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Why don't low birth-rate countries make immigration to their country easier?
  • Just look at the state of the USA with 28% immigrant population.

    Which STILL has the 6th highest GDP per capita (10th if you count tax-haven microstates and overseas territories).

    Centuries of mass immigration built the US economy. Y'all are acting like economics is all zero-sum and more people = everyone is poorer, but the amount of jobs doesn't stay constant as the amount of people increases. The US always had an influx of immigrants to fuel the ever-growing economic machine.

    There's plenty of reasons why a lot of people in the US can't afford to live in cities, etc. None of it is because of immigration, it's mostly corporate greed and stupid zoning laws.

  • Now The EU Council Should Finally Understand: No One Wants “Chat Control”
  • Newer Samsungs (at least 2019, maybe even older) have a microphone in the remote. It's opt-in to give it that permission (you have to agree to a bunch of legalese), but it being Samsung, I just assume they're listening anyway.

  • Oh sweet, my old Empire Earth box!
  • Securom has been cracked long ago yeah. I believe it was SafeDisc or StarForce that made things hella weird in a cracked game, but that was bypassed by mounting the CD back then and now I think the cracks work too

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Waze isn't technically difficult to replace, but it is going to be difficult to replace because the replacement needs critical mass to become useful. There's no point using it over some other navigation app if people don't report stuff.

  • Look what I got to spend my birthday money on!
  • I hope you get better soon. Is there any sort of cheap yet good insurance you would qualify for, based on e.g your location, disabilities, income, or anything?

    I must admit I don't know a whole lot about the whole system (though a fair bit more than your average European), but I do know there are cases where you can get good health insurance for cheap. Though I'm sure you've already looked into what your options are.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • And if the business needs aren't met, said businesses will go to another SaaS company that promises them a better, brighter future.

    The user might not be the subscriber, but the user being less productive because the software is getting in their way, will irritate the subscriber.

    I know a SaaS company that put thousands upon thousands of engineering hours into making small (and sometimes large) optimizations over their overall crappy architecture so their enterprise customers (and I'm talking ~6 out of the top 10 largest companies in one industry in the US) wouldn't leave them for a solution that doesn't freeze up for all users in a company when one user runs a report. Each company ran in a silo of their own, but for the bigger ones... I'm not going to give exact numbers, but if you give every user a total of half an hour of unnecessary delays per day, that's like 500 hours of wasted time per day per 1000 employees. Said employees were performing extremely overpriced services, so 500 hours of wasted time per day might be something like 100k income lost per day. Not an insignificant number even for billion dollar companies.

    I've since left the company for greener pastures and I hear the new management sucks, but the old one for sure knew that they were going to lose their huge ass clients over performance issues and bugs.

  • How do you stop making excuses?

    I'm sure many of you are familiar with the issue of making excuses for everything. I don't just mean excusing your unfinished chores by saying "I have ADHD", I mean excuses and fabrications in general - at work, you might say you're nearly finished with a project, but really you're halfway done at best, at home you might say you couldn't start the dishwasher because of how angry your pregnant wife was at you for choosing the wrong program on the washing machine, so you were scared to start the dishwasher - fully ignoring the fact that you were supposed to start the dishwasher BEFORE even being confronted about the washing machine. The last one is a stupid example, but it happened an hour ago and it's a pattern I hate about myself.

    If you've had a similar issue and identified it, what has helped you improve yourself? I may never be perfect to the point I'll get everything done that I need to, but I'd like to at least stop making stupid excuses that just bring up fights that could've been avoided.

    How to set up Podman with NVIDIA GPU acceleration and macvlan networking on Gentoo Gentoo with GPU-enabled Podman and MACVLAN

    Gentoo with GPU-enabled Podman and MACVLAN. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

    Gentoo with GPU-enabled Podman and MACVLAN

    cross-posted from:

    > Getting GPU acceleration working is a common task for those of us running Plex or Jellyfin. There is not much documentation for getting the NVIDIA container stack to work with Podman, even less on Gentoo, plus there have been a lot of changes to NVIDIA's container toolkit lately. > > I have been fighting with Podman for a while now and just recently got it working 1:1 with my Docker setup. Gentoo may not be the most popular or easy to use distro but I documented it in case some poor soul runs across it searching the web. > > Feel free to poke holes in it or leave feedback.

    Welcome to a new unofficial Gentoo Linux community

    There was already a Gentoo community on Lemmy, however it hasn't had any activity in 2 years and since Lemmy's popularity has exploded in recent days, I figured it might be time for a new one with active moderation.

    Anyone reading this likely already knows what Gentoo is, but on the off-chance that someone completely unfamiliar with Gentoo clicks on this thread, here's a quick primer. Gentoo Linux is essentially a meta-distribution. You're given a package manager (Portage) that builds your packages from source, and some useful command line utilities. Other than that, you get your choice of everything - systemd or OpenRC? X11 or Wayland? Gnome, KDE or some other desktop manager? Or none at all? All up to you. Now of course, Arch provides you the same freedom of choice, but Gentoo's party trick is the local compilation - you can have the compiler optimize everything for your particular CPU's instruction set, or just leave out features you don't need in some programs.

    Swedbank: Uusarenduste broneeringute arv on tippajast 12 korda väiksem Uusarenduste broneeringute arv on tippajast 12 korda väiksem

    Kinnisvaraturg on selle aasta esimeses kvartalis selgelt rahunenud, teatas Swedbank värskes ülevaates ja tõi välja, et tänavu esimeses kvartalis tehti uusarendustesse kodu ostmiseks kahe aasta taguse tippajaga võrreldes 12 korda vähem broneeringuid.

    Uusarenduste broneeringute arv on tippajast 12 korda väiksem

    Paistab, et EURIBORi tõus ja kõrged kinnisvarahinnad on turuga 1-0 teinud. Isiklikult loodan, et nüüd tuleb mõningat hinnalangust - hinnad on juba naeruväärselt kõrgeks läinud Eesti palgataseme kohta. Arvatavasti hakkavad ka välja võetud teise samba rahad inimestel otsa saama, need olid suure tõenäosusega suures ostuhulluses ja hinnatõusus tähtsal kohal.

    0 Keskerakonna fraktsioon tegi ettepaneku algatada peaministri umbusaldamine

    Riigikogu Keskerakonna fraktsioon võttis esmaspäeval vastu otsuse algatada peaministri umbusaldamine. Keskerakond alustab sel teemal kõnelusi EKRE ja Isamaa fraktsiooniga.

    Keskerakonna fraktsioon tegi ettepaneku algatada peaministri umbusaldamine

    Paistab, et Eestis hakkab jälle poliitiliselt huvitavaks minema. Isiklikult ma ei usu, et nad hääled kokku saavad ja ma ei kujuta ette kes uueks peaministriks saaks, aga kõik on võimalik.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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