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Gender rule
  • Dayum trans ppl must rlly start worshipping Inanna now. Like she gets impressed by ur devotion, snaps her fingers n pop- u r now ur preferred gender! This, versus years of expensive HRT, surgeries (in case of some ppl) n all that.

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • But if someone called me a pussy or insinuated it's not masculine to have a healthy relationship with your emotions? That definitely would bother me.

    Yea, I was referring more to this part. Like sure, other ppl's tolerance to hurtful stuff that u say might be high, but mine isn't. When I confront u with this, u just dismiss it by hand waving the issue like "oh you're too soft n delicate either ways". Like NO. I mean I may be "soft n delicate", but could you just not be mean?

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • Man you were definitely lucky to meet ur wife, huh. Idk, it just has been very difficult to find ppl like these irl for me. And for those who were like this, they just treated me like I was dumb or something. You know, more "childlike" or whatever.

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • I don't know if it'd be possible for someone to think I'm not a softie

    Hehe yeah, same. But uk... U don't have to TELL me that. Like... I already know that, ok? The worst part is when ppl use the "u r a softie" card to justify the hurtful and insensitive shit that they said.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • Did that happen here, or are you projecting that onto others?

    If by "here", u mean lemmy, then yes. They were hexbear ppl.

    As for supporting cooperatives, you'd be a Market Socialist, so not a Communist, but not really liberal either.

    Socialism is the transitory state to communism. I believe in the communist utopia and I believe that this cooperative kind of market socialism will lead us there.

    As for the question of Reform or Revolution, it's pretty clear by this point that Reform might as well be impossible.

    I would disagree there. I would love to explain why, but I'm really tired right now to type much stuff out. Ik it's a cop out. I'm sorry.

    As such, the majority of Socialists are Revolutionary, so you have more fringe views.

    Eh... Most socialists where I'm from have such views. MLs are in fact the rarity in my experience offline.

  • Lemmy is the best social media
  • I got called a liberal for wanting to support cooperatives. I got called a liberal for not wanting to participate in an armed socialist revolution.

    I've largely seen the word "liberal" being used by tankies to dismiss the opinions of all people that they disagree with.

  • What's your approach on rendering nested comments?

    I'm using lemmy-js-client for app development. I want to render comments in the nested form (like normal people do).

    The problem is, the lemmy backend spits out comment lists in a fashion that is unfriendly for nested rendering. Why? It outputs comments whose paths are like follows (for example):


    Let's say the limit that I've set here is 10. Many a times, the parent comments of the comments in the page are out of the page.

    For example, let's say I asked lemmy for comments for a given post. It gives me an output like above. There are many children comments here on page 1 (like, and so on). Their parent (0.1.2) is NOT on this page. It is on the page that follows.

    Hence, I would need to do client side bs to get the correct parent comments.

    What is your approach for doing the above?

    This is what I have settled for now unfortunately. I fetch all the comments under a post and then convert them in my nested form. This means, that my app doesn't paginate. This thus results in really slow loading times for posts with more comments. The more comments a post has, the slower they will load. This sucks.

    I tried other ways, mind you. While implementing pagination, I simply removed orphan comments when on a given page. If the user decided to go to page 2 (simply by scrolling), suddenly, these orphan comments would not be orphans anymore due to them finding their parent comments. This in turn, fucked with my ui completely (which was obvious), thus making the list randomly scroll like crazy. This was a really shitty experience for the user.

    Sooooo what have you guys done? How have you handled the situation?

    Furry UraniumBlazer
    Furry UraniumBlazer
    This production deserves SO MUCH of attention

    Neural networks have become increasingly impressive in recent years, but there's a big catch: we don't really know what they are doing. We give them data and ways to get feedback, and somehow, they learn all kinds of tasks. It would be really useful, especially for safety purposes, to understand what they have learned and how they work after they've been trained. The ultimate goal is not only to understand in broad strokes what they're doing but to precisely reverse engineer the algorithms encoded in their parameters. This is the ambitious goal of mechanistic interpretability. As an introduction to this field, we show how researchers have been able to partly reverse-engineer how InceptionV1, a convolutional neural network, recognizes images.

    The Hyperloop might be a good idea maybe a 100 years from now


    Disclaimer: The hyperloop is an absolutely shit idea right now. I do not support building in any form right now.

    Now to the shower thought: Theoretically, a hyperloop can get you from place A to place B on the planet in less than 40 min (back of the napkin calculations assuming constant acceleration and deceleration of around 1G). Being completely underground (more on that below), it would also be a really good piece of infrastructure safe from arial/orbital bombardment.

