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U.S. Said to Seek Boeing Guilty Plea to Avoid Trial in 737 Max Crashes
  • $244 million fine is what they're looking at.
    346 people have died on the 737 Max, that means they're getting fined less than $1m for every life lost.
    This is a joke, Boeing made $2.2bn last year, that's $6 million a day.
    Thats a little over 1 month of lost wages for killing 346 people.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • Why is there a picture of Trump?
    He's not the president.

    Apparently some people just don't have the ability to pick up on the subtext that Trump isn't president at the moment and Biden could also use HIS shiny new presidential powers on Trump too.

  • Scientists wary of bird flu pandemic 'unfolding in slow motion'
  • What do you think the odds are of us getting people who refuse to take the Covid vaccine to take the bird flu vaccine?
    Unvaccinated people become mutation factories and the disease mutates so that the vaccine is no longer effective, that's why it's important to have everyone vaccinated to prevent the outbreak from worsening.
    If only 1/2 of people get the vaccine, we're fucked.
    I firmly believe when it comes to serious medical issues like this, personal freedom of choice can just go fuck itself.
    You don't want to be vaccinated? Too bad, we'll tie you down and give it to you anyway.

  • Sex work would probably be less stigmatized in a currencyless society
  • It wouldn't really be "sex work" if they weren't doing it in exchange for something would it?
    Yes, we have currency as a placeholder for trading goods directly but people who perform sex acts for other goods like drugs are just as stigmatized and no currency was involved.
    And if people are just having sex with a fun of it then it's not sex work either, it's just sex, which is less stigmatized now then it was 30 years ago but it still has a stigma attached to it, otherwise slurs like "skank" and "slut" wouldn't exist.

  • Gathered at Camp David, Biden's family tells him to stay in the race and keep fighting
  • I understand I'm voting for Kamala Harris with my vote for Biden, but I don't think she could beat Trump.
    There's a lot of independents still on the fence between Trump and Biden (for some reason) and I think that anyone who's even entertaining the idea of voting for Donald Trump would never vote for a woman of color.
    So, unfortunately because we're so late in the election year, I think we'll have to vote for the old white guy to keep the old white felon out of the Whitehouse.
    The only silver lining to all of this is that they'll probably both be dead before the next election and we can firmly remember to take age into account in the next primary if Biden wins.
    If Trump wins there won't ever be another primary or general election and I think a lot of people lose focus on that because Biden is 2½ years older than Trump.

  • Why are fake laughs added to sitcoms?
  • So you'll know it's supposed to be funny.
    If you've ever watched the the videos of the Big Bang Theory sitcom with the laugh tracks removed, you'll notice it feels a lot more like a group of people being shitty and verbally abusive towards each other and it's not all that funny without being told to laugh.
    Why go through the trouble of writing an actual funny dialogue when you can just tell the viewers it's funny and they'll laugh?

  • Several US military bases in Europe on heightened alert amid possible terrorist threat
  • World war II wasn't called "world war II" until 1944, future events will dictate weather we're already living in the early war.
    There are Russian, North Korean, and Iranian troops fighting in Ukraine
    There's conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine
    China is playing a game of brinkmanship with Taiwan and The Philippines.
    If things heat up, future historians may place the beginning of world war 3 on the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

  • Pyongyang Says It Will Send Support Troops to Ukraine Within a Month
  • They didn't start calling WWII what it is until 1944, but I think we can all agree it didn't start in 1944.
    Just like later historians placed the start of WWII on multiple different events depending on which country you're in, the start of World War III will be long before we start calling it that.
    I'm in the camp that the start of WW3 will be the Russian invasion of Ukraine if things continue to escalate the way they're going, because that's when you really started seeing lines being drawn between the axis and allies.
    Russia, China, Iran, and NK are the most recognizable names that have aligned themselves with the axis so far.
    The lines are already drawn and future events will dictate whether or not we're currently living in WW3 today.

  • An $18 Big Mac meal sparked a revolt against high prices. Companies are finally listening
  • I would admit I used to get McDonald's quite a bit for lunch because it was pretty cheap. But, where I live a Big Mac meal is on average about $16 right now and I can get a burrito bowl from Chipotle with a drink for $13.
    I'm not saying Chipotle is high quality food but I don't think anyone's going to argue it's not better quality than McDonald's, so why on earth would I pay more for McDonald's?
    They overreached on their price gouging and now they're just trying to backpedal because they're losing money.

  • How do you manage to do all the things you want to do?
  • I don't.
    I don't have kids, I work 40hrs a week, I don't buy little things I want because there's a few "big" things I want that'll I'll need about $800 for.
    I make it almost paycheck to paycheck and it will take me at least 6 months to save $800 if I buy nothing else.

  • Putin warns South Korea: Sending killer weapons to Ukraine would be a ‘big mistake’
  • I'm sure China would be thrilled if Russia started WWIII on their border.
    But let's be honest though, world war III started 3 years ago and as of right now there are currently 9 more active conflicts going on worldwide than the peak of world war II, but no one is going to call it a world war until the superpowers are in direct conflict with each other.

