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Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • Liberals can be conservatives. Opposite of conservatives are reformists.

    All conservatives are liberals - that is, until they cross over into fascism territory. The people that get called "conservative" in the US do not disagree with liberalism in any fundamental way - they still believe in basic liberal ideas such as the fetishization of private property, capitalism, the (so-called) "free market," and the ever-present "rule of law" (as dictated by a liberal, capitalist elite).

    Is voting anti-democratic?

    North Korea has voting. Apartheid South Africa had voting. I don't see any liberals falling over themselves to describe those societies as "democratic" simply because of that... yet the one you exist in must be so simply because your media and your political racketeers told you it is?

    The bar for what counts as democracy or not is so damn low you need a deep-sea submersible just to see it.

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • I would like you to explain how Captain America and Superman are reactionary.

    I mean... c'mon. Captain America is low-hanging fruit - the correlation between Captain America and actual US behavior in the world essentially writes itself.

    Superman is a far more sophisticated representation of US-style liberalism - but, just like liberalism itself, that doesn't make Super Cheese any less of a reactionary.

    However... we can talk about the individual politics of these characters all day long - and we'd be missing the entire point of the metaphor in it's entirety.

    The problem with the "super hero" genre is not the individual politics of the characters concerned - it's with how they normalize and justify the concentration of power in the hands of these exalted individuals.

    In other words - the problem is fundamental.

    He doesn’t understand the core themes of superheroes,

    I think he understand them perfectly, because...

    Zack Snyder is an Objectivist

  • Reminder that Giorgia Meloni published anime art of herself to Twitter
  • want to preserve the status quo,

    No different than liberals, then.

    Fascists want to subvert democracy

    All institutionalized political power is violently anti-democratic - it's literally why you are forced to pay for violent paramilitaries to police you and protect the status quo from anything that can be called democratic with a straight face.

    Fascists are not unique in that regards.

    and install a completely new status quo

    The capitalists that funded Hitler and Mussolini into power did not do so because fascists "install a completely new status quo." The CIA didn't fund fascists into power all over the third world during the Cold War because fascists "install a completely new status quo."

    They funded fascists into power because fascists protect the status quo. You know... the status quo liberals and conservatives all love so much?

  • If Batman was real today, he'd go after the CEOs of companies, not gangsters.
  • If Batman was real today, he'd be Donald Trump.

    That's what these (alleged) "super heroes" really are... idealized, ubermensch-esque metaphors for the actual power wielded by the rich and privileged.

    In fact, I'd say that Batman is the ultimate Objectivist wet dream - he perfectly personifies the fascist (as Batman) and the capitalist (as Bruce Wayne) in one person. Even Ayn Rand's creepazoid ancap sugar-daddy "heroes" didn't manage that.

  • From an unironic liberal tumblr blog, "yes he sucks and broke every promise, but come on, youre not going to vote trump, so dont worry"
  • You know, if Biden were to (somehow) win in November, it would be interesting to see the "vote blue no matter who" crowd try to explain away Biden (inevitably) doubling-down on his support for Israel's genocide to a far greater degree than he is doing now.

    Wishful thinking on my part, I suppose. The liberals will simply do what they always do - go to sleep as soon as they have a lib in the Waffle House and pretend US foreign policy has (magically) changed because of it.

  • The need for solidarity between leftist movements
  • Saying that anarchism counts as a leftist "theory of everything" is a great way of causing the exact opposite of "leftist solidarity."

    The fact that the anarchist critique of hierarchy is the most radical of leftist traditions to emerge from within the imperial core itself - which, btw, also makes it the most robust - is quite immaterial when it comes to "leftist solidarity."

  • Please think of the trans kids and the LGBT folks and all the women affected by abortion laws, and drag queens trying to make their art. Come on Americans, you can do it.
  • You don't. Not with your vote, anyway - these libs telling you to "vote blue no matter who" aren't interested in Palestinians apart from the bad optics it brings to their liberal ideology.

    Vote your conscience - but if you want to help Palestinians, you have to go outside the "formal" political channels (the "formal" political channels are all perfectly fine with the slaughter)... just like the people who protested the Vietnam War.

  • Honest Government Ad | AI
  • They are perfectly on point with the whole "flooding the world with infoshit" thing... though, as the recent collapse of Israel's media coddling shows, it seems that it's not working as intended.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Now do conservative

    Which part of...

    I guess watching liberals pearl-clutching themselves into supporting colonialist genocide

    ...didn't you understand?

    So-called "conservatives" are liberals, Clyde. So-called "conservatives" buy into the exact same pro-capitalist, pro-colonialist ideology of liberalism that you buy into, Clyde.

    The only difference between the people you call "liberals" and the people you call "conservatives" are that the latter is further along the "liberal-to-fascist" pipeline than you are.

  • Apparently controversial, in this day and age
  • Oh joy... I guess watching liberals pearl-clutching themselves into supporting colonialist genocide is going to be the dominant spectacle on this community until the hammer drops in November.


  • Honest Government Ad | AI

    The Government™ has made an ad about the existential threat that AI poses to humanity, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative

    Trump: "Immigrants are taking Black jobs"
  • Sooo... instead of pandering to the white supremacist base that got him into the Waffle House in 2016, Trump is making a terrifically cringe go at winning black folks over.

    Somehow, I don't think the neo-nazis and the KKK is going to be all that enthusiastic about him this time around.

  • WATCH: “Kill the k_ _firs, kill all the f_ _ing n_ _gers!”: New racist video of DA MP Renaldo Gouws surfaces WATCH: “Kill the k*ffirs, kill all the f**ing n*ggers!”: New racist video of DA MP Renaldo Gouws surfaces

    A shocking new video has emerged of a Democratic Alliance Member of Parliament appearing to spew hate speech.

    WATCH: “Kill the k*ffirs, kill all the f**ing n*ggers!”: New racist video of DA MP Renaldo Gouws surfaces

    A shocking new video has emerged of a Democratic Alliance Member of Parliament Renaldo Gouws appearing to spew hate speech.

    edit: Holy shit... Lemmy needs to fix their mark-up when it comes to titles - it almost literally looked like it was actively trying to spell out the k-word.


    Will the general election on 29 May 2024 be 'historic'?

    FBI Labels Anti-Fascists and Anti-Racists as Violent Extremists FBI Labels Anti-Fascists and Anti-Racists as Violent Extremists - UNICORN RIOT

    A recently released document from the FBI indicates anti-fascists are as violent as those who would overthrow the U.S. government

    FBI Labels Anti-Fascists and Anti-Racists as Violent Extremists - UNICORN RIOT

    A recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document titled “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide”* links common protest symbols to “terrorism” — another marker in a common theme of conflating militant protest for social justice with deadly terrorist violence within the United States. Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Brennan Center have raised warnings about such documents, citing inadequate protections for people’s constitutional rights.


    X the Wixard's response to a video by Morning Shot, where they suggest that South Africa should break apart.


    Here’s a laundry list of the kinds of places Israel has bombed over the last decade - just to put the recent tidal wave of propaganda efforts in regards to Israel's actions into perspective.

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