I get it, Biden is old and that's a problem, but why doesn't anyone seem to have a problem with the fact that Trump is almost the same age, has 34 felonies, raped at least 2 women, went to Epstein's Island 11 times, sexualized his own daughter, stole classified documents, aligned himself with Xi and Putin, and can't remember common names?
Is all of that really better than being 2½ years older than he is right now?
His base are enthusiastically slobbering on his c**k, and most prominent politicians for the gqp seem to be lining up to holster it when his base are done. Not to mention the supreme crunchwrap court are in love with him too.
Most of the people who think Trump should drop out have been loudly opposing him for a long time. There isn't just one single thing they object to, no great unifying theme they can point at and say "This is why he should not run," because Everything about him is a reason why he should absolutely not be president. Even his Felony conviction is, while perhaps more than a drop, just a splash in the bucket of what should be utterly career ending circumstances.
The people who still support Trump don't care about any of that. They're not going to suddenly see one particular turn-off and decide that's it, that's why Trump should back out. They're committed, in too deep, they can't back down now because it would mean the Libs were actually right all along, and that presents, to them, an existential threat. And in the end, it's the Republican way.
When Democrats, even popular ones, fuck up, other Democrats are much more likely to turn on them, to call for and get resignations. With Republicans, that's almost unheard of. Republicans take Part Unity to an extreme, circling the wagons and assuming a full defensive position no matter how incredibly abhorrent the crime, no matter how blatant the evidence. Today we're seeing the perfect example. Biden fucked up a debate, stumbling over his own words like an old man well past his prime, and the party is calling for him to step down. Trump has built his whole political career on stumbling over his own words, with the only cogent statements he manages being blatant lies, and his people would rather murder their neighbors than see him lose.
Most people who want him to drop out were never going to vote for him anyway.
People (perhaps erroneously) perceive a chance of Biden actually doing it. Trump will never drop out as winning the presidency is his only shot at avoiding incarceration. He'll probably run again in 2028 if he's still around by then.
Trump isn't incumbent, meaning the GOP already had a full primary in the past year. They've already determined they don't have a better alternative. Technically the Dems could have nominated someone other than Biden, but it was never a very likely possibility, so people aren't as familiar with Democratic alternatives.
Republicans either don't believe any of the criticisms you made of Trump are true, are okay with them, still believe him to be the lesser of two evils, or some combination of these. This is largely due to right-wing propaganda e.g. Fox News, OAN, Info Wars, etc.
I'm no expert, these are just what I perceive to be happening. There's probably other factors at play as well.
Edit: with the recent supreme court rulings, I'm guessing that he may be able to avoid jail even if he doesn't win. I still don't see any chance he'll drop out.
If a democrat fucks up, that's big news because they're supposed to have their shit together and act in the best interest of all of us.
If a republican fucks up, that's expected. Any articles about that are like 'water is wet'. It's not informative because we all know, even the conservatives who vote for them, that they're in it for themselves and are out to get everyone else.
Perhaps you missed the last almost 4 years where people were doing precisely that. There was this whole thing with Ron Desantis, and Nikki Haley, and the brainworms inside of JFK, Jr., etc. It didn't work, and his base chose Trump, if not unanimously then close enough to it, and also far back enough in the past for such a call to not be relevant anymore. Plus conservatives are just different kinds of people - for them, power is not bestowed upon someone by We The People, but ripped out of the people's hands by force of will. Might does make Right after all, in their playbook.
But Dems are not choosing Biden. Also, no primaries are being held. So asking him to drop out is the last hope before holding your nose and voting for him anyway, hoping against hope that just like for Hillary, others do as well (although in that case... well, I'm sure this time will be different. Why am I sure? Bc... shut up, that's why!:-P /s).
The truth is that Trump has done more for conservative causes than any president prior. He installed the far right justices that have toppled Roe v Wade and affirmative action. He enacted things like the Muslim travel bans. In short, either they know he's a scumbag and don't care because he gets results, or they don't believe their own lyin' eyes because look at the results he produces. It's all about the bottom line, and the ends justify the means.
People that want to stay free must learn to vote for the most viable candidate, whether they like them or not. Republicans know the left actually value proper behaviour and consistency from their candidates, so the left is vulnerable to this kind of attack. The republicans don't care what you say about their candidate, they just want to win. But especially they want you to lose.
Because Trump is winning in the polls handily and has robust support from his base.
Biden is the opposite: he's losing in the polls, his disapproval numbers are the highest in the history of modern polling, and many of the people that will vote for him will do it only because they have to.
No one is asking him to drop out because they aren't afraid he's going to lose. Simple as that.
Everyone with their panties in a twist right now could have done something about it during the primaries, but apparently protest votes about Israeli atrocities were the priority.
If he had any decency or moral, Trump should have stepped down himself.
Also, kindly remind everyone with a vagina and everyone who cares about someone with one: This year's presidential election is about abortion access. Roe vs Wade was repealed by extremist MAGA judges appointed by Trump.
