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There are only two types of Bad Star Trek Episodes
  • Finally, some Mathematically Perfect Redemption hate.

    Drag thinks Peanut Hamper is boring and was glad she turned good because it meant no more Peanut Hamper episodes hopefully. Star Trek is supposed to be hopeful and PH sucks. And not in a fun way like Dukat or Janeway. She's a good example of the banality of evil.

  • The real oppressors
  • It stops people in the Netherlands, because the Netherlands narrowed their streets and installed traffic calming. We shouldn't be thinking of speed limits as a sign and a law. We should be thinking of speed limits as a psychological result of our infrastructure's design.

  • What's the most political colour?

    Julius Caesar was assassinated for wearing red boots. Barrack Obama was lambasted for wearing a tan suit. Purple is associated with royalty, white is associated with clergy, and gold is associated with superiority. Red and Blue have powerful meanings in America, and so does Green. Which colour is the most political in your opinion?

    Can't set pronouns in display name

    Xi wants to experiment with using xi/drag person-independent pronouns on this account. So far xi likes using the pronouns, but xi's only written 4 comments and already someone accused drag of talking about Chinese politics when xi mentioned dragself. Xi knows xi's pronouns are confusing, so xi would like to put xi's pronouns in xi's displayname to clear things up.

    But the character limit for display names on is only 22 characters, and xi's handle already takes up 16 characters. Xi would need 24 characters to put xi's pronouns in xi's display name. Xi knows some instances also have a separate field for pronouns, and the pronouns get displayed next to the name without taking up displayname characters. Xi would like a place, or at least enough room, for xi's pronouns, please.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Dragon "Rider"(drag)

    Drag rides dragons and also "rides" dragons. drag/dragself person-independent pronouns. That means drag's pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.

    Posts 3
    Comments 165