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  • Just turn it into plasma. At this point it should become 100% sterile. Follow me for more simple cooking tips.

  • Stop use docker
  • I use podman and have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Send help

  • Q: “Are we doomed?” A: “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.”
  • Nah. We won't make it unless a lot of people start to be cool with cutting back a lot. Plane rides, cars, meat consumption, the list goes on. And that just ain't happening. Also fascism is on the rise.

  • I don't know where else to post this rule
  • I mean she is kinda cute

  • South Korean telecom company attacks torrent users with malware
  • So that's why they are last place and why SKT is just better.

  • Adapt. Overcome.
  • How can you tell? Brits all look the same, everyone knows this.

  • NSFW
    Just checking in
  • The ol tug n jug

  • Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K
  • Sure it is. Let's just pretend there is no monetary incentive for a region to have a holy relic which brings them a bunch of tourism. Ain't nothing holy under capitalism.

  • OneDrive automatically backups folders in Windows 11 without users' permissions
  • Your mistake was using a MS account for your windows install

  • The US healthcare system is barbaric...
  • That's not how insurance works in my country. You have the shittiest system imaginable or what? Like did you consult Satan on how to set it up?

  • Welcome to Hell!
  • I've never been more motivated in my life.

  • How I date
  • Tbf, I also really don't want to learn Rust. Overhyped dreck

  • Pity, really.
  • I feel like if you know how to look up the answer and can follow a guide to apply 5 steps, you are probably more capable than 80% of the people on this planet.

  • This is fine.
  • See, Germans do have humor. We made this. That's enough to last us a couple decades surely.

  • JavaScript
  • It's best not to touch anything web related, lest you want to go mad. It's like the elder scrolls or laying eyes on some cosmic horror creature. Tbf this also goes for C++

  • Another mystery solved.
  • In his house at R'lyeh

  • Another mystery solved.
  • And boats and icebergs. Even me. I can't swim, I just extend my legs. and fake it.

  • Not to mom shame...
  • Also if you do wear a tinfoil hat, there is no brain worth protecting in there. My favorite paradox

  • Holzkohlen Holzkohlen
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