Cult leaders can get their followers to do anything and the followers will forgive the leader for anything, including felonies. They will dismiss any criticism of the leader as lies or made up to hurt the leader politically. No matter how true the criticism might be.
At the end of the day, it's very much like the relationship between religious worshippers and their god.
Firstly, foreign nations interfering with our country wants chaos. Trump is chaos but they will latch onto anything to sew discord and craziness.
Second the Republicans don't care they are voting for Trump period or against democrats period there is little to change their mind. Conservatives don't have to do something to win they have to hold every one and anything back.
Thirdly, the left is critical thinkers who are trying for better so there is always dissent or people criticizing/arguing the best way to do a thing causing lots of bad will. Doesn't help we don't have a left party and have a middle party always trying to court to the right.
Lastly, there is tons of could been better should have done better. Democrats and DnC sucks. They have a bunch of old fogeys holding onto power and their donors want people who won't change things to much. Doesn't help the corpos where use to having zero lights shined on them under Trump and they can do whatever. Where as even if most of it was toothless Biden actually did a little bit and said a few things that upset the corps
One party has principles, arguably too much in some sense.
The other either just voting for them because they love tradition so much they need to vote someone conservative, just want less taxes, or outright just evil and want to see the suffering of their fellow human beings if those happen to belong to the wrong group.
Horse Race reporting, it's literally all the mainstream has to say people are concerned about because his performance actually holds up when you check the stats.
But if you dare say that people are literally being manipulated into thinking he's worse than he is you're "not understanding the median voter's struggles"
We need to force the sale of news corporations to the journalists so this profit maxxing bothsidesifying shit can go the way of the dodo.
everyone is kind of giving snarky answers with a couple helpful tidbits in between but the true answer is:
trump is polling well. current polling indicates that trump is doing good enough at what is expected of him, which at the moment is simply running a campaign that will beat the democratic candidate.
people only really start calling for dropping out en masse when polls start to significantly falter because it’s an indication that the candidate is no longer running a competitive campaign.
If you want an honest answer, I'd recommend finding some place that has a decent population of openly right-wing people so you can get an answer from them directly, rather than left-wingers snarking and saying they're all brainwashed fanatics that would never dissent from the party's candidate.
One thing I never understand is that all I ever hear about from Republicans is how old Biden is. While being true and not that I necessarily like Biden no one ever talks about how Trump is only three years younger. Biden has to answer for his age all the time but it's not a thing Trump typically deals with
The people calling for Biden to drop out are supporters of his party, the democrats, who recognize that he’s unfit and incapable of winning. They want him to be replaced by someone else to increase their party’s chances of victory.
No one is calling for trump to drop out because he’s looking more fit in comparison to Biden and he’s projected to win. No one would call for a candidate to drop out when they’re in the lead if they support that candidates party.
Criminal allegations, true or false, don’t enter into it because America has a two tiered justice system where the wealthy and powerful are less beholden to the law than the rest of us and because presidency requires the violation of myriad international laws, norms and human rights.
The job title might as well be War Criminal in Chief and none of the allegations leveled at trump are disqualifying.
Why would he drop out? His racist and nonsensical ramblings are what Republicans/conservatives/the wealthy and his base want. It's leftist and some liberals who don't want that. Which is why there are calls for Biden to drop out. That's not complicated. I barely even understand how this is a question
I think you misunderstand who is asking Biden to drop out and why.
Dems are interested in who is the DNC candidate and Republicans are interested in the GOP candidate.
Republicans as a whole are OK with Trump. He's not incredibly popular, but he has some achievements under his belt and has a relatively small but very loyal core group of voters. The average Republican believes that a) Trump has good chances of winning election and b) will likely move forward conservative policy objectives.
Therefore, why would they want him to drop out?
If we look on the other side at Biden. A growing group of people believe that he is not 100% mentally there because of his age. Because of this, not only does he a) have lower chances of winning the election but also b) is he really competent enough to be president? Sure, there's a sort of shadow administration behind him but people still put value in having a strong and mentally quick head of state.
Beyond that, there's also a small group of progressive voters who are unhappy with Biden's policies. He simply isn't a very effective leader and is one of the most unpopular presidents in US history. He's even more unpopular than Trump, who was also a deeply unpopular president.
So, people want Biden to resign because they believe other people would not only a better chance of winning election, but would be more effective leaders in terms of advancing DNC policy objectives.
I would gladly have Trump drop out. It won't happen. Trump is running to save his own ass. For my part, I have grave doubts about Biden's ability to win that have been building for a few months but came sharply into focus during the first minute of that debate.
Biden was old in 2020 and that was a problem back then. In 2024, Biden is senile and that is a problem now. He failed to make coherent sentences 10+ times in a 90 minutes long debate.
At this point I do not ask Biden to drop because I like Trump. I hate Trump. I ask Biden to drop because I'm confident he can't beat Trump. Yesterday, someone leaked the poll numbers from DNC. Before the debate Biden was leading Trump by one point. After the debate Biden is trailing behind Trump by 8 points. If things move forward as they are, then Trump will be the only Republican candidate to win popular vote in the last 2-3 decades.
