One can appreciate the sentiment of the quote to value every minute while you have it, but under a more optimistic lens, the quote is not always true. I was 10x unhealthier 20 years ago than today, and I would give anything to never be there again. We all walk a different path.
I was physically much more healthy but my life-stress levels were much higher. So glad I'm past that. Now if we can all just do our bit to stop the world sliding into fascism, and of course climate destruction, maybe we'll be able to look back in 20 years.
This is terrible. I wouldn't want to go back 20 years at all. Every year I'm grateful that it has been better than the last. Life is on the up and up. I'm not wishing to go back, I'm looking forward to next year.
I sure as fuck hope not. My body is already broken and I'm quite miserable where I am. I understand my body will only get worse but if nothing else is going to get better this is the opposite of wholesome.
Easy perspective to have if you're a rich Webster. I bet a poor Webster would have less positive affirmations, but maybe in 20 years, poor Webster won a lottery and will have become rich Webster.
Not to kill the vibe or anything. But I'm depressed as shit right now.
If in 20 years shit is so much worse than right now, then I'm going to take a long walk off a short cliff.
As an old person, a lot of my aches and pains now come from fitness-activity injuries in my youth. So may I suggest MODERATION. Watch the wear and tear on your tendons and cartilage!
Some of us can only dream of that, because we have unrelated health issues that prevent us from exercising, and a shitton of other stuff. All we can do is hope that this isn't the healthiest well ever be, because that thought is fucking depressing.
I think this all the time. I have trouble being in the moment, but my life right now is possibly the best it'll ever be. So it's important that I take the time to be grateful for how things are right now.
A couple of people who were close to me just died so no,I will not be wanting to come back to this moment. I’m actually looking forward to aging. Means I can get some time between myself and the event. We age every day. Aging is easy compared to this particular experience.
And as far as looking back to previous experiences,no, life is very very hard for some people and struggle will be there. If we’re looking at it as “oh I survived a beat down easier back then cuz I was so much younger oh but I also didn’t have any autonomy in some of the wretched situations I was in” I don’t think that is the measure for a great time.
that platitude is ageist. Aging shouldn’t be looked at as something to be disappointed with. If anything it will be better in that you can have more experiences to look back on that were positive. And happy that it happened. Not needing to go back to it. Something seems clingy with time on that one and that seems mentally and emotionally unhealthy. Additionally aging is a privilege if you last long enough to age well. Look back to better experiences. Not just ‘better physical health’.
it’s a miss take on what defines as better health. Youth anlone isn’t necessarily a decent measure for better health. And mental health can change as you age. Sometimes for the better as we get more experiences to challenge hard inner dialogues. A lot of people can become much healthier (both mentally and physically) as they grow older and gain better perspectives to apply to their current moments not just past ones.
I like how many assumptions were made there. But they are all wrong in my case. I'm fucking sick, away from home and basically miserable at the moment. Only good thing is I'm still alive and have all my faculties.
20 years from now all I'll want is a comfortable home, reasonable health, my loved ones and my puppy with me. I'm old enough to know that I'm not into retakes.
Hey shrub, FWIW I think the world is better with people like you in it. Take care of yourself, please, and I hope life treats you as well as it can. If you ever need someone to talk to or anything, this internet stranger's door is always open.
Thank you.
(I also apologise, it was late night & I didn't realise I was in Lemmy be wholesome)
You are indeed one nice individual, words like that help & make life easier (calmer even?) for others. I wish upon you a good world too, a world that makes it a nice place to be part of, and that you have your part & place in it that makes you happy & content.