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America's Choice
  • I've seen everything Trump posts on Truth Social despite never having installed the app.

    I also don't have Twitter but I see a lot of those, too.

  • Will Biden's green jobs policy help him win votes?
  • You forgot C: Won't even hear about it because it doesn't involve Trump spouting coprophilic glossolalia and we lack the attention span to understand what's happening

  • yikes rule
  • I've given up on anything happening in the books ever again.

  • Interested in rules
  • Join city council meetings

    That sounds terrible.

  • Interested in rules
  • The good news: We have some small modicum of control.

    The bad news: Control involves pain, disappointment, frustration, anger, and a whole bunch of mental anguish that people who don't pay attention to politics don't have to deal with.

  • Context
  • It's okay because trying to blow up the building was an official act. The guys he appointed decided so.

  • America's Choice
  • Do I really have to look at my fellow Americans? They're not pretty.

  • Illegal crossings at U.S.-Mexico border fall to 3-year low, the lowest level under Biden
  • God, I hate humanity some days.

    Only some days? Optimist.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Voter disengagement helped along by media consolidation. It's not profitable to cover House races anymore unless something crazy is happening, so people aren't made aware of it. State and local elections are even worse. Sometimes the only information about a candidate I can find is their private Facebook profile.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • Don't forget that the ballots in Florida were really poorly designed, and caused Pat Buchanan to get a very high number of Democratic votes.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • George Wallace got some electoral college votes because he was a flagrant racist.

  • We coulda had Bernie...
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing this happen all over the world. All over the world we have feckless neoliberal parties failing to represent their people and getting replaced with populist right-wingers.

  • Paid operatives linked to a GOP firm are helping Cornel West in Arizona
  • One could make an argument that NATO is a continuation of the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about. But Cornell West just saying "I oppose NATO" without making that argument is pretty weird.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • Somebody's gonna ask it to summarize Finnegan's Wake and the poor AI will go rampant

  • America’s big problem is not Joe Biden, it’s the menace to democracy posed by Donald Trump
  • It's not even Republican presidents. Newt Gingrich destroyed the House. Mitch McConnell destroyed the Senate. And there's a whole bench of people willing to continue their work.

    The entirety of the Republican party, from their philosophy to their platform to their elected officials to the individual voters, is a poison. And they have a lot more power than Democrats thanks to their low population density.

  • ‘I Know I’m Not a Young Man’: Biden Confronts Doubts During Forceful Rally
  • Us dweebs who follow politics don't know how undecided voters think

  • My disdain for mega banks knowns no end
  • Credit union gang where you at?

  • Semi_Hemi_Demigod Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod

    I'm just this guy, you know. Except on Lemmy.

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