Technically no. They aren't male or female, they're undifferentiated. Since we're neither male nor female at conception, this order means males and females don't actually exist at all.
I think this is actually more gender abolitionist if you think about it. No one is producing reproductive cells/gametes at conception. They begin by producing undifferentiated stem cells that will later specialize into all of the other cell types.
Silly Matthew, still believing that words written by Trump's administration mean anything...
Same mistake many opponents of the Nazis made in the beginning.
Fascists don't play by the rules, whatever they say or write only has meaning as long as it benefits them.
When you point out inconsistencies in what they wrote yesterday, they laugh at you. And then they shoot you.
It's cool and all to dunk on their logical fallacies, but don't think for one second that their poor wording will stop them from enacting untold violence against trans people.
I suppose there is also the argument to be made that Trump made everyone nonbinary, as a zygote has no apparent sex characteristics or gamete production, being a single cell.
The fem-cel community has already accepted me even though I'm a cis straight white guy who's asexual (so voluntarily celibate) but I'm happy I can now finally check one box and accept myself as a femcel.
What are the shenanigans that you could get up to with this in a lawsuit?
Sue to abolish need to sign up for Selective Service - since there are no men any more?
I was under the impression that the sperm that fertilizes the egg carries either an X chromosome or Y chromosome and that's what determines male or female. So that would mean conception is in fact when this gets decided, no? What am I missing here?
Maybe this will help now to make visible the issues of the new female population
The new female population makes up, worldwide about 75% to 80% of all the suicides
They also die nearly 6 years before the old female population
The new female population, also gripes with mental health professionals usually offering the same options for treatment to old and new female population.
Not only that, when controlling for job title, experience and education as well as number of hours worked the pay gap is only 1%, between the old female population, which in that case earn 99 cents for each dollar earned by each member of the new female population.
What I understand about the "intention of the text" is that:
XY: male.
XX: female.
People who's body or mind don't match with their genes would then be a male or a female with one or a combination of hormonal, developmental, or psychological issues.
That's not true though. Sex is defined by the chromosomes, not the organs and they don't suddenly change after 6 weeks. This definition however leaves intersexual people out, but that's certainly intentional
My man-tits now make a lot more sense. I think I'm going to make a stellar addition to the female gender. I'm off to find a local bar with a ladies night. See you there my fellow ladies.