I get people are gonna say he was always this bad but I honestly don't buy it.
While he was always an asshole, everyone has some ratio of bad/good. In the early/mid 2010s he was able to keep enough of a lid on things that he had a positive reputation with among both the public and investors. The limited comments he did make on politics were pretty liberal, and usually specific to the environment. He was liked enough in heavily liberal circles to get multiple positive shoutouts. One of them was from freaking Star Trek, which as a sidenote inadvertently ended up aging like wine.
Modern Elon is absolutely unhinged. He seems to spend more time on Twitter making an ass of himself in ways you'd normally associate with a teenage edge lord. He's an active and aggressive liability to his companies, both in terms of his persona and business decisions. He's huge on politics to the point where he tried to interfere with the Russo-Ukraine war for a bit. A lot of times it feels like it's a matter of time before he gets on stage with Kanye and starts trying to rap.
I think a combination of social media and covid broke him. I know Lemmy doesn't think rich people are human, but I think it's more nuanced than that. While they often have quirks, at the end of the day we're all human. There are millions of people whose brains became fried due to culture war shit on social media post 2014. There's no reason Elon would be immune to the same mechanisms that radicalize an average person.
The OP was the definition of "I'm 12 and this is deep."
The original post that Elon upvoted was the biggest pile of steaming shit. It was in stupid, ignorant, and shows a total lack of healthy social interactions. Here's what the original post said that Elon responded with "Interesting observation":
"People who can't defend themselves physically (women and low T men) parse information though a consensus filter as a safety mechanism. They literally do not ask 'is this true', they ask 'will others be ok with me thinking this is true'. This makes them very malleable to brute force manufactured consensus; if every screen they look at says teh same thing they will adopt that position because their brain tinterprets it as everyone in a tribe believing it. Only high T alpha males and aneurotypical poeple are actually free to parse new informaiton with an objective 'is this true?' filter. This is why a Republic of high status males is best for decision making. Democratic, but a democraxcy only for those who are free to think."
This is a load of horse shit without an iota of real life insight.
"Wouldn't it be much nicer and easier if we lived in an oligarchy?" Said the man who would benefit the most from an oligarchy.
It's such a crazy stance to have when you consider the fact that America is basically already a corporatocracy and this guy literally owns parts of the corporations that have huge influence on American law and policy. Like, I guess already being able to lobby and fuck over the people just isn't enough for these people and they need to have full authoritarian control?
I guess it's true what they say, "Give them a inch..."
But Musk can only be part of the leadership if he wins cage matches with 10 other randomly chosen billionaires, and beats 20 random women (each best of 3) in chess, 20 random women in poker, and 20 random women in billiards (8-ball, snooker, and carom: best of the 3).
In political science, a reactionary or a reactionist is a person who holds political views that favor a return to the status quo ante—the previous political state of society—which the person believes possessed positive characteristics that are absent from contemporary society.
Reactionaries hate democracy because it gives power to those they seek to exploit.
I dont understand the logic of this. Even if everything in that post was true and ignoring personal experience, how are neurodivergent people immune to propaganda? Why would people with dyslexia not be scared if they dont have the popular opinion if people without dyslexia would be scared? Do they think that "anxiety disorder" means that people with it are fearless?
Also, a large part of humans are aneurotypical so its not elon musks worst idea of how a country should be ran
Man who had his hairline surgically repaired and shows clear signs of taking human growth hormone to not look like flabby nerd he is thinks he's both high status and would be a leader in a hypothetical alpha male society.
Nevermind how the Senate is already there to balance "unfettered democracy" and is awful at it.
Like seriously, if we wanted the senate to be the voice of the small to hold up public worst instinct, we'd add seats from territories, indigenous nations, and labor unions, and give it a veto on what the house passes instead of making it pass stuff itself.
Also upping the number of senators per delegation to a multiple of three because FUCKING SERIOUSLY WHY ONLY TWO‽
I would imagine there are whole teams of Sociologists tracking his and JKR's tweets at the moment to plot the Brownian motion movement from rich idiot to full fascist.
I'm not American, but doesn't the Constitution say "we the people", not "we the high status males"?
This is very on-brand for Musk honestly, he had a bit of value back when PayPal was decent and Tesla was the only EV company...
Since he started launching trash into orbit, he's progressively gotten more and more insane in his ideas.
And yes, I consider starlink to basically be orbiting trash.... In case anyone didn't get it.
He has no business acumen, spending millions of dollars to put a wireless mesh in low earth orbit, and having to regularly replace the debris in orbit, costing millions more per year, then charging people out the ass for service, or putting so many users on it that you might as well be on dialup.... Good plan. I'm a network/wireless tech as my day job, and putting enough users onto the system at an appropriate/affordable cost, to justify the expense of doing it, and maintaining it, is really dumb. You'll overload your frequency allocation, exhausting any bandwidth that was available, and the service will suck. Reducing user load just increases costs to the end user month over month because each LEO satellite is worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions, and will only be in orbit for a few years, maybe 5 years at the high end.
I'm not a business person, but if each satellite costs $200k to build and put in orbit (it's probably a lot more) and lasts 4 years, you need to make $50k/yr from that satellite to break even, of you're charging about $100/mo for access to the service, that means every satellite requires 500 users to be subscribed in order to break even.... Then ask yourself, can each satellite handle servicing 500 users?
No. The answer is no. They can't. You'll never break even at that price. And IMO, that's a pretty generous estimate on costs.
It's a bad plan from the beginning. Unless you can subsidize everything by launching the satellites along side orbital launches that other people have paid for, so you basically get to orbit for free, and/or somehow subsidize the cost of building the satellites, then you're pretty much always going to lose money.
We’ve done that. What about a republic led by women instead? Clearly if the problem is with democracy instead of just Mr. Musk’s misogyny that should be fine.
In general I don’t take anyone’s suggestions seriously when they propose taking away other people’s agency