  • Based on a true story

    My OS is on a 512gb M.2 drive, but the main storage on my laptop was a 1TB HDD, it started making noise about 2 weeks ago so I backed everything up onto a 1TB SanDisk USB SSD. This afternoon it got very clicky when I booted it up after work and icons for a few games I had stored on it, like KSP and YUZU, disappeared from the desktop and taskbar.

    Status Of things - 2024/03/04 Status of Things

    I'll be trying to keep this page up to date with the current status of my projects (and generally failing, from the looks of it). Check here for updates. As of 2024-03-04 Status Update The Bobiverse The release date for book 5 (Not Till We Are Lost) is set to Sept 5 2024. Option on ...

    We already knew the September release date, nothing has changed on that front.

    But, There are a few other interesting things. Mainly We're likely to see at least 5 more bob books but that's subject to change. And Roadkill 2 is coming!!

    PEMDAS is technically correct, but morally wrong

    If we're supposed to be able to understand math as easily as a language, we should be able to read it from left to right like a language. Yes, I know there's lots other languages that go right to left or top to bottom, but the point is you don't have to go jumping around the page or sentence figuring out which word should be read first based on which characters it contains. We put the first word first, then the second word second, etc. Why can't we just write equations in the order they were meant to be solved?

    Book 5 is currently set for release on September 5th 2024, Dennis isn't happy about it either Soooo, any firm date yet on Bobiverse 5?... — Dennis E. Taylor Q&A

    Dennis E. Taylor answered: “Soooo, any firm date yet on Bobiverse 5? Your (deleted) tweet has us worried”

    Soooo, any firm date yet on Bobiverse 5?... — Dennis E. Taylor Q&A

    Sorry for the disappointing news everyone. Looks like audible wants to hold it back until Q4 for some reason despite it being complete.

    Book 5 and Spoilers

    With "Not Till We Are Lost" likely to release sometime in the next ~60 days or so It's probably time to discuss spoilers leading up to and following release. So for one, There will be a discussion mega-thread, but there won't be any rules discouraging posts for anyone who wants to discuss anything specific, which brings us to rules for posts. I'm going to keep it relatively short and simple here as it's mostly common sense. No Spoilers in post titles This should be a given but I'm sure someone still needs to hear it. Use spoiler tags in post body Yes, you have to click on the post to see the post body in most cases, But some apps and instances show a preview of the post body text and it can be visible to people who didn't intend to view the post.

    These rules will remain in effect leading up to release (samples that may be released before the book count as spoilers) and for 14 days after the release.

    mod tools?

    I moderate a very small community but I'd like to be able to pin posts and have access to other general moderator tools like removing posts/comments and locking threads. It doesn't seem that I can do any of that with Connect and it's cumbersome at best to try to do it on a mobile browser. Are there any plans to implement mod tools? Or is there a setting I missed somewhere that enabls them?

    so this might be a little embarrassing, but how do I create a torrent and upload to a tracker?

    I've been seeding the torrents that I download since the old days of Limewire, but I've always download and re-shared by seeding. But a few months ago I couldn't find a set of audiobooks I'd been looking for with the original narrators from the 90s. I finally found a set on CD on eBay and coverted those to mp3 and loaded them on my phone, but it occurred to me that others might also be looking for a complete version of the series too and wanted to share that media. Apologies if it's an obvious answer that I somehow missed.

    Commmunity feedback thread

    So, I'm new to the whole moderating thing and I'm looking for feedback from the community. What can we do to increase community engagement? Would you guys like to see weekly discussion threads? Book 5 speculation? Writing prompts based in universe? As the mod, what can I do for you to make this community better?

    3 Reddit CEO warns employees not to wear Reddit swag in public as users revolt

    In a memo to employees, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman cautioned them not to wear branded gear in public. He also said the mass user backlash "will pass."

    Reddit CEO warns employees not to wear Reddit swag in public as users revolt
    [Spoilers] A Theory for Book 5

    Across all the books something that becomes obvious if you pay attention, but is never touched on directly, Is that there is replicant drift between the GUPPI units as well as the Bobs. There's different attitudes, some are flippant, some cooperative, and some downright disrespectful. Now lets take a look at something ANEC mentioned in heavens river:

    "AI is not achievable through algorithmic refinement. It requires a process of simulated annealing to achieve." to which Bill replied: "So they're elvoving the AI?"

    If you think about it the Bobs have been slowly annealing GUPPI with every generation and even leaving him some room to grow, slowly evolving him. My theory is that GUPPI will unintentionally become the first AI the bobs create. This would work well with the parallels the Bobiverse has with ExForce. Even borrowing the term "Skippies" from Skippy, the insolent AI that shares a lot of characteristics with several of the GUPPI's that don't yet have the ability to be outright transgressive and borderline maliciously compliant.

    That's all I have for now, only Dennis and the editors know exactly what will happen but I'm curious to hear any other theories anyone else has.

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