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why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out.
  • Consolidation of US media. Billionaires will burn the world down rather than cede an inch, and it's their narratives that get amplified.

  • Were jurors dismissed because they were Black or female? Supreme Court declines to review.
  • Always open season on the left—'Murican as apple pie.

  • Were jurors dismissed because they were Black or female? Supreme Court declines to review.
  • In your best interests to take that conversation to a cozier, more encrypted forum.

  • Idaho library bans minors from entering without parental consent
  • Things can overlap a bit. But we all know exactly what type of 'obscene' things the hammer is going to come down on. This was a bid to control the content of libraries. If librarians really wanted to play it safe they would just pull the books. You've seen pics the boxes of what schools are discarding to comply with similar laws. The politicians don't want to jail librarians, they want to look like they are fulfilling promises to their base, and sweep away 'subversive' ideologies that would undermine their power-grab. They want the trains to run on time, things to feel just normal enough that you won't go out of your way to question authority.

    Banning the under 18 is a bit like setting your house on fire to send a smoke signal. Not normal, and not a thing I think they can honestly sustain. They are burning up a core tenet of libraries:

    5. A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views

    to try and save higher directives:

    1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.

    2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.

    3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.

    4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.

    Yet another reason I hope Idaho is paying attention and turns out in November.

  • Idaho library bans minors from entering without parental consent
  • It's a totally fucked situation, but I'm glad the libraries are taking the malicious compliance route and standing behind the collections. These laws want them to pull everything 'controversial' from the shelves and go on business as usual. Good on them for drawing a line.

  • Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison
  • Yep yep. For a time had a job that handled new and old pistol permits and amendments. In the months before 1/6 people were filing amendments for gun modifications and were giving the serial numbers as political slogans.(I live in a blue state.) Never once going back a hundred years of records had seen that done before. Oh boy are they out there.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Sending love from the cold bits of NY. It ain't over until it's over-and then you hitch a ride up here and I row you into Canada.

  • America’s problem is massive inequality – not ‘woke’ educated elites
  • A problem is that nationally Dems ignore the districts that things like stefanik crawl out of (or borrow the address of their parent's summer home for.)

    What was ny-21 could have been competitive. We've gone for Obama before. But Dems wrote us off as an acceptable loss and never made an honest run against her. They could have kept her on the ropes-she at least used to have to pretend to be bipartisan.

  • Mexico health ministry: bird flu patient died of chronic disease, not the virus
  • Yea.. 'Guns don't kill people... blood loss and organ damage does.'

  • Google Is Paying Reddit $60 Million for Fucksmith to Tell Its Users to Eat Glue
  • Bacon, pineapple, and jalapenos. Ambrosia my brother.

  • 'People got betrayed': Cardi B says she's not voting in the presidential election
  • To be fair, I think we've been using rubber bullets on innocent people for a while now. Who remembers Occupy? (Protect your eyes! Some of the shitbags aim for the head.)

  • 'People got betrayed': Cardi B says she's not voting in the presidential election
  • Sorry! I thought in context the message was overt. I'll use direct and simple language for you.

    Anyone who doesn't want 10 year olds be forced to carry their rapist's baby: Vote. For. Biden.

  • [US Representative] Stefanik Loses It When Fox News Host Reminds Her She Called Trump a 'Whack Job'
  • Every other* year I vote against this fucker hard enough to put a hole through the ballot. This is why it is important we switch out those lead pipes.

  • 'People got betrayed': Cardi B says she's not voting in the presidential election
  • Garbage babe. Utter dog pile. Tripe. Sweetheart, let auntie cup your bright little cheeks between her hands, look you in eye, and tell you things you dont want to hear.

    Trump wants to use lethal force on protesters and half the country will cheer him on while he does it. Both sides are not the same. The 2025 project will get rid of all those pesky civil servants that stood in the way the last time he suggested it and the US is great at marginalizing 'militant' actors.

    'Fine people on both sides' do you not remember? Were you too young to pay attention? Under trump we will lose a 'fight in the streets.' Go read some about the histories of what happens to all the good little leftists when the gloves come off.

    It doesn't matter if you were right. The state will make up an excuse as to why you deserved it, and enough people will buy it or be too afraid to make themselves a target by protesting. The boat will not rock, the needle of the cause will not move. For example: how much time did your school spend on the battle of Blair Mountain? We've tried this before, again and again, and the military buries the evidence and we forget.

    The better agent of change, albeit slow and unsatisfying, is to convince people they have a conscience and should listen to it. Vote you motherfucker, it's like wearing a seatbelt.

  • 'People got betrayed': Cardi B says she's not voting in the presidential election
  • Don't vote -> ??? -> World peace

    Draw me the rest of the fucking owl. I've yet to hear a plan as to how not voting actually helps anyone.

    I have no illusions what Biden is. Or what Trump is. Vote.

  • 'People got betrayed': Cardi B says she's not voting in the presidential election
  • Cool.

    Now everybody go fucking vote.

    Protest every fucking step of the way. But on 11/5 get your ass to the polls. Voting is not an endorsement, it's a measure to hold back the christofascist state so more ten year olds don't have to carry their rapist's baby to term.

  • TOOL - 10,000 Days (Wings for Marie pt. 2)

    Favorite song from 10,000 Days

    0 Exclusive: CNN obtains the tape of Trump's 2021 conversation about classified documents | CNN Politics

    CNN has exclusively obtained the audio recording of the 2021 meeting in Bedminster, New Jersey, where President Donald Trump discusses holding secret documents he did not declassify.

    Nonfic suggestions?

    Hi! Anyone read any good nonfiction lately that they'd recommend? I'm between holds in my library queue rn and need a fix.

    revelrous revelrous

    PM me vegan chili recipes.

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