not a specific god but more the dualistic idea of a Big Other if that makes sense. There are also non dualistic schools which fit more into pantheism (god=universe). I simply a lot and I'm already no expert. Let's Talk Religion has a good series on YouTube about Hinduism.
Hinduism is a very diverse religion. There are polytheistic, monotheistic, pantheism and many more under that umbrella
Mütter ohne Job sind Sozialschmarotzer
Ich dachte, sie sind für die traditionelle Familie?
You should look into Libertarian Socialism or Anarchism. Maybe starting with this video
The meme isn't talking about the 50s but about the youth of people orn in the 50s, so +-70s
For those mathematicians saying "tHiS isN'T tRUe": The tweet is exactly 2 years old. So much about that.
Reminds me of how I learned about en passant. I thought I was so smart moving 2 forward so they couldn't take it but the other kid did. I complained but the "adult in the room" explained to me it's ok. It wasn't a big deal, I was just a bit embarrassed and I wouldn't have done this move if I knew but I would have lost anyway and it's more than 2 decades ago but I still think about it sometimes.
I play shogi by now. Much cooler.
I remember seeing a venn diagram with three circles. I think the last was something like "me seeing a fig"
So maybe someone should dive there and replace them with new ones?
I knew it! A Hegelian!
Solange die AfD das nicht beantragt... aber die haben das ja leider nicht nötig
Hope they change it regularly, otherwise it's full of algae by now
I love that I didn't have to click the link to know what you are referring to
Very dialectical of you. Are you some kind of communist?
Oder Sonnenmilch... die muss bald von weit weg importiert werden
Sounds like someone didn't vote hard enough and I don't care if you live in America or not
Das ist aus der Zeit, als es Samstag 20:15 war. Das kann man sich gar nicht mehr vorstellen! Mittlerweile ist es ja nach Mitternacht. Erinnert ihr euch noch, was ihr damals gemacht habt?