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Those without A/C, what are your tips to stay cool during the summer?
  • If you live in a dry climate you can create a makeshift evaporation cooler with a fan, tub, water pump, and evap material.

    Set it up in front of an opened window, blow it into the house, and open a window at the other side of the house. You can easily get 20 degree F drop in temp.

  • Does different parts of the world use different standards for water pressure similar to voltages?
  • US. I’d be surprised if anywhere was allowing more than 80psi.

    20psi is really low so this value may have different variations. I’m on a well pump and before I replaced it I was getting down to 20psi. It barely dribbled out of the 2nd floor shower head. I now have the pump set to 60/40 with a 50psi restriction valve. This seems to be the sweet spot.

    I’m not in plumbing and won’t know how to look this stuff up.

  • We Need to Talk About the State of Calendar Software on Desktop
  • Outlook is pretty good, and exchange does a decent job of making calendars available on mobile, web, or desktop client.

    The outlook web app is the expected future.

    Does it not work well with other calendar servers?

  • What is a product that didn't live up to its advertised claims?
  • There was a brand that worked by filling the tank with water and applying a vacuum to use the water as a filter. They weren’t amazing but they cost like $2k in 2001 money. My ex had one that her father had bought and I finally convinced her to get rid of it once it started shocking her.

  • What's your favorite fun t-shirt?
  • I loose-fitting but not too large shirt that does an above average job of wicking sweat away. It’s also one of my shorts that I can’t get greasy and not care about.

    I probably bought it for $35 in a 3 pack.

  • Do billionaires work monday to friday like all 9-5s?
  • I don’t know any billionaires but I knew some extremely wealthy people and they def worked for it. One only slept from 1-5am, we knew because of their email and document edit times. Also had to supply them with satellite internet while they hiked up to my Everest base camp so they could keep working. Dude was intense but literally built an empire in his industry by himself.

    People that were already multi-millionaires at birth? No idea.

  • How to make an old USB brother laser printer wireless?

    I have an old Brother laser printer that's been doing fine and doesn't need to be replaced, but it only supports USB. Is there a device besides an old computer/laptop that would make it a shared wireless printer that supports windows machines well? I'm pretty sure i could come up with something myself, but i would prefer an off-the-shelf solution that handles updates and bugs without needing any attention from me.

    Edit: Raspberry Pi 5 ordered!

    Linux is still not ready to replace Windows

    Windows 10 EoL is fast approaching, so I thought I’d give Linux a try on some equipment that won’t be able to upgrade to Windows 11. I wanted to see if I will be able to recommend an option to anyone that asks me what they should do with their old PC.

    Many years ago I switched to Gentoo Linux to get through collage. I was very anti-MS at the time. I also currently interact with Linux systems regularly although they don’t have a DE and aren’t for general workstation use.

    Ubuntu: easy install. Working desktop. Had issues with getting GPU drivers. App Store had apps that would install but not work. The App Store itself kept failing to update itself with an error that it was still running. It couldn’t clear this hurdle after a reboot so I finally killed the process and manually updated from terminal. Overall, can’t recommend this to a normal user.

    Mint: easy install. Switching to nvidia drivers worked without issue. App Store had issues with installing some apps due to missing dependencies that it couldn’t install. Some popular apps would install but wouldn’t run. Shutting the laptop closed results in a prompt to shutdown, but never really shuts off. Update process asks me to pick a fast source (why can’t it do this itself?)

    Both: installing apps outside of their respective stores is an adventure in terminal instead of a GUI double-click. Secure boot issues. Constant prompt for password instead of a simple PIN or other form of identity verification.

    Search results for basic operations require understanding that what works for Ubuntu might not work for Mint.

    While I personally could work with either, I don’t see Linux taking any market share from MS or Apple when windows 10 is retired.


    Title reads like at ad, but this is a new way to reach energy independence. I actually have a small EcoFlow device and it’s pretty good for the price.

    I hope this tech can be made available in the US soon.

    111 Another US state repeals law that protected ISPs from municipal competition

    With Minnesota repeal, number of states restricting public broadband falls to 16.

    Another US state repeals law that protected ISPs from municipal competition

    With Minnesota repeal, number of states restricting public broadband falls to 16.

    25 5 dead and at least 35 hurt as tornadoes ripped through Iowa, officials say

    Authorities in Iowa continued search and rescue efforts after a tornado devastated the town of Greenfield and killed an undisclosed number of people.

