Trump made the remarks while accepting the "Patriot of the Year" award at a Long Island event on Thursday.
Donald Trump announced plans to reform U.S. elections, including mandating paper ballots, same-day voting, voter ID, and proof of citizenship, while eliminating mail-in voting.
Trump criticized California’s ban on requiring voter ID, calling for a nationwide overhaul. Though mail-in and early voting surged during the pandemic, Trump has long opposed these methods, claiming fraud, despite evidence showing fraud rates are extremely low.
Critics argue his proposals could disproportionately affect rural, disabled, and nonwhite voters, potentially disenfranchising key Democratic-leaning groups.
The reforms would mark significant shifts in U.S. election policies.
This is it folks. If he is able to transform our election system with his own two hands, we've had our last fair election, I guarantee it. Fraud will be baked in, circumventing any design elements that are ostensibly there to guard against it.
This is the scariest thing I've read since the election.
And you'll have to wait 10 hours to vote on a workday because they've limited voting locations to one every million people - like they already do in Georgia.
"We're gonna do things that have been really needed for a long time," he said. "And we are gonna look at elections. We want to have paper ballots, one day voting, voter ID, and proof of citizenship."
This should come with a national day off for voting, and mandatory voting requirement.
fuck that, mail in voting has done so much good and it's a prime step in stopping all this. if we had national mail in voting things would get better fast so no wonder they don't want it.
what would this mean for states that already do this
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
If he really wants to standardize voting at the national level, I think this might actually backfire on the GOP in the long run. Mail-in voting and early voting is extremely popular across the political spectrum, while lazy ignorant old people, the life blood of the GOP for over fifty years, often don't carry ID or even know where theirs is.
I am forced to file taxes every year and being a US citizen fucks my ability to invest in the retirement plans here because they all end up being PFICs which the IRS heavily penalizes. Fuck you, you're not taking my rights away. Forcing me to travel to not only the US, but to the state where I'm registered is not OK as that is thousands of dollars and days to accomplish.
In elections where there needs to be a single winner so proportional representation does not work, how about this (already works in several EU countries):
Round 1: Anyone can participate if they have enough signatures. If anyone gets the majority vote, they automatically win and there is no round 2.
Round 2, 1 or 2 weeks later: Top 2 candidates from Round 1. No votes are carried over. Popular vote wins.
I thought Putin's Sock Puppet and his neo-Nazi supporters want to increase state rights. Getting rid of the Electoral College should be the first step.