If you're "very open for all kinds of viewpoints" but simultaneously want to not be where left-wing voices are and also think a lot people aren't left wing then I question the accuracy of your original statement.
I suspect your desire to 'freely express yourself' means you want to be a cunt to people in marginalised communities without repercussions.
Weird random mention of CSAM too.
I'm not suggesting its impossible to improve the UX but I a) I think thats going to be an incredibly low priority for the developers and b) I'm not sure what changes can be made to address the essential conflict between the whole point of the fediverse - decentralisation - and a sign up process that essentially hides that without taking away an informed choice.
In reality, its not really that much of a difficult concept to grasp and there are loads of resources like fedi.tips etc to help people. If the communities and content was of a sufficient quality (as oppose to quantity) people would make the fairly minimal effort to understand why the fediverse is the way it is.
And if people don't or won't thats really their call.
The vast majority of people want an experience where federation is invisible. Sign up and post/comment. To maintain the benefits of decentralisation and choice, that's never going to be a truly workable thing.
The vast majority of people don't want to create or even participate in communities, they just want to lurk, scroll and get their new content fix. Every social media based site I've ever been on, federated or centralised has a large group of people complaining about the lack of new content but never take it upon themselves to apply the obvious solution themselves.
These are not necessarily UX issues, these are people issues.
Maybe its time to stop continually worrying about this subject and concentrate on creating great communities? Because if we do that then users will participate organically.
Pericles, Prince of Tyre. Act IV, Scene 1
[Enter pirates]
First Pirate: Hold, villain!
I totally agree with you about AI and I totally agree with you about the UK being America's lapdog in the past but I don't think its merited in this one instance - AI has been a core commitment of the Labour party since before they were elected as they want to want to turn the UK into (their words) 'an AI powerhouse'.
Who the fuck knows what that means because Keir Starmer certainly doesn't. Its just another example of politicians being clueless about tech and trying to hitch their wagon to what seems cool - but its nothing to do with a desire to support Trump or the US as an ally.
It is for UK users too. Quite honestly the most pathetic, embarrassing example of telling on yourself I've seen for some time.
History will remember the names of the appeasers.
Of course, in that scenario you have to trust Apple because none of their code is open source and thus can't be scrutinised.
For those of you not in the UK, or unfamiliar, its important to understand just how intrusive the gvmt are in terms of privacy and how intrusive they want to be. We are world leaders in gvmt led privacy oppression.
You're trying to find a rationale for some thing (xenophobia) that is utterly irrational. Some people are just shit humans.
So Liz Kendall thinks its odd that in a country where there are no jobs for life anymore, no real job security at all, zero-hour contracts and the bullshit of the 'gig economy' are rife, minimum wage is far below what the ever increasing cost of living can afford to pay for, where contracts (where they exist at all) can be redrawn at a moments notice to suit the whim of the employer and where the right to take strike action is pretty much gone has led to a stressed out, exhausted work-force? Or a reluctance to join it?
And then, couple that with the wait times now measured in years to access NHS mental health support and which largely constitutes being offered 4 hours of generic counseling and/or being told to download a fucking app she wonders whats going on and why so many people are so mentally unwell?
Meanwhile MP's get subsidised food, booze, accommodation costs and vote themselves a pay rise every time its raised in parliament.
You're taking the fucking piss Liz.
Why did you put "no its not happening" in quotes as though I said that when I said no such thing?
My first comment was made without the benefit of knowing anything at all about the idea that the election was stolen. I am far from unique in that opinion as it seems even some US citizens were unaware of it. Simply posting assertions which, on the face of it, seem improbable, without any kind of source to provide context to those claims isn't going to inspire trust. If those links had been posted immediately I and others could've read them and had a more informed response.
From the moment I was told about this, my response changed to asking for more information - I said that I was clearly ignorant on the subject and asked to be educated on it.
There is a world of difference between someones views being shot down and someone being totally unaware and asking for sources to learn more.