    Now to the obvious problems: We need the tube to be very very straight to achieve high speeds without killing our passengers. We would want the hyperloop to enter city centers. Building such a straight thing in city centers would require a lot of demolition. Therefore, we would have to get it underground. Bringing it on the ground again outside cities doesn’t make sense because we would be introducing steep upward curves, thus reducing its maximum speed. Therefore, it makes sense to build this thing completely underground. Building underground also gives us many more benefits like not having to do much land acquisition, safety from violent attacks and so on.

    Our tube would have to be incredibly airtight. It absolutely cannot have any leaks anywhere. Also, we need to be able to achieve incredibly low chamber pressures and maintain them.

    If we are building this underground, we would need a shit load of energy to dig and transport the material outside the tunnel. We would also need a shit load of steel and other resources for these incredibly long tunnels.

    Where do we get this energy? Where do we mine these resources without destroying the planet? Now this is where the “future” part comes in. We would need energy to be incredibly cheap. The only viable long term method (by “long term”, I mean it from the civilization time scale) would be via nuclear fusion. When is nuclear fusion happening? Well, it’s only 30 years away! /s Jokes aside, the energy source might be when nuclear fusion not only becomes possible, but also incredibly cheap (the nuclear reactor shouldn’t cost billions lol).

    About the resources? Well, we probably need to mine them on the moon, no? The moon has A LOT of them right on the surface. If we can mine them and send them back home, we solve our resources problem!

    Well, you might ask- doesn’t it make more sense to just have spaceships with engines propelled by nuclear fusion that exit the atmosphere, go at hypersonic speeds and then drop in? Why build expensive underground continent spanning tunnels? Well, what if we are attacked by aliens? They could easily blockade our airspace. Hell, just dropping a few million stealthy pebbles in our lower orbits would be enough to stop all hypersonic travel (the risk of ships exploding on contact with these pebbles would be too high for air travel to continue). Hypersonic spaceships would also face the problem of traditional aircrafts- you would need to build spaceports far from city centers. These spaceports would require a lot of space and cause a tremendous amount of noise pollution (constant sonic booms for every launch and landing).

    Therefore, I think I have made my mind. I think I would be voting for a hyperloop proposal that possibly would be tabled in our direct democratic government a 100-150 years from now!

    The Hyperloop might be a good idea maybe a 100 years from now


    Disclaimer: The hyperloop is an absolutely shit idea right now. I do not support building in any form right now.

    Now to the shower thought: Theoretically, a hyperloop can get you from place A to place B on the planet in less than 40 min (back of the napkin calculations assuming constant acceleration and deceleration of around 1G). Being completely underground (more on that below), it would also be a really good piece of infrastructure safe from arial/orbital bombardment.

    Now to the obvious problems: We need the tube to be very very straight to achieve high speeds without killing our passengers. We would want the hyperloop to enter city centers. Building such a straight thing in city centers would require a lot of demolition. Therefore, we would have to get it underground. Bringing it on the ground again outside cities doesn't make sense because we would be introducing steep upward curves, thus reducing its maximum speed. Therefore, it makes sense to build this thing completely underground. Building underground also gives us many more benefits like not having to do much land acquisition, safety from violent attacks and so on.

    Our tube would have to be incredibly airtight. It absolutely cannot have any leaks anywhere. Also, we need to be able to achieve incredibly low chamber pressures and maintain them.

    If we are building this underground, we would need a shit load of energy to dig and transport the material outside the tunnel. We would also need a shit load of steel and other resources for these incredibly long tunnels.

    Where do we get this energy? Where do we mine these resources without destroying the planet? Now this is where the "future" part comes in. We would need energy to be incredibly cheap. The only viable long term method (by "long term", I mean it from the civilization time scale) would be via nuclear fusion. When is nuclear fusion happening? Well, it's only 30 years away! /s Jokes aside, the energy source might be when nuclear fusion not only becomes possible, but also incredibly cheap (the nuclear reactor shouldn't cost billions lol).

    About the resources? Well, we probably need to mine them on the moon, no? The moon has A LOT of them right on the surface. If we can mine them and send them back home, we solve our resources problem!

    Well, you might ask- doesn't it make more sense to just have spaceships with engines propelled by nuclear fusion that exit the atmosphere, go at hypersonic speeds and then drop in? Why build expensive underground continent spanning tunnels? Well, what if we are attacked by aliens? They could easily blockade our airspace. Hell, just dropping a few million stealthy pebbles in our lower orbits would be enough to stop all hypersonic travel (the risk of ships exploding on contact with these pebbles would be too high for air travel to continue). Hypersonic spaceships would also face the problem of traditional aircrafts- you would need to build spaceports far from city centers. These spaceports would require a lot of space and cause a tremendous amount of noise pollution (constant sonic booms for every launch and landing).

