Economists say the work-from-home trend, which was widespread during the pandemic, won't diminish to its pre-Covid level because it's profitable for employers.
Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, whom President-elect Donald Trump appointed to lead a new government efficiency team, said they intend to call federal employees back to the office five days a week.
Companies such as Amazon and The Washington Post are adopting a similar policy in 2025.
But many companies will keep remote or hybrid work arrangements, largely because they boost profits, economists said.
Some view return-to-office mandates as a stealthy way to reduce employee head count.
Me too. Musk can't actually manage people, but he can pretend more convincingly if he can see them in person and yell at them. There are a lot of managers like that and there are far more executives.
My company looked at the actual business results from the period of COVID remote work. Productivity went up, so they decided to keep things that way. It also allowed them to get rid of all their office space, except for a sparsely populated headquarters building, which is saving them a lot of money.
Most studies have shown that workers were more efficient when working remotely. Why would any executive want to reduce efficiency and increase infrastructure costs? The Return-To-Office push is not rational. It represents an inability to adapt to changing conditions. If boards were doing their jobs, they would be quietly showing those executives the door and looking for better people to run their companies.
Like most stupid things in our world, it's about emotions.
This topic is funny to me because I worked for a place that was all about data. Data driven decisions. They had tshirts made that said like "Data > Feelings".
And yet when people brought up to the CEO stuff like studies showing WFH or 4-day-workweeks were effective, he just said "Nah, we're not doing that.". No discussion. No looking at the data. Just no.
To his credit, that CEO did run a profitable startup with barely any funding, so he wasn't a total fool. But on that kind of stuff he was a total gutfeel asshole.
stupid control freaks. Because controlling of their employees is what RTO is about, control and paranoia.
They are stupid paranoid control freaks who fear that their neat buildings stand empty and they cant just throw work at their wage slaves. So this is actually about control, paranoia, and vanity.
One of the benefits of working from home has been that my manager can no longer use standing staring at me as his main means of judging whether I'm doing work. The whole business of needing to see people working just smacks of shitty management.
Don't forget sweetheart tax breaks from local municipalities on real estate!
Sure you can have this huge complex company, because we know the 1500 people who work from the office will frequent the local Subway for lunch and that's sales tax!
Ok, let's say it is a covid-era privilege. Why does that mean it has to go away? Why can't it be a modern day innovation? Isn't it a curb on vehicle emissions? More spending money in people's wallets if they're not paying for gas or coffee or meals on the go due to commuting? What's the fuckin downside?? We stumbled upon a good thing
Oh fuck, I forgot the real estate prices. My bad. Yea let's cancel this whole thing
It’s also incredibly fucked up that they’re worried about real estate prices falling in an economy where so many are having a problem paying rent or owning a house.
Can Musk please, please, please, just fucking die already? Preferably burnt to death while trapped in a cybertruck. He's just so stupid and has too much power, and I'm tired of people treating him like he's worth more than utter contempt.
Ramaswamy can go, too. Conspiracy theory peddling sycophant.
I worked at a national company of some fame for nearly 20 years. They have two main offices, one in the midwest and one in New England. Before COVID, it was common for folks to work from home, spread across the United States. We even had some fringe cases where people lived in England or Japan and worked from there. I don't work there anymore, but I hear post covid they are forcing people to move and work from the office. It really is leadership brain rot, everywhere, regardless of industry.
I’ve been working remotely long before the pandemic and I will continue to do so - I’m far from being alone in that. Also, we are still in the “covid-era”, we just collectively decided to pretend we aren’t.
The company I work for is pushing almost all of IT to WFH so they can get rid of all the office space they're renting. It actually kind of sucks for me because I don't like working from home.
I'm "racist" against billionaires and not even pretending not to be. There's like no more than a small handful who do much (relative % I mean) good for anybody. Those should be noted and tasted normally (if they weren't while on the way up), but they should be taxed out of existence. Il
I don't know what the number should be, but it shouldn't be possible for your net worth to even approach a billion.
