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How to fix the economy
  • I think the problem isn’t that there is a lack of money which could be solved by printing more, but that there is a lack of money because like 6 guys have stolen most of it and piled it up under their mattresses with no intention of actually using it at any point.

    Prices should be set by the king tho, the only acceptable rate of inflation is zero.

  • Teslas turn toxic as sales crash in Europe and the UK
  • When would you say was the point where it became really obvious that musk was an extremely bad person? Because for a while there he had a great pr team and was widely regarded as ‘the eccentric maverick shaking up the EV industry’. Any watershed you’d point to?

  • Teslas turn toxic as sales crash in Europe and the UK
  • I think as we move forward in time the line between ‘Nazi’ and ‘supporter of the Nazi party’ and ‘collaborator with nazis’ becomes blurred. When looking at ww2 and the time when the Nazi party ruled in Germany, we don’t make that kind of distinction in general.

  • Fromsoft classes like
    • soldado
    • vagabond
    • grocer
    • railwayman
    • limb fetishist
    • escape artist
    • dick head
    • samurai
    • able-bodied seaman
    • toad
    The Socratic dialogue is a personal attack not a literately genre

    Can’t go for short walk across the agora these days without ol’ big-ears waxing lyrical about his ‘method’

    'Barn Owl' by Neo Morpheus

    just came across this really cool photo of a barn owl being errrrrr run off this little guy's property?! what an absolute chad who has absolutely no idea how big he is :>

    check out the link - there are some other photos from the same set:

    Microblog Memes casmael
    JP is unamused


    About as good as you can get with an iPhone

    Not bad tbh. Mobile phone cameras have come a long way, but I remain highly sceptical that they will completely replace standalone cameras, as Sony has claimed.

    But first they would need to invent some tape

    They could have fitted the whole ring / tape / mouse assembly into a small paper bag Aragorn could have kept it in his jacket and fed it little bits of lembas on the way how lovely x

    I’m actually something of a dumbo chungus myself

    Bong is one of the funniest words in English and you can’t change my mind

    outoftheloop casmael
    Who the fuck is bill Maher and why is he such a scab?

    I have seen this man in pictures before but couldn’t tell you who he is

    shitposting casmael
    When they do quite a lot there

    Printing, the lot

    obsessed, i tell you

    Some memes are easy, some memes need an explanation. Fortunately this one comes with context - highly convenient. Perhaps we should be pushing for legislation to make this mandatory. Big Meme has had free reign for too long

    I wonder what they did before

    I Will try to post more OC going forward x

    The square sided iPhone looks shit

    I much prefer rounded corners. Also the big one is too big and the normal one is too small. Nice try Tim Apple. 🍏

    Street photography casmael
    The Record Keepers
    You traded the popemobile for this?!

    He did not, in fact, trade the popemobile for this.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 41
    Comments 2.3K