    5 dead and at least 35 hurt as tornadoes ripped through Iowa, officials say
    How to work with someone that regularly arrives as the wrong answer?

    I work with a person that went presented with a problem, works through it and arrives at the wrong solution. When I have them show me the steps they took, it seems like they interpret things incorrectly. This isn't a language barrier, and it's not like they aren't reading what someone wrote.

    For example, they are working on a product, and needed to wait until the intended recipients of the product were notified by an email that they were going to get it. the person that sent the email to the recipients then forwarded that notification email to this person and said "go ahead and send this to them."

    Most people would understand that they are being asked to send the product out. It's a regular process for them.

    So he resent the email. He also sent the product, but I'm having a hard time understanding why he thought he was supposed to re-send the email.

    I've tried breaking tasks down into smaller steps, writing out the tasks, post-mortem discussion when something doesn't go as planned. What other training or management tasks can I take? Or have I arrived at the "herding kittens" meme?

    micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility Brkdncr
    I know nothing about e-bikes. Which should I get?

    I’d like to start looking for an e-bike. The primary goal is something off-road capable. I’m thinking simple trails and sand.

    The next goal would be portable: if it can break down a little bit so that I could get two inside my small SUV instead of on a bike rack that would be ideal.

    Edit: for those stating to look at my local bike shop, the closest is 1.5 hrs away and is Trek-only. There are a few other dealers also around 1.hrs away.

    11 Exchange Server Roadmap Update

    Today, we are providing an update on our product roadmap for Microsoft Exchange Server, and our next milestones in the Exchange Server journey.

    Exchange Server Roadmap Update
    7 I'm a Tenured College Professor. I'm Quitting. Here's Why.

    Americans are letting education fall apart. Politicians are helping it.

    I'm a Tenured College Professor. I'm Quitting. Here's Why.

    (I am not the author)

    Is the Nvidia GPU Activity monitor app inaccurate?

    I have a laptop with both a dGPU and iGPU. when gaming i see the nvidia dGPU in use but the Activity Monitor remains "grey". If i open the app i see it lists the game is using the dGPU. At some point the Activity Monitor will switch from grey to colored to properly indicate that the dGPU is in use.

    Later, after I close the game the Activity Monitor will remain lit up, even though it's correctly showing no programs using the dGPU.

    Should i just accept that this app is pretty awful?

    Are you prepared for the ramifications of windows 10 EoL?

    Next year Windows 10 goes End of Life. Microsoft will undoubtedly push windows 11 hard, but a lot of machines won’t support it leading to a few economic points of interest:

    The demand for new machines will be high, driving up cost.

    The supply of unsupported machines will be high, driving down the used market.

    Are you all ready?

    Broadcom continues to kill off VMware products

    I received the below email recently which continues to kill off VMware products.

    Skyline was a telemetry product which would analyze your environment for security and configuration concerns, and allow you to easily pull logs from multiple resources and upload them to a support case in a simple 3-click wizard. They announced recently that they were stopping new customers from enrolling in Skyline, and now they are stating that the log collection function is going away, in addition to features that help manage license status. They have not yet announced that Skyline is getting cancelled, but it's seems pretty obvious.

    The blatant money grab is appalling. I actually had some stock in broadcom and sold it shortly after they started announcing these slash and burn tactics for short-term gains. VMware was an amazing product for well over a decade and I look forward to whichever solution manages to fill the gap Broadcom will create over the next 5 years.

    >We are announcing that on April 30, 2024, VMware will be making several changes to Skyline's functionality and features.

    >These changes are necessary as part of our vision for the future of self-help issue avoidance and diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware vSphere Foundation as part of VMware by Broadcom.

    >Feature Changes Assigned Entitlements No Longer Expire Skyline will no longer check for expiration of Entitlement Accounts or Subscriptions. Any active Skyline customer will remain active until further notice. Previously, all active accounts were upgraded to the Select Support feature set in Skyline.

    >This means that customers will no longer see linking of EAs to Organization, Deactivation or Renewal screens in Skyline Advisor Pro.

    >End of Technical Guidance (EOTG) / End of General Support (EOGS) Information In Skyline's Inventory detailed view, information is provided about the product's Lifecycle status (e.g. days remaining before reaching EOGS). Skyline will now only display this information for any product released prior to April 30, 2024. Any products released after this date will display "-" only. Log Assist We are enhancing Log assist to integrate with Broadcom Support systems. However, dependent on the migration scheduling, the feature may temporarily be unavailable beginning May 6, 2024. Log Assist functionality will return upon completion.

