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Adult daughter. Should I disown her!?
  • Sir/maam, you've raised a Psychopath.

  • I respect the honesty
  • "Cigrit." That right there is literary anti-depressant.

  • Genius move
  • Those were simpler times. Back when villains had the decency to sign off on the crimes they committed.

  • Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one. Sometimes you're just stupid.
  • Just the alien version of building sand castles.

  • Elon Musk's X claims it's now a 'video-first platform' as it tries to reverse an advertiser exodus that has cost it billions in value
  • Elon's statements are the verbal equivalent of getting drunk and vomitting on a wall. Stuff comes up that you never expected to see, it creates a huge mess, and whatever sticks, sticks.

  • Expert rule
  • My wife's childhood cat was really old when she finally came to live with us in one of our rental places we lived while I was still doing grad studies. We used to close the door bc it was the one room with semi functioning AC, and during the summer we could kind of keep the room a decent temp if we kept the door closed. Anyway, the poor kitty would scratch the door and meow to be let in, and would not stop until we did (she would of course wait until we had fallen asleep first). Anyway, eventually we figured fans and an open widow were easier than being kept awake all night, so the door stayed open. That's when she started the fun new habit of 2am hairballs while sleeping between our heads...

  • Gotcha
  • I knew I wasn't making it to the second column without going to the big green oval first. I know who I am.

  • The four houses dads belong to.
  • Side note: They do make a damn fine dish washer! (Not European)

  • star wars is too woke i like the show about the socialist utopia rule
  • Any echo chamber can produce illusory truth effect. Repeated exposure to misinformation can result in a person failing to identify it as a lie, and begin to register it as fact and the lie gets amplified.

  • star wars is too woke i like the show about the socialist utopia rule
  • They view the show as a documentary, not a comedy.

  • I feel like age is irrelevant here
  • Missing the swirl option: child befriends zombie, then convinces zombie to commit war crimes. That's the child you must fear the most.

  • You had to hold it up to a candle.
  • Good ol' WinAmp. I remember rockin' out to all the mp3s I could possibly pirate on WinAmp while chatting to all my friends on ICQ. Now I listen to podcasts on Spotify while yelling at kids to get off my lawn and putting A535 on my aching back.

  • The four houses dads belong to.
  • Not a dad, but definitely team DeWalt.

  • Hospital Price Gaps Show Just How Broken the US Health-Care Market Is
  • That's overly simplified. Provinces don't all recieve the same amount of Federal funding for healthcare. Alberta recieved about 6 billion in Federal funding for healthcare, while PEI recieved about 223 million in 2023. Alberta can afford to pay Healthcare professionals more and have been poaching those professionals from Atlantic Canada creating crises in places like Nova Scotia where the population has greatly increased through the pandemic. So, yes of course if you pay those professionals more you'll solve problems in some places and cause more problems elsewhere.

    Now, provinces can up their own taxes to make up for short falls, but guess how popular that will make the ruling parties that chose that.

    The solution needs to be a lot more nuanced than just pay them more.

    Edit: clarification

  • "Kids these days" by Extra Fabulous Comics
  • Had to walk to school, uphill both ways in -40C everyday, all year. Things were better back then.

  • Maybe the difficulty is up too high
  • The game where you always lose.

  • You see it enough and the original looks wrong.
  • I mean the multiheaded eagle has been used on many flags dating further back than the 1800s. So, wouldn't be too absurd for there to be a flag with another double headed animal on it I suppose. Just not sure there is a such a bear in any mythologies those founders may have subscribed to.

    Edit: spelling.

  • Putin Ally Found Dead After Falling From Third-Floor Window
  • Or, and hear me out, the Russians developed a breed of super predator windows that seek out people (who just so happen to have annoyed the overlords), sneak up on them, gobble them up and shit them out the other side of the wall.... just a theory.

  • Why is canned soup often so bad even though soup tends to improve as leftovers?
  • There was an interesting CBC podcast called Fridge Light, and in one episode the host followed people who had their recipes accepted for commercial sale. Apparently, a big issue is making those recipes generic enough so that they are acceptable to the widest range of consumers. This often means toning down the flavors. So for example, a spicy recipe gets dialed back to the point that even people who find yogurt offensively spicy can eat it. Basically, they bland everything down. There's other factors as well, like the taste from the can, etc.

  • Should I wait for the "Snyder cut" (director's cut) of Rebel Moon?
  • The current version is not a good movie at all. It's a Stat Wars knockoff with a boring story and the visual effects that aren't that great.

    I've read that Snyder claims the directors cut is completely different, it'll be R-rated, extra violent, etc etc. I really don't see how making it R-rated is going to fix the problems it has. I'm not much of a fan of Snyder though, so I guess you should take my opinion with a grain of salt.

  • Hamsterassic Park

    Jurassic Park, but the dinosaurs are hamsters.

    Bing AI Image Generator.

    Bed time for cactus owls.

    Just a silly random image of owls nesting in a cactus. Made using Bing AI image generator.

    Don't do Crunch Kids!

    Cap'n Crunch sellin in a dark alley way. Those poor kids are lookin a little rough.

    Generated using Bing AI.

    His spoon is too big!

    Just a caterpillar whose spoon is too big for them.

    Made using Bing AI.

    His Spidey sense is tingling!

    Looks like Stark's been a bad influence on him.

    (Just messing around with AI image generator trying ways to get around content filters.)

    He's reformed, and he's looking for a job!

    Not quite the rancor I was looking for, but he seems to be reformed and look at what he can do!

    Cannibal frogs on vacation

    My friend and I attempted to try to create the most ludacris images with Bing AI image generator. Which led to "Cannibal frogs on vacation". Apparently the ai can't spell, even if you literally give it the words.

    There are other images in the series, but this is the least disturbing.

    Party Salamander Tshirt

    Asked the Bing AI image generator to create "Party Salamander Tshirt". Aside from the spelling mistake, it did not disappoint.

    It's that time of year again.

    It just isn't the holiday season until Mic Mac Mall pulls out its Woody.

    Sway_Chameleon Sway

    Just a guy, doin' stuff.

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    Comments 110