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  • First: thoroughly amused you used the phrase "snowflake mentality" when you're username is Snowflake 😂

    Second: I think Biden dropping dead instead of dropping out is part of the argument! Though I'm sure you could apply that argument to Trump as well; he's not much younger, after all.

  • If Trump's mic was the only live mic, did he poop his pants here?
  • I do wonder if we'd vote for the same people if we could smell them.

  • We must dare... (Theodore Roosevelt)
  • A very insightful quote from someone who only lived 8 years.

  • It's going to be a good night
  • I never even owned an N64. Still no need for the gun; I'll quite happily play retro games with anyone, especially if it means enjoying the experience from the same room.

    I had an ex who I loved to watch playing Xbox, but she was always paranoid that she was boring me. That couldn't have been further from the truth!

  • At least we know it works 🤷
  • Millions of years? Good thing Mars is 6000 years old!

  • Neil rule
  • I'm with everyone else here:

  • [Unresolved] What the hell is happening here??
  • It's marked [Solved], so it should be fine 👍

  • I'll have you know, my fork of a github repo has 3 stars 😎
  • There you go. Signed version of my pfp 👍

  • Ahhhhh.
  • I read this to the tune of "This is the end of the world as we know it"

  • I'll have you know, my fork of a github repo has 3 stars 😎
  • I have 69 followers on YouTube. Where does that put me?

  • 10/10 kids books.
  • I had no idea this existed, and I'm from the area it's about! Will have to give this one a look 😎

  • Unrealistic Body Standards
  • New? You never saw The Incredibles or The Fantastic Four, did you?

  • The cycle of pants continues
  • DC fat shoes are the best!

  • Unrealistic Body Standards
  • One of the reasons why I love being able to put images in responses? This sort of shit right here.

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • I'm already signed up as I'm house hunting and I tried this to get a vague idea of where to move to.

    This is what it looks like for England/Wales

    No statistics for Manchester, though. I haven't looked into why that's a thing.


    A small section of Central London. It only tells you the rate vs the national average. The red in the population box at the top showing that crime here is more than 3x the national average (it doesn't show any higher figures)

  • NSFW
    Is that Lara Croft?
  • I wonder if he goes in with an archeological brush

  • Choose your Fighter
  • Seeing dinosaurs like this always makes me wonder: had they not been extinct, where would life in Earth be nowadays? Which one would have taken a similar evolutionary path as humans and start walking entirely upright? Which would have started utilising their surroundings to their advantage like humans?

    Which could have turned into actual Silurians?

  • And here I am just wanting to spray paint "bitch" on my sub's car :'(
  • Of course the most fabulous looking cyber truck is gay 🏳️‍🌈❤️

  • Too Rule for School
  • At first I was like "This is AI art." Then I noticed the watermark. Then I was like "No, that's actually AI art... which is watermarked." Jesus H Christ. This is where we're at now 😂

    Sometimes you have to look twice if you don't notice it first time:

    The cheese is dripping from under the crust

    The front paw is 4 toes

    The skateboard is pretty skewed towards the back end

    Also, I don't know how to say it, but the generic "look" of the art is typical of AI.

  • jpeg

    A clothes peg made from jeans.

    We're still doing jeans, right?

    I'm Popeye the Sailor Moon

    You can try to kill this meme, but it ain't happenin' today!

    IndiBrony IndiBrony
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    Comments 788