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The Sales Will Continue
  • But for gamers moving game installs that they don't feel like rebuilding the mod load out for between an HDD and an SSD that might be moving an extra 100GB month or so, probably less frequently depending on how much they're moving games around, plus it's no more wear than if they simply uninstalled and reinstalled the game as needed. Ultimately I don't think that'll make much difference.

    I'll look at the wear stats on my main desktop with its 8 year old SSD when I get a chance and share

  • The Sales Will Continue
  • SSDs have limited write endurance, so moving a lot of large files on and off of them will wear the nand flash out shortening its lifetime and potentially killing it

    This is the conventional wisdom, but honestly I've not seen any detectable wear on any of my several year old SSDs even with daily use. I've seen more SSDs fail just due to age/power on hours professionally and never wear-related

  • Please vote
  • Elections are all about optics, and the optics are he might not even make it to the general election, let alone the following 4 years if elected. The populace is starting to wonder how much Biden is just a real life Weekend at Bernies now where they really weren't before.

  • Please vote
  • This is why if you are nice and polite to conservatives they start spouting more and more bigoted bullshit

    I always interpret this as projecting their opinions. If you give the person nothing to suggest a specific political leaning and have a positive enough interaction it's too easy for them to assume you hold the same values as you.

    I've honestly caught myself in the same, so I just try to stay apolitical in interactions at work until others reveal their opinions to me

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • I was assigned a battle class vessel but with a science class crew. I make it work and I'm honestly happy with what I got ultimately, but some fleets within the Meatfleet consider me a betrayal to my class and are disgusted at how I just take my battle class vessel on science missons and remain a pacificst

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • I think you replied to the wrong person?

    Ah you're right. I was trying to respond to OP but clearly not paying close enough attention

    Thank you for answering anyways! Super interesting learning more of other people's experiences and experimenting with what works well for me.

    It's crazy how these meat ships we're given to pilot and maintain just don't come with instructions and the instructions written by other folks based on their experiences piloting and maintaining their meat ships just aren't fully transferrable

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • Kids seem to throw up often when they are sick.

    The explanation I heard was that kids bodies are still learning how to pilot and maintain their meat ships so their stomachs will sometimes get upset and purge when they don't need to/shouldn't

    Source: foggy memory of I think it was a SciShow video like 5-10 years ago?

  • Pls someone make this reality
  • I remember a teacher very excitedly explaining the outdated nature of the map mounted on the wall and showing us the current map. Us 4th graders were not super impressed, but as an adult I'd be just as excited as the teacher

  • Homophobic bully gets kicked from the worst group I've ever played in
  • Out of curiosity, did you pick up a new habit when quitting coffee? When I was reducing with the goal of quitting I'd literally put a water bottle next to my coffee mug and drink the ice cold water every time I found myself reaching for the coffee, and now I get the same caffeine withdrawal symptoms if I don't drink enough water in the morning, as well as just generally drinking about 1.5-2 gallons of water a day

  • Advice on improving my privacy
  • In regards to the DNS advice should I use that for both my PC and android ? And when would I use a vpn?

    You should setup your preferred DNS server everything really. On your phone, on your computer and on your router if you can. DNS is the absolute easiest way to track and block/hijack browsing habits, so hardcoding your devices to use a standard one like NextDNS, Quad9 or Cloud flare will put you very far ahead

    Regarding VPNs, commercial VPNs are really overhyped, and thats because they're a cash cow for operators. See Tom Scott's video on the subject if you prefer this britishplained to you. All a VPN is is a tunnel from your device to the VPN server wherever that is, so you'll look like your traffic is originating from that VPN server, plus all of your traffic is going to that VPN server so you have to trust that that server isn't compromised nor slurping up all of the data to sell/provide security agencies. Clear text browsing traffic will also be secured between your device and the VPN server, but that's super uncommon nowadays. Realistically a commercial VPN is best for if you're doing illegal activities such as piracy because it will add layers of abstraction should a private company or public agency wish to investigate your activities and try to identify you. I do use Tailscale with an exit node on my home network when connecting to public wifi just in case the network is misconfigured, but it's really just another layer of Swiss cheese security.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • My wife's currently rocking a refurb 7 and the battery life is actually exceptionally good, easily lasting a full day of near constant usage. I'm guessing they've corrected some of this through software improvements

  • Advice on improving my privacy
  • I tried Graphene OS but my banking failed so back to stock Android

    Any features in the mobile app that don't exist on the website? I've had good luck checking my bank balance and all sorts of other things through Firefox on Android - pre-edit: I missed that it was app only. That sucks.

