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Why are fake laughs added to sitcoms?
  • But the government doesn't. Society does. My government doesn't make my kid need a vaccine. The schools do. Because the rest of the community demands it. Many communities do. It's not only a government kind of deal.

  • "cool" and "hot" are both compliments
  • "You warm up the ice! It's the best of both worlds!"

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • I'm not even a Democrat and I think he is more fit. He can at least answer a question about childcare without being asked 3 times like a 4 year old who is in trouble.

    Why am I going to care for a candidate that doesn't care enough about his country to answer the questions the people really want to know? For one that can't accept that he is a felon? That cannot be a real man and own up to his actions?

    He's soft. He's stupid. And he ain't worth my vote.

  • Joe Biden Hits Back at The New York Times After it Tells Him to Drop Out of Race
  • Nowhere in that statement does it say it's ok

  • Rudy Giuliani still waiting to be paid by Trump, documents reveal
  • That's the real stupid part. He spent his whole life fucking people over that it never occurred to him that it would be that way from someone else.

  • Undecided voters say they now support Joe Biden after debate
  • It's also early. We still have 5 months and way more debates.

  • Nazi family celebrating the 'bright' future they were making for their children, Germany, ~1937
  • Ooooooh a rare racist that admits there was a Holocaust. That's a bingo.

  • Oh Joe...
  • What I'm on is I'm tired of hearing dumb shit from dumb people and I will tell them when they sound dumb without quarter. So keep it up and maybe your dumbass will get it.

  • Zoinks!
  • I'm pretty sure this is a rough draft. Artists use these markers for correct proportions and take them out with the finished product. But many things of this sketch look unfinished.

  • Dr. Disrespect's YouTube Channel Demonetized After He Admits to 'Inappropriate' Chat With Minor
  • I would imagine they were waiting to see if they could catch him. And then charge him. Possibly.

  • Biden Ended the Trump Crime Wave
  • Yes. Let's blame everyone rather than those that committed the crime. I love when critical thinking is ignored. It's so invigorating to hear mindless dribble instead of concise analysis.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Sure it isn't. Because I haven't either and it's the Internet and I'm just making up shit.


  • Oh Joe...
  • What are you talking about? It's a silent fucking room with no audience. Have you ever done any public speaking? The audience absolutely fuels the speaker.

  • Oh Joe...
  • I think Biden just couldn't believe the bullshit he was hearing. And not having a crowd to feed off of is an odd environment for a public speaker. Pretty easy for a narcissistic asshole that loves the sound of his own voice.

  • Oh Joe...
  • More importantly it's benefited the corporations. Don't kid yourself. Both are lined with the gold of the rich.

  • Oh Joe...
  • It's one debate and people are acting like it's the goddamn end of the world.

  • Lemmy world mobile

    I was rocking the Jerboa app and now it's not letting me login. Are there any other alternatives out there?

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals GladiusB
    moonmoons unite!

    My boy doesn't like the fireworks but he doesn't let him have a bad day. (He still acts like a derp).

    GladiusB GladiusB

    I got in an argument with a toaster and now I lost a bet and I'm here just to get my house back.

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