Probably smaller than $50M. Shouldn't be possible to surpass that much. Even that amount should be heavily forced into charity.
If you're in that upper echelon, I automatically hate you before I've heard of you, and I'm fairly confident the amount of times I'm wrong would be extremely small.
Super rich people have to prove they're worth not hating. Their default position is "hated idiot" until proven otherwise.
There's just so little possibility I wouldn't want them dead in a vacuum (devoid of other moral considerations).
I can think of two billionaires that I'm tentatively okay with. One sold a software service for a dollar a year to a couple billion people, and the other is a musician with an extremely valuable musical portfolio and popular live shows.
The key part being that they almost entirely made their money by actually producing something themselves, not just leveraging money to make money or leeching off the work of others, and what they made actually provides value. $1 a year for communication services is a fair value, and the musician has easily provided more than a billion hours of enjoyment.
I can't think of anyone else that it seems reasonable to have that much money that actually has that much money.
and tasted normally
I agree we should eat the rich, but I'll also admit that it's a rare treat, so worth going all out on the seasoning and dining experience. At the least some fresh herbs and butter basted. :P
I'd cap it high enough so that you can obviously retire with a life of luxury, leave your children unquestionably provided for, and start a few odd businesses without realistically risking the previous points.
"Solving" you and your families material needs is sort of the endgame for wealth. The extra for random business ventures is because society actually benefits from people with safety nets taking risks to see if something makes money. It works better if we had a society wide safety net so failure doesn't kill you, but even a limited form still has a benefit.
Anything leftover shouldn't go to charity, it should go back to the society that helped them get the money in the first place. Charity is good, but it's ultimately a bandaid on social problems, and too often isn't distributed evenly or without condition to those who need it. Taxes and entitlement programs won't require a religious sermon to get food,
What i don't get in all of this: There are already companies that did go out of business because too many people just left, due to them not being able to do WFH. Personally, I do like going to the office 1-2 times a week, but even I would leave the company if the got rid of WFH completely. There's near full employment everywhere, especially tech companies already have to go the extra mile to get people to work for them. Why would anyone stay at a company that does not do WFH, if that's one thing they got to enjoy?
This is why they're also fighting for those visas. They want to hire people but don't want to pay US wages. And when your residency depends on your employment, you're going to be much less likely to call out bullshit or whatever
These large tech companies are relying upon their brand to keep talent. Amazon and the rest all believe people will put up with shit to have their company listed on someone’s CV.
Fuck it, I’m saying it, I’m less productive when I work from home. I get to fuck off easier and I do genuinely miss in person collaboration on complex problems.
That said, I’m probably never going to work another job that is more than 2 day hybrid. If every company in the world decided they would go back to 100% in person, I’d have to go back to working harder but as long as some companies care a tiny bit about the wellbeing of their workers, there will be this continuous push/pull of most companies wanting to squeeze every ounce of juice out of every worker.
Tech is a weird industry tho. There are some companies that just rely on churn and burn through employees (cough cough spacex cough cough amazon cough cough). I’m lucky to have ended up in a specific sector where there is a lot of attrition due to frustration so they kind of just deal with the fact that they aren’t gonna get 100% out of everyone.
All that is to say is that there are some interesting dynamics at play and I’ll hold the line, but there is a grain of truth in there but fuck capitalism, not everything has to be done as efficiently and as profitable as possible. Let people just live and work and chill
Fuck it, I’m saying it, I’m less productive when I work from home. I get to fuck off easier and I do genuinely miss in person collaboration on complex problems.
This is me right here. But I go in 3 times a week into the office for my BioTech job. Works great for me.
I don't really find "I fuck off more at home" especially compelling. That sounds like a problem for you and your manager to deal with, and not something that everyone else needs to suffer for.
Musk and ramoswamy are foreign invader trash and they should go back to exploiting their own shitty countries. Fucking scum. Deport these counts or throw them in a detention center with no toilet. MAGA