    Therefore, I think I have made my mind. I think I would be voting for a hyperloop proposal that possibly would be tabled in our direct democratic government a 100-150 years from now!


    Most states rely on paper bureaucracy to ensure that the state can function and provide services. Paper bureaucracy has been part and parcel of how we maintain states and corporations since the Chinese invented the first paper bureaucracy systems of management 3000 years ago. But as you all probably know, bureaucracy kinda sucks. It costs a lot to maintain, and in the worst cases bureaucracy can turn a state into a labyrinthian monstrosity that can be near to impossible to navigate.

    Estonia is a Baltic country that in recent years has been embarking on reform programs that are intended to change this. Estonia is a “Paperless state” meaning a state that has effectively removed all paper from it’s bureaucracy and replaced it with a digital state structure. In this short video I would like to introduce you to the digital state and argue for it.

    We are going to have to reevaluate our moralities when people in the future can look like children while not actually being children

    Edit: To those downvoting, could please comment the reason as to why you are downvoting? The comments that are there right now do not explain the reason for the downvotes. I am genuinely curious as to what the thinking behind disliking the post is.

    Imagine you are a trans woman in the 15th century. You lack the tech to grow boobs. You lack the tech to make ur dick into a vagina. However, the want still exists and is very real.

    Now imagine the year is 2124. You are 55 years old. The tech to look exactly like you looked when you were sayyy 12 exists. You want to look like that. I would say that looking like that is your right. It's your body after all.

    However, you are still 55 years old. You just LOOK like a child. But you possess the ability to consent. Is having sex with such people moral? (I would say it is).

    This however introduces problems. How do you differentiate between actual children and people who physically look like children? Would this be a political issue then? Would adults who want to have sex with adults (but those who look like kids) be discriminated against? Would there be movements for this?

    Why do people give videos English titles when the videos themselves are in some other language?

    I really really don't understand how people are either so tiny brained or so fkin inconsiderate. Probably this is the wrong community to post this, as my infuriation levels are far from mild.

    Like... you look up a tutorial on a specific thing. You see a list of videos describing the very thing that you want in perfect English. You open the video to see that it is in a completely different language (usually Hindi). You then feel like personally going on a mission to assassinate that video creator. /s

    Like come on... I understand that English alphabets are more readable to people who speak languages other than English. FINE. I GET IT. But would it be too much to ask to at least put the name of the fkin language that your video is actually in, in the title?

    Like... it would so much better for a video title to be "(Hindi) Ranked Retrieval model explained" instead of "Ranked Retrieval model explained" and it turning out to be in Hindi. Like... do these people not think? Or do they not have a brain? Or do they just not care?

    I scoured through SO MANY VIDEOS and all of them have this nonsense going on. Like come on....


    So I thought I had figured myself till now. But I was clearly wrong...

    So the last few days have been incredibly confusing as I reflected on my gender identity. I'm definitely a boy, that's for sure. I wouldn't want to go by any pronouns except he/him. The they/she stuff simply isn't me.

    I don't want to dress up in a feminine manner (I don't think I would be comfortable in skirts and thigh highs and what not...). Like... I haven't tried that yet, but I really doubt I would be much interested in it. I like my current wardrobe.

    HOWEVER, I want a feminine-ish body. Like... not boobs or anything. I find boobs quite repulsive. BUT I would definitely love to have a more feminine butt/dick. I like tucking, WHILE loving my dick.

    I hate body hair/facial hair. The only place that I like hair on is my head. And while my hair is long-ish, it isn't girl-like long. Like... the intention is not to look like a girl.

    I dunno, it's weird I suppose... Here's one way to put it. If estrogen didn't give me boobs, I would LOVE to take it. I would love to have a higher voice, better head-hair, and a girlier butt and dick. BUT I would still identify as a male while being in male-like clothes.

    What the hell am I? I'm definitely not trans. I don't think I'm a femboy, as I would hate doing makeup/wearing skirts n stuff. I'm so confused.

    Oh, and I'm gay if that's relevant.

    Would running YaCy with more resources get a search engine comparable to Google

    For those unaware, YaCy is an open source indexing software with some p2p search capabilities. However, if you've run it yourself, you'd know that the search results are very bad. Therefore I am wondering if this is a resources issue or a YaCy software issue, or both.

    Had YaCy had really huge resources for the crawling and indexing, would it have been a good enough search engine to replace google/ddg?

    Wouldn't it be funny if gay people referred to other gay people as their "colleagues"?

    Like imagine going to a pride parade and you see some twink u never met and be Iike, "hey colleague! How're u? How's the bottom job position working for you?"

    "Colleague"... That's a funny word...

    A closer look on OpenAI's Sora
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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