Its a sad truth that there are a substantial amount of US citizens who seem to think that the entire world must know every intricate detail of the US political and legal system because America is the centre of the world. And then, when the rest of us admit we actually don't, accusations of gaslighting and invalidation. No ones being gaslit or invalidated - we're just not exposed or familiar with the same level of detail as you because we don't live there. If you're going to make a post essentially asking for the outside world to intervene, a good pace to start is by putting all the information there from the start, not going into a massive sulk because we're not aware of the details.
So your sister, her friends and your friends have an inside joke about someone. An inside joke that you're not aware of?
That means the CSAM (its not 'child porn' its child abuse) remains on the server, which means the instance owner is legally liable. Don't know about you but if I was an instance owner I wouldn't want the shame and legal consequences of leaving CSAM up on a server I control.
I mean, why not go totally targeted? If there are people here who still have reddit accounts then tailor the graphic for the sub you post in. If its an lgbtqia+ sub, suggest Blahaj, if its a tech sub suggest programming.dev, if its a piracy or data hoarder sub db0 etc etc.
Don't be silly. Where have I denied this is happening? I've already said to you I was unaware of what you were talking about and asked you to inform me. Whats all this posturing about? When did Lemmy become a place where anyone has to inform anyone else of what country they do or don't live in?
You want the outside world to take notice? Maybe a good start would be to help those who are interested but not familiar with the level of detail you are to the knowledge about your country you assume we all already have. By adding context to your original comment you've already made it ten times more useful to people like me.
Thank you! We don't know what the fuck we're doing half the time - but to be honest, maybe thats a good thing. Super professional presentation does turn me off a bit.
I'm not skeptical at all - I'm simply unaware of what you're talking about. When I say I'm following the situation pretty closely I mean the political situation as reported in the mainstream press. I don't think anyone who's from a country not directly involved is going to be aware of every resource unless its a special interest of theirs or its their job. I wouldn't expect someone not from the UK to be up to date with the latst developments of the Reform Party and how they're trying to swing the narrative here. If you have links, link 'em, I will definitely read them all. I'm asking you to lift my ignorance on the subject.
This is literally the first I've heard of any of these things and whilst I'm not in North America I follow the political situation pretty closely. I'm not saying your wrong about any of it but who are the people saying this and where are they saying it? Has it been reported on either internally or externally to the US?
The overall playbook is fascist I agree but the situation I was trying to compare was Hitler invading a sovereign nation. Trump hasn't done that (yet anyway). I've got good friends in the US and I am very worried about them, I'm just not sure you're betting on the right horse by asking for outside nation-state aid. Rightly or wrongly they'll see that Trump was elected legally and they're never going to invade a country on that basis. There was zero talk of repercussions for Germany until Hitler invaded Poland because he followed the democratic process (or successfully manipulated it) to get elected and assume total power.
It wasn't stolen and it wasn't forced on you. Depressingly enough, turkeys, it seems, do sometimes vote for Christmas. I totally agree with you about the awfulness of the situation but - he told you how he was going to govern, he told you what he was going to do and then he won the election that enables him to do it. You did, as a nation, choose this.
I don't know how any nation state can really intervene on that basis. Its not like Hitler steam rolling Poland or Putin annexing the Crimea - this isn't an invasion or a hostile takeover, it's an elected President carrying out the will of the people that voted for him.
When searching for communities when making a new post, it now sorts communities by popularity (fixes #77) You can now paste images to upload in the markdown editor You can now upload an image when ...

Just for admin info, latest version is 0.8.16 :)
Been awhile since I posted an update to GOS activities and whilst I'm not kidding myself that people hang on our every word or move, its a bit remiss of me/us.
