Skip Navigation Digital public archaeology: Excavating data from digs done decades ago and connecting with today's communities

The ancestors of Alaska Native people began using local copper sources to craft intricate tools roughly 1,000 years ago. Over one-third of all copper objects archaeologists have found in this region were excavated at a single spot, named the Gulkana Site.

Digital public archaeology: Excavating data from digs done decades ago and connecting with today's communities
0 'A great sadness': Venezuela is first Andean country to lose all of its glaciers

Scientists explain the loss of the Humboldt Glacier, the last in the Sierra Nevada, which they believe makes the South American country the first in modern history to lose all its glaciers.

'A great sadness': Venezuela is first Andean country to lose all of its glaciers
Penguins ❤️
  • Check the article history.

  • What makes a good tree? We used AI to ask birds

    Trees are better at designing habitat than we are. Can we use machine learning to get some tips?

    What makes a good tree? We used AI to ask birds
    Penguins ❤️
  • It's something that happens naturally, yes. I'm not picking and choosing nature. We can decide what we want to be, including the ability to chose to not be a bigot.

  • Penguins ❤️
  • Yes. Everything else is only because we perceive it differently, notably culturally. And that depends on the individual, time and culture that percieves it. And our perceptions aren't always good but are built from other things including misconceptions.

  • Penguins ❤️
  • Always was.

  • Political Memes fossilesque
    God King go brrrrrrrrr
    Penguins ❤️
  • Likely as old as sexuality itself.

  • Scientists find desert moss ‘that can survive on Mars’

    Moss that grows in Mojave desert and Antarctica may help establish life on the red planet, researchers say

    Scientists find desert moss ‘that can survive on Mars’
    Penguins ❤️
  • They were roommates.

  • Domestication
  • You ever think about how corn is just really tall grass.

  • Geomatix
  • I get really geeked out about this stuff. 😅

  • Efficency
  • Science and philosophy are two sides of the same coin: the basic building blocks of how we perceive the world around us. Both need each other. Logic is often taught in maths classes. It's a bit like how to build a program (in this metaphor, it's how our brains percieve and interact through the world), a little but of intent, and a little bit of code.

  • Geomatix

    A lot of what I do forms the base for this stuff. I've dabbled. It's super fun. You have consider a whole lot of geoscience. There's lots of info out there on this, keyword: "digital archaeology."

  • Geomatix
  • Science is a method... I use Geomatics/GIS all the time in the sciences. This is heavy modelling work, a lot more goes into these than you think. They're really fascinating.

  • Swifties
  • Plugs
  • Reincarnation goals: request to be fat naked mole rat at the pearly gates.

  • Plugs
  • The lecture is quite good.

  • All models are wrong.
  • Ah yes, of course!'_screw

    I knew our DNA was trying to screw us all.

  • All models are wrong.
  • Now it's a horizontal drill of sorts.

  • Efficency
  • And vice versa.