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Bolivian Government Denounces Attempted Coup D’éTat
  • lol, i just accepted the title tag from the page which the create post form auto-filled 🤡

  • Props to Alpine and Kali for disabling this bullshit out of the box
  • Redhat, however, found this solution too simple and instead devised their own scheme for assigning network interface names. It fails at solving the problem it was created to solve

    I somehow first read "Redhat" as "Reddit" in this sentence, and so was briefly thinking that perhaps this bad idea originated there 😂

  • There are better ways to protest climate change than spray painting Stonehenge [with easily removed corn starch] | Just Stop Oil activists could take a page from the civil rights movement, experts say
  • Otoh, the Washington Post and their "experts" didn't think any of those civil rights movement direct actions they're celebrating now were reasonable at the time either 🤡

  • Firmware flaw affects numerous generations of Intel CPUs — UEFI code execution vulnerability found for Intel CPUs from 14th Gen Raptor Lake to 6th Gen Skylake CPUs, and TPM will not save you

    Eclypsium Automata uncovers Phoenix as the latest to fall to a significant Arbitrary Code Execution exploit impacting Lenovo, AMI, Insyde, and Intel motherboard firmware.

    Firmware flaw affects numerous generations of Intel CPUs — UEFI code execution vulnerability found for Intel CPUs from 14th Gen Raptor Lake to 6th Gen Skylake CPUs, and TPM will not save you
    How to write Hello World
  • python -c 'print((61966753*385408813*916167677<<2).to_bytes(11).decode())'

    $ python
    >>> b"Hello World".hex()
    >>> 0x48656c6c6f20576f726c64
    $ factor 87521618088882533792115812
    87521618088882533792115812: 2 2 61966753 385408813 916167677
  • Chat control vote postponed Chat control vote postponed: Huge success in defense of digital privacy of correspondence!

    Today EU governments will not adopt their position on the EU regulation on “combating child sexual abuse”, the so-called chat control regulation, as planned, which would have heralded the end of private messages and secure encryption. The Belgian Council presidency postponed the vote at short notice

    Chat control vote postponed: Huge success in defense of digital privacy of correspondence!
    Don't make a mistake in choosing a distro
  • (probably the most downvoted post i've made yet on lemmy 😂)

  • XScreenSaver: Google Store Privacy Policy

    XScreenSaver is a collection of free screen savers for X11, Linux, macOS, iOS and Android.

    The soft hum


    image description

    Photographs of the front and back of Apple's original Mac 128k. A finger is touching the power switch on the back, and a hand is inserting a floppy disk into the front. Text below reads: Insert the Macintosh System Disk into the disk drive, metal end first, label side up. Push the disk until it clicks into place. The soft hum is your Macintosh getting information from the disk. A message appears, welcoming you to Macintosh.

    Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • If you're ready to break free of Android, I would recommend though it only works well on a small (but growing!) number of devices.

    imho if you want to (or must) run Android and have (or don't mind getting) a Pixel, Graphene is an OK choice, but CalyxOS is good too and runs on a few more devices.

  • agile is far left too. I will die on this hill
  • i guess maybe if you're using a device with a tiny screen and a lemmy client that doesn't let you zoom in on images

  • How to become a moderator of an external community?
  • Hi, I'm an admin on The account of the one existing mod of the session community here has apparently been deleted.

    I've heard there are some bugs with moderation of remote communities, but, I just made you a mod there anyway. I don't know the state of those bugs; it might work better if you made an account on this instance.

    Btw, I recommend against using Session for a variety of reasons including the one I posted in your thread here.

  • Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • It’s literally a covert project funded by google to both sell pixels and harvest data of “privooocy” minded users. It seems to be working well.

    Is it actually funded by Google? Citation needed.

    I would assume Graphene users make up a statistically insignificant number of Pixel buyers, and most of the users of it I've met opt to use it without any Google services.

  • there is no rule
  • 17 × 59 = 10003

    you've got an extra zero in there, and you forgot the 1, but the rest of your divisors match my crude brute-force approach:

    >>> n=31521281
    >>> d = [ x for x in range(1,n//2+1) if not n%x ]
    >>> d
    [1, 11, 17, 59, 187, 649, 1003, 2857, 11033, 31427, 48569, 168563, 534259, 1854193, 2865571]
    >>> yours=list(map(int,"11+17+59+2857+11033+534259+1854193+2865571+168563+48569+10003+31427+649+187".split("+")))
    >>> set(yours) - set(d)
    >>> set(d) - set(yours)
    {1, 1003}
    >>> sum(d)

    same conclusion though: 5518399 also ≠ 31521281

    bonus nonsense
    >>> isperfect = lambda n: n == sum(x for x in range(1,n//2+1) if not n%x)
    >>> [n for n in range(1, 10000) if isperfect(n)]
    [6, 28, 496, 8128]

    (from i see the next perfect number after 8128 is 33550336 which is too big for me to wait for the naive approach above to test...)

    more bonus nonsense
    >>> divisors_if_perfect = lambda n: n == sum(d:=[x for x in range(1,n//2+1) if not n%x]) and d
    >>> print("\n".join(f"{n:>5} == sum{tuple(d)}" for n in range(10000) if (d:=divisors_if_perfect(n))))
        6 == sum(1, 2, 3)
       28 == sum(1, 2, 4, 7, 14)
      496 == sum(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 31, 62, 124, 248)
     8128 == sum(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 127, 254, 508, 1016, 2032, 4064)
  • agile is far left too. I will die on this hill
  • shoutout to the person who reported this post with "Reason: Bot meme, you can't even read it. whoever replies is a bot too" 😂

  • A lasting legacy
  • it’s the same joke as “caesar salad was invented by julius caesar”

    Except it's a bit different because the Caesar in Caesar salad (named after chef Caesar Cardini) is actually spelled the same way as Julius Caesar, whereas Neapolitan (meaning of Naples) is not related to the name Napoleon at all.