So, first off, we have a new US Order, taking the total in America to three now. The new Order is called Free Society Satanists: GOS Resurgens. We don't have any rules about what an Order calls itself as we're not a big monolithic bureaucracy like some Satanist groups I can think of so they decided to use a kind of mashup of old and new. Internally we refer to them as FSS/GOSR as its less to type! They cover the Atlanta and general South area.
Next up, myself and my Swedish comrade Chantelouve of our Swedish Order Satanistiska samfundet did the first of our 2 hour shows (Contra Odium for Satan Not Hatin') for Moshville Radio on Jan 2nd. Went well, got good numbers apparently. If you want to treat your ears to some non-problematic metal and alt music, DJ'd by one person who knows what they're doing (Chantelouve) and one person who still hasn't learnt to talk directly into the mic yet (me) you can listen to the show on Mixcloud. From now on we have a regular date/time of 17:00-19:00 (UK time) on the first Thursday of every month broadcast live on Moshville Radio and then uploaded to their Mixcloud page the following day.
Satan Not Hatin' now has over 370 opt-in participants including bands, solo artists, record labels, promoters, venues and festivals, merch designers/sellers, zine writers and collectives.
Our UK Order has been asked to represent the Satan Not Hatin' campaign at Depravation Fest '25 a UK music festival. We'll be there to make sure people who might be part of marginalised communities feel welcomed and safe.
Our Seattle Order, House of Heretics completed the collection stage of their campaign to help their unhoused neighbours and have already been handing out tents, sleeping bags, toothbrushes, clean kits, warm socks etc amongst their community and our Pittsburgh Order GOS: Steel City are doing the same with their Baphomet Bags campaign.
GOSPod, our UK Orders podcast, have found a couple of our episodes removed by YouTube because we used phrases that their algorithms are unable to process. For example, we did an episode about the Satanic Panic/Satanic Conspiracies and at one point one of us mentioned old conspiracies getting a new lease of life via Covid denialism and we used the word 'antivaxxer' which was enough to get the episode taken down. Ridiculous. So anyway, we made the decision to not upload any episodes to YT that might get struck off. But we will be uploading all of them to our PeerTube channel where saner heads prevail.
Forgive the self-promotion post but I thought this would be relevant! cross-posted from: https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/post/19534509
> I was interviewed on Moshville Radio yesterday (you can hear the show on their Mixcloud archive) and we (Moshville and GOS) made the announcement that our Satan Not Hatin' campaign will be launching a monthly two hour radio show co-hosted by myself and my friend and colleague from the campaign DoomMetalJacket of Satanistiska samfundet (GOS Sweden). > > We'll be playing the music of our participating bands and artists (nearly 300 of them now), talking about news and information to do with the campaign and hopefully getting some of the bands/artists on to talk about their music and what participating in a campaign like ours means to them. > > Moshville Radio broadcasts live across the UK, EU and USA and archives can be found on their Mixcloud page.
I was interviewed on Moshville Radio yesterday (you can hear the show on their Mixcloud archive) and we (Moshville and GOS) made the announcement that our Satan Not Hatin' campaign will be launching a monthly two hour radio show co-hosted by myself and my friend and colleague from the campaign DoomMetalJacket of Satanistiska samfundet (GOS Sweden).
We'll be playing the music of our participating bands and artists (nearly 300 of them now), talking about news and information to do with the campaign and hopefully getting some of the bands/artists on to talk about their music and what participating in a campaign like ours means to them.
Moshville Radio broadcasts live across the UK, EU and USA and archives can be found on their Mixcloud page.
Forgive me pushing my own stuff here. As some of you know I'm a member of an atheistic Satanic organisation. We are currently running a campaign against the incursion of the far right and hate into various alt music scenes, including metal, called Satan Not Hatin'.
Today we have released a compilation album on Bandcamp called Contra Odium ("Against Hate") featuring the music of thirteen of the Satan Not Hatin' participants. They're all metal bands (plus a couple of punks) on the album and its a real mix of subgenres - Black Metal, Doom, Post, Gothic, Sludge.
