I just assumed this disclaimer was for live sports, which include ads whether you want them to or not. It’s not like you can just leave out the commercial breaks in a live broadcast.
lol yeah I laughed at the medical bill comparison, too. I don’t generally find myself in situations where I really feel like I need a gun, but I at least want the option. I just don’t want to end up on the wrong side of a wrongful death suit or something without a lawyer.
Which is understandable to be honest. If I’m a cop and I show up to one guy dead and another holding a gun, I’m not going to just let him walk away without a little context.
That’s really what I’m concerned about. I’m not some trigger happy maniac, but if I’m forced to defend myself or my family I don’t want to end up destitute because of it.
I’m getting my concealed carry license in about 3 weeks. Are there any companies that offer concealed carry insurance that don’t donate to political campaigns or PACs?
Edit: missed the word “don’t”
One of the first things Trump did was reverse the Biden policy regarding sending 2,000 pound bombs to Israel, and he has talked about “clearing out” Gaza. Trump’s policies are already objectively worse.
We protected the Palestinian children by letting a worse candidate win! Yay!
I kinda hope all 2 million take the offer, and then everything falls apart. Yeah it’ll all go to shit, but we need a storm to realize how nice sunshine can be.
If my state wasn’t already part of the US I would not support joining.
Now we’re funding a genocide and making life worse for everyone else. Huzzah!
I was talking about the Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness movie with a friend of mine and he mentioned the pride flag that America wears. He said something like “That’s just Hollywood propaganda. There’s no way a 13 or 14 year old would know enough to know they were gay.” And I said, “I knew I was straight by that age.” He didn’t seem to have an answer for that one.
I already have it so I don’t need it, but whoever gets it is getting a great game! This was one of the first PC games I ever got, and the start of my addiction.
You had to tell people you’re alive because nobody would notice if you died? That’s kinda sad tbh
I’ve been wanting to take the leap, too. I’ve got Linux installed on my gaming laptop and I’ve been trying games one by one to see if they work. Next step is dual booting on my desktop and only switching to Windows when I absolutely can’t make something work. My biggest concern is that I have a bunch of games installed on various drives that are all Windows (NTFS?) formatted and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to run them on Linux. I really don’t want to have to reinstall all of them.
A featherless biped
Do changes in technology justify curbing the second amendment, too, or just the first? I mean, guns have certainly changed a lot since the bill of rights was written.
Also owned by Meta
- marketplace
- messenger
Literally my only attachments to Meta at this point. I want to delete my account so badly.
Mr. Trump, in emphasizing gun issues and the Supreme Court during a speech, issued what some saw as a threat to Mrs. Clinton.

Old, but seems relevant

Article in case anyone wants to read it
I built a PC for the family yesterday, and I'm hoping to get away with going 100% Linux. What makes me a little nervous is that Epic Games, GOG, battle.net, EA store, etc don't officially support Linux. If I try using Lutris, or Heroic Games Launcher, or something similar to use those platforms, is there a chance my account will get banned? I've seen some stories about people getting banned from Apex Legends using Linux, but since I don't play that one I'm not too concerned about it.
Has anyone had a bad experience?
I think my Midwinter Blight event might be bugged. I've talked to the quest starter, but I'm not getting any enemies that drop the event loot, and I've been all over fractured peaks looking for them. I have a quest marker over the collection's table, but nothing happens when I interact with it, and I don't have any of the loot to exchange for anything on the table. Anyone else have a similar problem, or am I doing something wrong?