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President 360 No Scope...
  • If it is an official act, which would mean they would have to assassinate you in their function of being the president. In other words, they couldn't just kill their neighbors.

    They could probably kill them as part of a celebration, I guess. Jk, I hope.

  • App development
  • I like that you asked. While I don't hold a strong opinion on it, I think you could argue that it is about consent.

    I will argue more strongly than I feel because I think it helps to understand the point. (Assuming the person wearing makeup is a woman)

    If you don't know the woman, why do you care if she wears makeup and how she looks without? It seems like there isn't a legitimate reason for it without it being a toxic reason, like "look! she isn't prettier than me!" Vibe. Which is toxic for both people. Now it was a man who made the app. Now there is the hating of women for wearing makeup reasons but let's ignore those. (Case: Unknown feelings of the woman)

    If you know the woman and you don't know how she looks without makeup, then that is clearly a decision made by the woman. Why do you have the right to expose her in a way that she doesn't want to be. I mean some women don't care if you see their tummies and others would rather die. Should you have the right to expose a woman's tummy? (Case: Implied decision to not show herself like that)

    If you know the woman and you want to argue that you have a justified interest in how she looks without makeup because she is a potential Partner (if she is a partner, you probably know already anyway). You could easily argue that you have the same legitimate reason to see her naked but obviously you wouldn't think that it is a legitimate reason.

    In other words, you shouldn't care and it is kinda toxic to care; you don't have consent to see them like it otherwise you would; you have no right to know.

  • ich🚗iel
  • Man könnte auch argumentieren dass man damit vielleicht es zu einem Statussymbol macht und das ist im allgemeinen aber auch Grade in Deutschland sehr wirksam.

    Das Problem, z.b. der cybertruck, das Teil macht null Sinn. E-motor sind einfach nicht die Lösung für Trucks oder lwks. Die Batterien sind zu schwer und versauen dir das ganze.

    Für den Wandel muss nicht alles E-motor sein. Mehr Züge und Zugverbindungen, vielleicht Wasserstoff für lwks.

    Dass Tesla e-lwks machen will/wollte, zeigt dass es ihnen nicht nur bessere und günstige Technologie geht. Sondern dass sie den eigenen Hype glauben ohne Einschränkungen und dass aus ihrer Sicht Tesla natürlich ein Premium Produkt ist.

  • nuanceposting the trolley thing
  • I like the meme because of so many reasons.

    Let's start with, if I am not misinformed, technically 21% of the levers could win against the rest of levers. Let's ignore the fact that those 21% levers are historically generally in favor of more genocide. And let's assume those 21% levers all go for third parties. Then they would still probably lose because they haven't voted for the same third party. So let's say those 21% are all committed to the cause and vote for the same party. In 2020, the biggest third party got 1.18%. but let's assume all previous third party voter unite and then there would be 1.72% third party voters. Now obviously those aren't part of the relevant 21% that we have been talking about but let's act as if. Now only 19.28% of all voter need to change their vote to third party. That are only 29 884 000 voters. Believe!

  • This satire will be lost on them
  • Wait, he was running? Did someone care? Like did he have any realistic change that anyone would like him to get through the primaries? I mean he certainly didn't have the chance to get through them but maybe he had like 1 Supporter somewhere or something

  • TikTok resurfaces video of Trump saying US shouldn't have a president with felony conviction
  • First of all, there are people who think it is funny, like me.

    Additionally, sometimes people just aren't aware of stuff and people draw different lines. Apparently trump support has decreased since the verdict of his 34 felonies. That wasn't my line for sure; the racism and history of racism was; but apparently some people didn't care about the racism, transphobia, sexism, the sexualizing of his daughter, the cheating on his wife, the lies, ... But about the felonies. So instead of telling people to not speak out about it, don't engage.

  • We should be allowed to do it because "insert dictator here" did it isn't the great argument you think it is
  • That is a strange question. If you use any service to consume media, the service has a huge influence on what information you receive. It is a common complaint over media. Using a service which is under control of someone who doesn't have your best interest in mind, is giving power over your media consumption to that actor. Which is bad. That is why you should care about who e.h. owns and controls the Washington Post.

    Now, about TikTok... Well think about it.

  • Lemmy today
  • For those horrible enough to like this.

    Sometimes each other too if my information is correct. So even if you are a bad person and want to harass innocent people, kiwi farms isn't the place to be.

    Bad people are bad people towards you too if you give them the chance. Just don't be bad, much better. Don't hate!

  • Someone stop the ride, I want to get off
  • I think you are very unfair in how you paint the picture. Biden shouldn't support genocide, obviously. But realistically, you have to choose between 2 genocide supporters. And "stopping trump" is a good reason to vote for 1 genocide supporter over the other. Obviously you don't like the genocide supporters and you shouldn't be forced to choose one but you are living in a (practically) 2 party system and both run a genocide supporter.

  • 45%
  • Me going to school for free, me going to the doc for free

    "That is not free that you pay for it by your taxes"

    Ok, me paying taxes for the same benefits that I had. Effectively paying back my debt. The debt doesn't control my life because if I lose my job, I don't have to pay my debt through taxes, if I change careers, I still pay what I can.

    "That is communism!!! That is bad"

    Elsewhere, the same service for the same cost

    Person goes into debt to go to school, person goes into debt to go to doc

    "That is good! Taking accountability"

    Same person pay extra through interest rates.

    "Usa! Usa! Usa! Low taxes! Small government! Freedom from government!!!"

    Person is slaving away at their job because they can't afford losing their job and missing a pay check.

    Okay buddy.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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