Proceeds from the album will be divided amongst participating Orders (UK, Sweden, Pittsburgh and Seattle) and in turn passed on in full to charities local to each Order:
- GOS UK: The Sophie Lancaster Foundation and Hope Not Hate
- House of Heretics (Seattle): The Lavender Rights Project
- Satanistiska samfundet (GOS Sweden): Transammans
- GOS: Steel City (Pittsburgh): Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council

Satan Not Hatin' - our campaign to tackle hate and the far-right in alt music scenes such as metal, punk, goth, industrial etc has released a compilation album on Bandcamp called Contra Odium ("Against Hate") featuring the music of thirteen of the Satan Not Hatin' participants.
Proceeds from the album will be divided amongst participating Orders (UK, Sweden, Pittsburgh and Seattle) and in turn passed on in full to charities local to each Order:
- GOS UK: The Sophie Lancaster Foundation and Hope Not Hate
- House of Heretics (Seattle): The Lavender Rights Project
- Satanistiska samfundet (GOS Sweden): Transammans
- GOS: Steel City (Pittsburgh): Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council
Exclusive: ‘I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life’, former first lady writes in memoir

Melania Trump made an extraordinary declaration in an eagerly awaited memoir to be published a month from election day: she is a passionate supporter of a woman’s right to control her own body – including the right to abortion.
“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” the Republican nominee’s wife writes, amid a campaign in which Donald Trump’s threats to women’s reproductive rights have played a central role.
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.
“Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”
Experts say the UK is entering its first atheist age

An interesting article in The Independent claims the UK is now officially in its first ever 'Age of Atheism' as there are now more atheists than theists in the UK.
Clearly great news but makes it even more of a mystery why we still have 26 christian bishops appointed to law making positions in the House of Lords, why swearing on the bible is still a thing, why kids are still legally obliged to be force fed christian content in schools and why christian nationalists are on the rise amongst Tory MP's.
We won't stop until its all gone.
Global Order of Satan and Satan Not Hatin' are thrilled to announce "Contra Odium" ("Against Hate"), a compilation album which will feature songs from some of our Satan Not Hatin' participants in support of charities who do work supporting victims of hate or who support musicians local to each of our participating Orders (Global Order of Satan - United Kingdom, House of Heretics, Satanistiska samfundet and Global Order of Satan: Steel City). To see who we're supporting and full details of this release head to the Event page

Last week, our "Satan Not Hatin'" campaign - set up to challenge hate and far-right extremism in alt music scenes - welcomed it's 200th opt-in participant. That's 200 artists, bands, record labels, promoters, venues and other organisations not prepared to tolerate hate.
As well as the documentary on the project (which is still being shot), a Stockholm based radio show, Trigger, have announced they will be dedicating an episode to the campaign and playing bands that are participating!
You can read more about the campaign at it's dedicated website and details of how to access the Trigger episode (either as its broadcast via their website or the next day on their Mixcloud account) are also on the site.
We are delighted to welcome back our dear friends in Sweden, Satanistiska samfundet, as an official Order of Global Order of Satan after a hiatus of a couple of years. As the right-wing religious threat grows across Europe, Satanism in Sweden has seen an uptake in interest and after a surge in membership applications GOS Sweden are now ready to once again stand with us in active opposition. You can find them in the following places:
- Official website - you can apply for membership here too.
- Facebook Page
- Discord Server
(side note - I'm hoping to get them active on the Fediverse too!).
Two days ago, LW started behaving very oddly. It suddenly stopped rendering pages - but only on some sites. For example, the default Lemmy skin is fine but the Alexandrite skin is not. The BBC website doesn't work either. A few others seemingly totally random.
The domain resolves and it makes the initial connection and then it takes up to a minute of doing nothing and then just craps out, unable to render the page. Checking the Inspector reveals no errors or warnings and the network inspector is making a connection but not loading anything other than headers and basic tags.