Because people think Biden may actually do it. No one is stupid enough to believe Trump would put aside his ego long enough to consider the problems created by his extreme age.
The problem the Republican party seems to have right now is that it's caught in a bizarre cult of personality, where the only viable candidate is Donald Trump. Eight years have been dedicated to a man that likely won't be around for another eight due to his age and lifestyle. Donald Trump can't drop out, because to many he IS the Republican Party.
Put succinctly, if Trump were to drop out, could you realistically see him backing another candidate, without making it about himself?
In some ways it's petrifying that Trump could win. In another, it's hilarious to think that IF Trump were to lose, how would the Republicans recover in four years? Trump will never not make it about himself, and I bet he'll put himself on the ballot for as long as he can, further eroding the right.
Because we know he won't. He knows he's unwelcome by the majority of the people. That just makes his worshippers praise him even more.
What do you expect...Democrats ask him to step down because he's a convicted felon? He's gonna listen?
Republicans to have him step down...why? Because he said lies(that they believe) and sounded good saying them?
Biden we at least know is receptive. And he's got an amazing career behind him. Losing the presidency, as an incumbent, to Trump (the incumbent he just barely defeated four years ago when he exuded much more confidence when he spoke against him) would be a terrible way to end it.
There's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story.
Trump's specific faults are irrelevant to the calculation insofar as they are profound, and they are legion. Anyone who doesn't understand that he should never hold the reigns of power is damn near irredeemably ignorant/hopelessly deluded. Ideally he would keel over and land in a trash compactor.
The 2 year age gap between the two is hardly the point. If that's what you think those calling for Biden to step aside are focusing on you're not understanding what the issue actually is.
I can only speak for myself. The reason I think Biden should drop out is because I. DON'T. THINK. HE. CAN. WIN. If we need to discuss whether Biden's downfall is fair, unfounded because of x, y, or z, the product of unscrupulous conjecture, etc., etc., ok. Ultimately it hardly matters if in the end the remaining conclusion is still that I. DON'T. THINK. HE. CAN. WIN. Biden is infinitely more desirable than Trump, but if he can't pull off a victory it's more important to remedy that than barrel forward into calamity because "I thought it was clear he was going to be the nominee".
Genuinely, I don't know that I could take another Trump term, let alone the prospect of this looming fascism taking root. I would rather roll the dice than play a hand that I absolutely believe will lose.
We can disagree on this. This is a complex situation, and the stakes are high. I'm not going to pretend that I can see into the future. Whatever happens I'm hoping for the best.
Because being a fringe lunatic insurrectionist fascist is forgivable. Left or right, everyone either assumes Trump is so bad or so good that he is beyond criticism.
Same as it ever was. No one, left or right, expects the Republicans to change or get better.
Those are virtues to his voting base, if he can get away without accountability for all that, think of how much he can fuck over the people he claims to not like (ignore that your face is just as edible to the Chester Cheato)
It'd be wasted breath, really. Trump will never step down, because he's trying to remain out of prison. If he loses, then there goes any chance he had at pardoning himself for his numerous crimes. So he's not only the far and away favorite Republican candidate, but he's also highly motivated to stay in the race for personal reasons. No appeal to his sense of patriotism will work to get him to step down because he has no patriotism. He's in it for himself and himself only.
Biden, on the other hand, is just the default Democrat guy because he's the incumbent, and the party figured that'd be enough to win, and so haven't been trying very hard. And that has everybody terrified, because if he loses, then we get another 4 years of Trump, and probably never get to vote again. Basically, people are calling for Biden to step down because the stakes are way too high to fuck around.
In addition to the other people who replied, the answer is simple:
Look at Kinzinger.
Look at Cheny.
You're labeled a rhino.
Your career in politics is over.
And then maybe Trump retweets that there should be a military tribunal to try you for treason.
It's worth noting that treason is one of the few crimes enumerated in the constitution.
The founding fathers were all guilty of treason to the crown. And virtually anything could be charged as treason under King George.
You have to TRY to commit treason in the US.
Trump at one point asked for a list of our spies in the field. A few weeks later they started turning up dead. Trump had met with Putin between those two events. Trump refused that any records be kept from those meetings. Draw whatever conclusion you want from that knowledge, but I personally find that disqualifying. Let alone whatever he was wanting to accomplish by keeping national secrets in his bathroom in his country club.
He also happily hosted LIV's golf tournament at Maralago. Who owns that organization? The same folks who paid Jared Kushner 2 billion dollars to "invest". The Kingdom of Saud.
Because Trump is very deeply popular with a huge voter block. Going against him means he'll just point those people at you and say "this guy's bad, also probably a pedophile or some shit idk" and then your career is over.
The Philadelphia Inquirer has. The problem is that Donald Trump and his supporters don't care what the editorial boards of the Philadelphia Inquirer, the New York Times, or the Washington Post have to say about him.
I am actually surprised that USA can't find any better candidates. Unless it have anything to do with money/power...
IMO the candidates should not matter, just follow the party line, but the president have more power than that.