Unironically you're missing the point. The point being, it's not a problem for many apps to start because oh how powerful PCs got. The problem is when some apps use so much resources that regardless of how powerful your PC gets, it's wasteful to have them opened all the time.
Reason for that problem is them using unoptimized frameworks such as Electron and CEF (seriously, check each app on the image).
And main reasons for that are:
Google posing browser component as a GUI framework.
Devs not caring (or being lazy) enough to do native coding.
I wish every person would realize the above so we could force developers do their job better.
Everyone is making fun of the apps included in OP, but it’s besides the point—apps that demand resources at startup are the worst if you don’t need them. I ruthlessly deny permissions for anything installed, it’s like Gandalf in there holding the bridge and pushing presumptuous asshole apps over the bridge.
misuse can seriously fuck up windows. Disabling things that shouldnt be, is bad. Many of the services are required by other aplications to run. Do not disable any Microsoft services you dont know what they do - otherwise disable as many as possible until the computer stops working.
If you can not read or just want to uncheck everything you see, this is not for you:
Who the hell uses the Spotify app?? If you use it from the browser, ublock eliminates advertising perfectly. Why would I want to use the app where I can't block it?
Steam and Discord? Yes. Everything else in that image? I think OneDrive and Windows Defender are the only things there that I have installed, and OneDrive is only on my laptop and only used for work purposes.
The dreaded McAfee clan was a feared invader. They would take over entire societies and constantly knock on peoples doors with monthly taxes, or "renewals" as they would call them. They would install them selves deep into the government and never let go. Coups thereafter would be futile. You had to level entire nations to get rid of them.
Therefore the McAfee's was known as the worst colonisers in the entire realm.
it is steam, keepassxc, protonvpn and corectrl for me, I have st them up to do that myself but the pop ups while launching are still annoying. At least I have -silent flag on steam so it starts in the background without showing a window