The page presents no errors it just shows a blank screen. <html> <head>
and <body>
tags load but nothing else.
All these pages work fine in all other browsers I've tested in (floorp, Mullvad, vanilla FFox and Brave).
Details: LibreWolf 128.0-2 (flatpak) on LMDE (Faye).
Any clues, pointers or advice very gratefully received. I love the browser and have it set up just how I like it so don't really want to switch to another.
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
Firstly, in an amusing turn of events YouTube removed the latest episode of GOSPod from their site. The reason? The episode - the subject of which was Satanic conspiracy theories - briefly mentioned the antivaxxers and YT said we were peddling medical misinformation. We appealed but nope. You can still hear the episode in all other places listed here.
Secondly, the S8N Not H8N campaign now has its own dedicated website as its was just getting too big (over 130 participants now) for one page on the main website to cut it. You can find that here: https://satan-not-hating.com and we also have launched socials for it too if you want to follow them:
The far right, emboldened and enabled by political leaders such as Nigel Farage, are currently engaged in a wave of misinformation-driven violence that is in danger of engulfing the UK. See it for what it is - extremist thugs manipulating the totally unrelated murders of children to further their fascism.
They are using the tools of right wing social media outlets to organise and spread their misinformation and hate via the usual suspects - Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk etc.
How can we fight back?
One way to effectively fight back is to support groups like Hope Not Hate and their 'Hold On To Hope' campaign: https://hopenothate.org.uk/hold-on-to-hope/ where you can sign up to lend support, keep abreast of developments and donate if you are able to.
If it is safe for you to do so, another way is to talk positively about multiculturalism on your social media presences and challenge the prejudices you encounter. This country was literally built by thousands of years of multiculturalism with hands and minds from many places and of many colours creating the very best of it. We must never let the far right deny that reality or allow their misinformation to gain a foothold.
EDIT: Here is a list of UK wide anti-racism protests being held this coming weekend: https://standuptoracism.org.uk/stop-the-far-right-national-day-of-protest-saturday-10th-august/
A member of our UK Order took time off from our own podcast (https://gospod.chat) to be interviewed on the Spiritually Incorrect podcast about Satanism and GOS. You can listen to the whole episode on their website (also contains links to other podcast supporting platforms).
On December 12, 2023, within the corridors of the Polish Parliament, a scandalous incident occurred, exemplifying extreme discrimination and a lack of respect for the freedom of conscience and religion. During the ceremonial lighting of Hanukkah candles, Member of Parliament Grzegorz Braun extinguished them using a fire extinguisher. Following the incident, Braun gave an interview to the tabloid Super Express, justifying his actions by claiming that “the act that took place in the Parliament was a religious act, deeply satanic in nature” and that “it would be a betrayal of his principles to tolerate and ignore Satanism.” Thus, in the view of the Global Order of Satan, Braun’s act resonated not only as anti-Semitic but also as anti-Satanic. For this reason, one of the members of our community has filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, citing a justified suspicion of committing a crime under Article 196 of the Penal Code(commonly referred to as ‘the insult to religious feelings’) to the detriment of one of our members.
Read the full article here (Polish and English available)

The latest episode of GOSPod is out. It's also on YouTube and PeerTube as well as the usual places - Spotify, Amazon etc.
In this episode we talk about the campaigns we've done in the past as well as our current campaigns and some ideas for the future.
A documentary about our Satan Not Hatin' campaign is underway!
An award-winning documentary filmmaker — who has also directed numerous high-profile music videos for metal bands — was intrigued by the campaign, and by Satanists working towards positive change in the music scenes we love. They are now in the process of interviewing participating bands...watch this space for more updates on this exciting development.
Meanwhile the campaign progresses apace, with nearly 70 participants signed up! If you, your venue, or bands you know would like to join in you can get in touch using the form on our website at https://gos.pm/snh . Let's make sure we're all #protectedbythepitchfork