Then definitely blanch beforehand! Flavor’s different, but less markedly if you let the greens dry in a colander or hit them with a salad spinner
Saag with roasted romanesco and rice. But if you’re using this recipe, note that the author was an idiot who hates coriander. The mustard craves additional coriander, and can be blanched normally. Additionally, the spices can burn, so add them later rather than earlier if you don’t have a large pot for 16 cubic meters of unwilted leaf
I’ll take 10 social anxiety, please
I dunno, my gas bill has never been lower since I took a hatchet to my engine block. Please don’t ask about my uber budget.
Yes. 3 years ago, the fbi would have started a file for you, but I don’t think the modern, gutted fbi would care all that much.
Why’d they get banned? That insta girl take issue with her image being sullied? The other general snark subs are still around.
Wonder what happened in ~June of 2024. Summer signups?
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t Lemmy determine active users differently now, as compared to then? I recall a .world post about that, contemporaneous to when active users spiked. In any case, I appreciate the new folks!
American States of Maga
And yes, it is infinitely recursive.
Not them, but here you go
Goddammit, now you’re giving him ideas.
Like a freshly shorn scrotum. Exquisite.
Both sides, amiright fellow citizens of the nation just north of the gulf of America?
It feels cramped and stifling. It’s good at one thing, and that thing is not 300 user chat sessions.
It’s not uncommon to watch a corpse float down the river or witness a bisection via train in India. I don’t think the chat staff cares. But using them as a barrier against rightful criticism is worthy of being called out or more
Frankly, if they can tolerate discord as their sole bit of online presence, I don’t think they’d fit in here all that well.
formerly known as Kanye west
Did he legally change his full name to a mononym or something? Like, I’m pretty sure you can still identify Pitbull as “Armando” despite his stage name.
The government lacks object permanence. Once they send the letter and it arrives, do NOT return it or the government will remember that you owe taxes for your vulva-scented candle scheme that went tits up because Gwyneth Paltrow, that bitch, stole your idea when you mentioned it in passing at the lip-thinner emporium. Just burn it like your stock of 10,000 candles, and the government will be none the wiser
I attribute my revulsion toward live service games to this greentext. Great visualization of the endgame for the soul-sucking garbage that’s become popular in recent years. It’s a return to the 80s arcade, stealing your every cent at record speed, but infinitely more surreptitious.
Thank you Kanye, very cool!
Now Reddit’s not just promoting ragebait and AI generated stories, but divisive conservative rhetoric. Anyone else notice the non-political subreddits spontaneously hosting a population of chuds and propagandists where a few weeks ago they weren’t tolerated?
Has reddit changed the algorithm? Has some nation begun its bot operation? Has reddit deployed bots at musk’s behest? Has twitter sent its worst users to brigade? (All of twitter’s users are its worst users) I don’t know, but the effect is striking. All I’m certain about is that I’m avoiding reddit even harder now.

Edit: this issue also exists on other instances on 0.19.5, or newer, on my browser
Long shot but I hope someone might know. The channel hosts parodies of superheroes and superhero tropes through the medium of motion comics and is characterized by its dry humor and sarcasm, reminiscent of the channel “How it Should Have Ended.” Videos often involved a competent woman parody of Superman acting alongside their equivalent of the justice league.
The channel, despite not broadly advertising this fact, hosts exclusively English translations of their main channel’s videos. (Original channel may be in Portuguese, Spanish, another language common in south America?) While the English translation channel might have stopped posting ~7 years ago, the main channel would have continued posting content for a year or more.
Really, I’m looking for a specific video wherein a spy (possibly a parody of black widow but I can’t recall) is looking to complete their mission while their operator ceaselessly suggests additional members for their team, lampshading the “spy by accident” genre with ever more absurd assertions and justifications for the spy to reject. It takes place in a fancy dining room setting. One suggestion is a chimpanzee and another is a waiter, referencing Jackie Chan in Tuxedo. It was a surprisingly complete deconstruction and I’d love to reference it.
Secondarily, should the fan be outside or inside the window?
Asking for a friend. (Me, help. I can’t remember physics, it’s too goddamn hot)
Edit: I’ve opened all the windows and set up a fan a short distance from the window pointing out and it’s reduced the temperature to near-tolerable levels. Unfortunately, venting through the attic was a no-go but moving things aside might make it an option next time. Thank you all, I appreciate the help!
I rarely find myself taking a second look at a piece of clothing whose only notable quality is a properly applied shade or hue. The main draw in every piece of compelling apparel is its texture. Does it look sheer? Soft? Stiff? The emotion evoked by a slogan, illustration, or pattern is nearly always superseded or at least altered by apparent textural context. A bad Christmas long sleeve or a knitted “granny’s little cumstain” sweater would elicit vastly different reactions compared to their more conventional cousins.
All of that is to say that texture is the end-all for clothes. It is the medium through which your message is broadcasted. Tones and shapes are transient, texture is forever.

[description: the painting “the creation of Adam,” but Adam is a cat repeatedly, and well deservedly, bapping god’s outstretched arm]
I’m trying to submit a direct link on lemmyshitpost but not one of my attempts has yielded a direct image link that actually plays the giffeo.
The gif
Links I’ve tried so far: (obviously not right) (doesnt play) (doesn’t load) (doesn’t anything) (nope)
Anyone know how to direct link to an Imgur giffeo?

Click to view this content.
[description: the painting “the creation of Adam,” but Adam is a cat repeatedly, and well deservedly, bapping god’s outstretched arm]