    >After the migration, users must log in using the same username as their Broadcom account id to ensure open support cases can be seen when using Log Assist. Users will only be able to see support cases that they opened. There will also be a new field presented called "Party Name", which is another term for Company Name.

    >Thank you for your patience during this transition period.

    >Best Regards, VMware Skyline Team >>>

    29 Palo Alto Networks warns of PAN-OS firewall zero-day used in attacks

    Today, Palo Alto Networks warns that an unpatched critical command injection vulnerability in its PAN-OS firewall is being actively exploited in attacks.

    Palo Alto Networks warns of PAN-OS firewall zero-day used in attacks

    Sev 10!

    3 Property owner stunned after $500,000 house built on wrong lot: ‘Are you kidding me?’

    Anger, accusations, and legal action are firing up after a construction company built a half-million-dollar house on the wrong lot.

    Property owner stunned after $500,000 house built on wrong lot: ‘Are you kidding me?’
    The Reddits (6 minute read) The Reddits | Y Combinator

    "I met the Reddits before we even started Y Combinator. In fact they were one of the reasons we started it," writes PG.

    The Reddits | Y Combinator

    >Reddit was one of the reasons Y Combinator was started. This post tells the story of how the site came to be. Despite being rejected in the first round for their food delivery app idea, Reddit's founders were offered funding after agreeing to work on a project that would eventually become Reddit. The project was launched on a quick schedule. It had a core set of real users after just a few weeks. Reddit is now a fundamentally useful tool that seems almost unkillable.

    Discovered through, a daily technology briefing newsletter.

    VMware may be getting rid of Skyline

    I received the below message. It states Skyline Advisor Pro can't be activated after 4/1. This doesn't look good for the Skyline program. I've been using it for a long time and between log assist and the recommendations, i've found it very helpful. I have the Dell integration in place but I haven't really used it much. It's unfortunate that this appears to be getting set out to pasture.


    We would like to inform you of some upcoming changes to VMware Skyline's functionality and features, scheduled to take effect on or before April 1, 2024.

    These changes are necessary as part of our VMware by Broadcom vision for the future of self-help issue avoidance and diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware vSphere Foundation.

    Feature Changes 1 VMware Select Support Effective immediately, Skyline now supports VMware Select Support. This replaces VMware Success 360 (S360) Support, which reached End of Sale (EOS) in May 2023. As with S360 Support, Select Support provides access to Insights Reports, providing insights into the health and performance of your VMware infrastructure.

    We highly recommend linking your Select Support Entitlement Account to your CSP Org as soon as possible to ensure seamless access to Skyline's proactive support and Insights Reports.

    2 Availability After April 1, 2024

    • Skyline Advisor Pro will remain available and fully functional for existing customers.

    • Activation of new Skyline Advisor Pro services in new or existing CSP organizations will be discontinued and no longer available.

    3 Active Skyline Organizations

    Active Skyline Advisor Pro organizations will automatically be upgraded to Select Support level experience in Skyline and have access to Insights Reports. No action is required.

    4 Inactive Skyline Organizations Skyline Advisor Pro organizations in an inactive state will be removed from the service.

    Customers that have allowed their Skyline service to expire beyond the 60-day grace period must renew their access before April 1, 2024, to continue using Skyline.

    5 Organizations in Limited Mode

    Skyline Advisor Pro organizations in Limited Mode will be automatically renewed to Skyline at Select Support level experience to ensure full access. No action is required.

    6 Technical Adoption Manager (TAM) Engagement

    The process for TAM activation will be streamlined. Customers will now have full control over enabling TAM Reports. Once you opt in, no further action is required. The assigned TAM will have access to perform required duties as needed.

    7 Integration with Dell's Secure Connect Gateway 5.0

    Skyline Advisor Pro's integration with Secure Connect Gateway 5.0 will be discontinued due to the strategic direction of VMware Skyline.

    VMware Skyline continues to provide proactive self-service support for your VMware environment. These changes will help deliver on the roadmap for self-help issue avoidance and diagnostics for VMware Cloud Foundation and VMware vSphere Foundation. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our Skyline Community for assistance. We are committed to minimizing any disruptions to your operations.

    Thank you for your continued trust in VMware Skyline.

    Best Regards, VMware Skyline Team

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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