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Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • Surely this could backfire in so many hilarious ways?

    • Teach the parts that conservatives don't do, and teach your class to call out injustice everywhere.
    • Teach the bible in Aramaic or Ancient Hebrew, and give the kids 30 mins of study time to learn whatever they want from it.
    • Use it as an exercise to teach that many parts were written thousands of years ago, and doesn't have current medical or societal advancements, so that many parts might be up to interpretation.
    • Compare it to Islam, Judaism, and other sects of Christianity - and teach that they're basically the same thing and that everyone should get along.
    • Reference that the pope said years ago that even nonbelievers that led a good life would be offered a seat in heaven, so be nice and it'll all be fine.
  • Oh Joe...
  • What the fuck are you on about?

    I don't particularly like Starmer, but he's likely going to be the last Labour leader since the last faux-Tory, and likely going to win the largest majority for decades.

    It's going to work out really well for him, and that's likely because the UK is far more right-leaning than we'd like to admit. Still, we're absolutely nowhere near the US...

    I'm surprised that this is even in question. Even Reddit gets this...

  • Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register
  • Respectfully, I worked for Alexa AI on compositional ML, and we were largely able to do exactly this with customer utterances, so to say it is impossible is simply not true. Many companies have to have some degree of ability to remove troublesome data, and while tracing data inside a model is rather difficult (historically it would be done during the building of datasets or measured at evaluation time) it's definitely something that most big tech companies will do.

  • Microsoft CEO of AI: Online content is 'freeware' for models • The Register
  • I'm fine with that, but let's put some rules against this.

    • Any AI models should be able to determine the source of their data to a defined level of accuracy.
    • There should be a well-defined way to block data from being used by AI. If one of these ways (e.g. robots.txt) has been breached, the model has to be rebuilt without the data, and reparations made to the content owners.
  • Oh Joe...
  • It wasn't just that, though. While I liked Corbyn, his ideological leaning meant that he would be incredibly easy to trip up on practically anything, from Brexit to the royals to the IRA.

  • Oh Joe...
  • They did, but you'd be a fool to think that he was electable to most of the UK population. Besides, basically every leader since Starmer and Blair have been fucked over by the media.

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • But...isn't this the point of having a VP?

    It feels very reactionary, especially on something that doesn't really affect voters by all that much. If Biden announced a popular VP candidate, they can lead with that person being ready to step up if required.

  • Oh Joe...
  • Oh come on. We had a spell in the UK with a leftist candidate, and we ate him alive. We're considerably less right-wing than the US, so there's no fucking way that voters would've voted for Sanders.

    You get the politicians you deserve.

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • Oh man, the lack of a headphone jack is still a killer for me. It's one of the reasons why I stayed on OnePlus 6 for so long, and to be blunt, I don't see the Pixel 8 as a huge jump outside of power and bullshit like AI photos. My kingdom for a high-end phone with a headphone jack and stock-ish Android!

  • Anon thinks about Google
  • It's a real shame that OnePlus just became an Oppo rebranding, because the OP1 was a phenomenal phone, and up until OP6 they were both cheap and had a relatively clean Android install. To date, features like gestures are still better than what you get on the Pixel, and most of their stuff is less invasive than Google's.

    The Android market nowadays, especially for high end, is "which manufacturer is the least shit", and that's a real shame.

  • Time to move
  • I'm almost positive that David Beckham isn't a citizen of the US. That's almost definitely by choice, given that he'd meet the criteria for investment several times over.

    While I appreciate the offer, I think my wife would probably not be too happy with me taking another lover. 😂

  • Time to move
  • That's absolute nonsense. Most countries have similar paths to entry. They also have paths that support specific jobs that are required by the country - something the US does not. Finally, many of them have easy and clear paths to naturalisation - again something the US doesn't have.

    Just because unskilled nationals make it into your country, it doesn't mean that immigration in your country is easier than other countries. Every right-winger moans about the same thing in every country you've listed...

  • Time to move
  • Haha, what do you base that on?!

    My experience is the exact opposite. I'm a software engineer at a big tech company, and in this climate even they are unable to sponsor a visa to the US from the UK. Literally anywhere else? Sure, no problem at all, whether it be Europe, Singapore, China, Japan, Egypt, Australia, anywhere we have an office - except America.

    Americans, welcome anywhere! We've got two in my team alone this year, and in 5 years they can get permanent residency. I know managers that want me on their team because I built tooling for them, but they're not allowed to hire me because it would require a visa...

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • To be fair, outside of London you'll find that the starting salary for many degree-level jobs is around that, including jobs like software developer. I'm in Bristol, and the pay disparity is hilariously bad - a senior designer will earn less than a manager at Burger King...

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • I think the "underpaid teacher" thing isn't necessarily rooted in reality,. especially outside of the US. My wife is a teacher in the UK, and she's a head of her subject. For many years her pay was similar to mine as a software engineer, but everyone often treated her as if she was poor and that I was rich.

  • A cool guide for red flags during job interviews.
  • For Future Promises, you should also be prepared to walk when these promises aren't kept. I once worked for a company that met my previous salary, but had in my contract that after 6 months I would get a £5k increase.

    It didn't happen, and after 6 months of chasing the CEO outright said to me "we don't have to pay you what we agreed a year ago, we pay you based on what you're worth now".

    I should have left, but in many ways I'm glad I didn't, because in the end they went under during COVID and I got an awesome amount of severance from them - with a new job lined up after that paid much more.

  • Ex-Amazon AI exec claims she was asked to ignore IP law

    High-flying AI scientist claims unfair dismissal following pregnancy leave

    Ex-Amazon AI exec claims she was asked to ignore IP law
    0 Amazon's Silent Sacking

    Companies are fighting back for quiet quitting and it's having a big impact.

    Amazon's Silent Sacking
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