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All Republicans are groomers.
  • The body language in the photo makes me want to vomit. GIRL, GET OUT OF THERE.

  • Don't.
    Scripto VU lighter
  • They're still made! It's a different company, though.

  • Saw these lizards before I woke up
  • This is random, but I worked at Geico. I found out the lizard was a drawing on a napkin by the ceo.

  • Changing interests [Haus of Decline]
  • And academic journals

  • A little context from Emily Dickinson's point of view (not Sappho and friend/ s).

    Doing great sweetie...
  • It's not a war against the homeless; It's war against the homeless.

  • Thinking about getting into OSRS again..
  • Finish the f2p quests. Talk to people, but look up common scams. See if you like semi-afk gaming. Try out runelite. Join some communities (like this one). Don't focus on the grind; enjoy the experience.

  • Mystery solved!
  • That makes sense. It's relatively warm; there's a bunch of seaweed, and the waters are calm.

    Edit: Wait, how was this a mystery?

    "The 1920–1922 Dana expeditions, led by Johannes Schmidt, determined that the European eel's breeding sites were in the Sargasso Sea."

  • Neo Thrash (satire)
  • It's from "Your Scene Sucks":

  • Khoresht Karafs - Persian Celery Stew
  • I've never had it, but the ingredients seem oddly refreshing (in a good way).

  • LUKEWARM TAKE: Odablock shouldn't be invited to any more events (DMM All-Stars spoilers)

    A lot of you have probably been watching DMM Allstars. Some of you may have been familiar with the drama between Dino and Odablock. If you've been keeping an eye on the comments of both these videos, there's been a disgusting attempt at bullying/ gas lighting by Oda's community. It's getting worse after Oda's loss. Most of the comments have been purged at this point.

    Until he takes responsibility and tells his community to stop, he shouldn't be invited to any more events. He's a toxic liability, and he makes the community look bad.

  • So, what's your final solution to this Palestinian problem?

  • Well?
  • The hacker known as "war-chan."

  • Shout out to the guy who brought me food so I could finish "Underground Pass." Also, I was /u/1831942 on Reddit.
  • Heck yeah! I always throw Stam pots at people I see in quest gear, walking. I've never met this guy again, but I'm hoping that pays it forward.

  • OSRS Metal Mixtape Out Now!
  • It's really good!

  • Wales could become first country to criminalize politicians who lie
  • Isn't that a crime in a lot of places, but it's not enforced/too "ambiguous"?

  • Biden campaign picks right-side podium for CNN debate, Trump will have the last word - ABC News
  • Feels like a blunder. Westerners/ Americans generally look left to right (because of the way we read). They also lost the closing statement. The headline seems stupid at first, but I think this is a blunder by the Biden campaign. It's a small one, but this is going to be a close election. Every decision matters.

  • my home rule
  • He's the first boss in a fromsoft game.

  • And they say English is bad
  • Obviously, he's so dood.

  • I got My First 99 in OSRS

    I've played off and on for about a decade. I'm super excited! Also, I love purple.

    I found this old girl on the side of the road, her name is Sunny!

    I took her to the vet and found the owner. I also yelled at them for letting their old dog roam. She's a sweet old gal, and she shouldn't be out there. I'll be checking up on her. Thankfully, they're going to still let me see her, even though I chewed them out.

    Edit: I forgot to mention, she had a pampering while she was here!

    Self Portrait and Studies (more is in the description)




    I'm losing my vision due to uveitis. That's why I wear sunglasses. It's very slow though, and I use it as inspiration for my art.

    First Look: Smiling Friends Season 2


    The Song about Deer - Xanthrax

    This is my music. Feel free to downvote.

    Pumpkin Dance
    Too Many Puppies - Primus
    Xanthrax Xanthrax

    Artist. Formally /u/1831942.

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    Comments 547