    For browsing on Android I use Mull and on my android Proton VPN is always on. I visit twitter and twitter ocasionly but always through mull browser.

    The VPN really doesn't do much at all for privacy. It just moves the point of trust from the service provider for the current network to the VPN provider, plus now you have extra hurdles as you'll show up as a VPN IP rather than a "normal" residential or cellular IP. Realistically set your DNS to be something like Quad9 or Cloudflare and you'll already be several steps ahead on browsing privacy

    For spending habniys I try to use Google pay as little as possible and use my master card.

    Realistically any card is going to be selling your spending habits. Cash and crypto are about the only ways to have private purchases, and plenty of places won't accept either

    Personally I had a long hard think about my privacy practices and how they only isolated me and made me unhappy, and realized that if I'm already blocking all ads so I never get to see the results of the incredibly dystopian advertising hellscape, does it really matter that much if Google knows I spent $200 on random model train shit last month when they already know I watch a few hours of train-related content on Youtube? So I take smaller steps to not fully given in, but I don't take steps that create extra hassle in participating in modern society and living my life to its fullest.

  • *for 1 week's worth of groceries but yea..
  • How are you spending so much? I spend half that on gas per week (rural area so I easily put 200-400 miles a week on the car) and your weekly grocery budget is about my monthly budget for a family of 4

  • I just won an auction for 25 computers. What should I setup on them?

    I placed a low bid on an auction for 25 Elitedesk 800 G1s on a government auction and unexpectedly won (ultimately paying less than $20 per computer)

    In the long run I plan on selling 15 or so of them to friends and family for cheap, and I'll probably have 4 with Proxmox, 3 for a lab cluster and 1 for the always-on home server and keep a few for spares and random desktops around the house where I could use one.

    But while I have all 25 of them what crazy clustering software/configurations should I run? Any fun benchmarks I should know about that I could run for the lolz?

    Edit to add:

    Specs based on the auction listing and looking computer models:

    • 4th gen i5s (probably i5-4560s or similar)
    • 8GB of DDR3 RAM
    • 256GB SSDs
    • Windows 10 Pro (no mention of licenses, so that remains to be seen)
    • Looks like 3 PCIe Slots (2 1x and 2 16x physically, presumably half-height)

    Possible projects I plan on doing:

    • Proxmox cluster
    • Baremetal Kubernetes cluster
    • Harvester HCI cluster (which has the benefit of also being a Rancher cluster)
    • Automated Windows Image creation, deployment and testing
    • Pentesting lab
    • Multi-site enterprise network setup and maintenance
    • Linpack benchmark then compare to previous TOP500 lists
    Ask the Midwest Trainguyrom
    What is the right plate:family member ratio for a household?

    I'm currently decluttering and reducing to get a handle on my home, and I've come to a conundrum of how many plates/bowls/cups/etc do I actually need? I have 2 young kids that we'd prefer not to have to run to the store at 8pm to buy more plates because someone ruined a plate, but very limited cupboard space (small 120-something year old house with a kitchen that was built in the 50s)

    homelab Trainguyrom
    Revoking the SSH Keys of a Friend Sucks

    I'm just going to be vulnerable for a minute here. I met the first person in real life who had similar server-y linux-y obsessions to me and we'd send eBay links of systems to drool over to eachother. They ended up being a terrible person but hid it from me pretty well until they couldn't anymore and now I no longer have someone to chat with about those things.

    So um, I guess I'm open for applications for the position of "nerdy friend who I nerd too hard with about network infrastructure and Linux packages" now

    Edit: Autocorrect errors manually corrected

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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