    It hadn't occurred to me that Neapolitan ice cream might have something to do with the name Napoleon before I saw this meme; the similarity of the words and incorrect implication that they are related is what makes it funny.

  • A lasting legacy
  • I think OP has no idea that it’s called Neapolitan ice cream

    "Confused Nick Young" meme (image of a man with a perplexed facial expression and three question marks on each side of his head)

    (i think you're mistaken, and also that OP's meme is good)

  • A lasting legacy
  • Neapolitan ice cream is not named after Napoleon

    The Simpsons character Rainier Wolfcastle on stage with a microphone, on TV, with the caption "THAT'S THE JOKE"

  • What Era was the best and why was it the 90s?
  • You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

    screenshot of Apple's System 7.5.3 from 1995, with "System Folder" open and partially obscured by the "About This Macintosh" window which shows that 2.9 MB of the system's 16 MB of RAM are in use. The startup disk is titled "Mac System 7.5.3" and has 70.2 MB used and 28.1 MB free. A disk containing the game Escape Velocity is mounted. The control strip is expanded. The time is 7:48 PM.

  • Pour it over your tongue till it tingles with it

    cross-posted from:

    > ::: spoiler image description > four-panel McMahon Reaction Meme template with captions: > * 1, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 36, 49, 64, 72, 81 > * 100, 108, 121, 125, 128, 144, 169, 196, 200, 216, 225, 243, 256, 288 > * 289, 324, 343, 361, 392, 400, 432, 441, 484, 500, 512, 529, 576 > * 625, 648, 675, 676, 729, 784, 800, 841, 864, 900, 961, 968, 972, 1000 > ::: >

    Pour it over your tongue till it tingles with it
    image description

    four-panel McMahon Reaction Meme template with captions:

    • 1, 4, 8, 9, 16, 25, 27, 32, 36, 49, 64, 72, 81
    • 100, 108, 121, 125, 128, 144, 169, 196, 200, 216, 225, 243, 256, 288
    • 289, 324, 343, 361, 392, 400, 432, 441, 484, 500, 512, 529, 576
    • 625, 648, 675, 676, 729, 784, 800, 841, 864, 900, 961, 968, 972, 1000
    1 Single-user Mastodon Instance is a Bad Idea

    If you're thinking about setting up your own single-user Mastodon instance, I urge you not to do it. The user experience is so broken that it's baffling that anyone would find it acceptable.

    Single-user Mastodon Instance is a Bad Idea
    You don't have to use gyroelongation

    cross-posted from:

    > ::: spoiler image description > Standard "they don't know" meme format, featuring line art of "That Feel Guy" wearing a party hat standing in a corner while other people are dancing. An image of an icosahedron formed by three mutually perpendicular golden ratio rectangles sits in front of That Feel Guy. The caption text says "They don't know that three mutually perpendicular golden ratio rectangles, with edges connecting their corners, form a regular icosahedron." > ::: > >

    14 This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message

    Engineers warned Meta that nations can monitor chats; staff fear Israel is using this trick to pick assassination targets in Gaza.

    This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message
    3 This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message

    Engineers warned Meta that nations can monitor chats; staff fear Israel is using this trick to pick assassination targets in Gaza.

    This Undisclosed WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Governments See Who You Message
    26 Bluesky Is Building The Decentralized Social Media Jack Dorsey Wants, Even If He Doesn’t Realize It

    There was a bit of news in the world of decentralized social media over the past few weeks. It kicked off with the announcement that Jack Dorsey had left the board of Bluesky. This was followed by …

    Bluesky Is Building The Decentralized Social Media Jack Dorsey Wants, Even If He Doesn’t Realize It
    18 Bluesky Is Building The Decentralized Social Media Jack Dorsey Wants, Even If He Doesn’t Realize It

    There was a bit of news in the world of decentralized social media over the past few weeks. It kicked off with the announcement that Jack Dorsey had left the board of Bluesky. This was followed by …

    Bluesky Is Building The Decentralized Social Media Jack Dorsey Wants, Even If He Doesn’t Realize It
    An Interview With Jack Dorsey by an adoring fan An Interview With Jack Dorsey

    jack dorsey on his exit from bluesky, how twitter lost its way, jack’s strategy for ending

    An Interview With Jack Dorsey
    Trolley Memes Arthur Besse

    cross-posted from:

    > Source:

    0 Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose

    TunnelVision vulnerability has existed since 2002 and may already be known to attackers.

    Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose