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To all you outside of the US...
  • Scandinavia has always been very left side

    Maybe from a hard neo nazi perspective. Denmark and Sweden especially have right-wing extremist parties (Denmark Democrats + New Right + Danish People's Party together ~= 14.3%, Sweden Democrats 17.5%) with a voter base that has been established over a longer time. The German right wing populists have risen to that level only in recent elections, which is frightening. Geert Wilders is not "the new guy" from the Netherlands, he's been a populist rightwing piece of shit for decades. Unfortunately, the average Dutch person over 40 / outside university towns is also quite racist under the surface - I lived there for 4 years, speak fluent Dutch with a German accent and since they felt "safe" with their bigotry around me, I have heard enough racist and sexist bullshit from "average middle class" Dutch people that I didn't feel comfortable in that country anymore. The young people in urban centres are okay, but unfortunately those are not a large enough demographic.

    As for comparing with the US - maybe not a good idea: Even young US americans see the democrats for the corporate shills they are, and know that they have to vote for them just to prevent a Handmaid's Tale Season 6 becoming a documentary.

    The US are the scary example for Western Europe as "this will happen here if you don't pay attention". No one in Europe will be able to say "I didn't know" when we slip into a totalitarian regime filled with hate and controlled by corporations, because it might be happening in front of our eyes with a ~10 year headstart in the US. I just hope that's not what is going to happen in the end, but things have progressed far too much into the worst dystopian future thinkable for this century.

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • I'm a big fan of any country voting against the populist trend, so I may ask for asylum in Finland eventually. Although, despite my motivation to learn new languages, that might be a challenge :)

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • My trivial (non legal ;) answer is: If you are working for a corporation that is looking to patent something / make something closed license: the moment you ever looked at a single line of my code relevant to what you are doing, you are forbidden from releasing under any more restrictive license. If you are a private person working on open source? Then you be the judge whether you copied enough of my code that you believe it is more than just "inspired by".

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • For most of history you would be better off if you could kill the next village over.

    That is an incredibly stupid take. For most of history, the planet was so vast that people had plenty of room to hunt / farm / whatever. And no, killing other humans is not in our DNA, the only people who feel like that are those with brain damage / development defects.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • again, I don't have a problem with copying code - but I as a developer know whether I took enough of someone else's algorithm so that I should mention the original authorship :) My only problem with circumventing licenses is when people put more restrictive licenses on plagiarized code.

    And - I guess - in conclusion, if someone makes a license too free, so that putting a restrictive (commercial) license or patent on plagiarized / derived work, that is also something I don't want to see.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • As I am a big proponent of open source, there is nothing wrong even with copying code - the point is that you should not be allowed to claim something as your own idea and definitely not to claim copyright on code that was "inspired" by someone else's work. The easiest solution would be to forbid patents on software (and patents altogether) completely. The only purpose that FOSS licenses have is to prevent corporations from monetizing the work under the license.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • “Why does no one say murder is bad unless China is murdering”

    I can not fathom how you absolutely nailed the essence of my comment, yet misunderstood it (and - arguably - your own example) so fundamentally.

    Let me try to help, once:

    "Why do most people not complain about murder when Microsoft is doing it, but when China is doing it, the very justified outrage can be heard?"

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • I am also sick to the core about this aspect of humanity. I feel that we as a species are just about developed enough to understand how a better world would look like, and how people should act, what's "the right thing to do" - and very much not developed enough to overcome our egoism and narcissism to make it happen, so we do the wrong thing despite knowing better far too often.

  • China is attempting to mirror the entire GitHub over to their own servers, users report
  • With the obligatory "fuck everyone who disregards open source licenses", I am still slightly amused at this raising eyebrows while nearly no one is complaining about MS using github to train their copilot LLM, which will help circumvent licenses & copyrights by the bazillion.

  • Only The Best Groomers
  • Words have meaning. And while it is absolutely and fundamentally wrong to impose religious bullshit on the education system (or anyone, really), no, you are moving the goal posts: The ten commandments have nothing to do with Nazis. You arguing against evangelical fundamentalists doing whatever has nothing to do whatsoever with my previous comment,

  • Contemporary African Music is not getting the credit it deserves

    I am on a binge, listening to tons of Nigerian, Ugandan and Kenian music, and I am absolutely loving it. Why is this not playing on our (Western European) radio stations regularly?

    Instead I have to regularly change stations because someone is trying to torture my ears with Ed Sheeran or similar BS. :(

    My potato had a mushroom shaped internal cavity

    Hadn't seen this before - I wonder if that was once on the potato outside and then grew closed?

    Kriegsdienstverweigerung 1994

    Ich bin nicht mit Allem einverstanden, was mein 18-jähriges Ich verbrochen hat, aber für diese Gewissenserklärung werde ich mich niemals schämen.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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