In Dutch, the term for civil engineering works, especially in infrastructure is "kunstwerk", as in an artificial work like a concrete wall, a steel overpass, a masonry canal, etc. That sets it apart from an earthwork, like a ditch, berm or other feature.
But "kunstwerk" also means "work of art", as in the Mona Lisa or The Scream. And thats a regular, non-jargon word. So that occasionally leads to fun when I tell someine I recently worked on a "work of art" on the highway near Amsterdam, and people look at me really weird. Or I use a phrase like "well, you can really stack dirt that high, so we'll have to design some art to fix the problem".
Similar things are true in german. We have "Ingenieurs-kunst", which literally means "art of engineering", and it's a common word. But also, "Kunst" means art like in Painting, etc.
I don't know about making no sense, but photography, especially fim, has some fun phrases: subjects are lit up and shot. Afterwards, you go into a dark room and blow them up, burn them (if you don't dodge), and stick them in an acid bath.
In reality, it's lighting and taking a picture, projecting it onto photo paper, basic edits (darkening/ lightening specific areas), and processing the photo paper.
Odd groups got left, even groups got right. That means 1, 3, 5, 7 left; 2, 4, 6, 8 right. 7 & 8 are whelp groups. Ok listen the fuck up. You are going to DPS very very slowly. Now, and by slowly I mean fucking slow. If you get aggro, it means you are going to lose 50dkp because you didn't know what the fuck to do. And watch the fucking tail. If you get into the whelps, you lose 50dkp again, for not being where the fuck you were supposed to be. There is no aggro reset. There is some shit about an aggro reset when people don't know how to manage their aggro. After 2 sunders you can basically start doing damage to it. Assuming you know how aggro works and you don't over-aggro. Ok nuke it, dot it. Help the whelp groups. When it's in phase 2, nuke it as hard as possible. You want to get it down as fast as possible. Have dots up on every time, 2 rows, shadow word pain, warlock curses, rends, everything. I don't see enough dots, more dots now. Come on more DPS. Hit it like you mean it. You'll have time to rest in phase 3 while I'm getting the aggro. Remember, save all your aggro reducing abilities for when it lands. That means feign death, vanish, fucking fade, anything you can use to reset aggro. At 40% you will stop dots, until then you will throw more dots. Throw more dots, more dots, more dots ... come on more dots. Ok, stop dots. Now hit it very hard ... and very fast. Lee run to the center, Mulgras run to the center, Forsyte run to the center, Nurf run to the center, Isis run to the center. Whatever the fuck you do, do not stand next to other people. Mulgras, center. Just heal me. Lee do not... go away from the head lee. Go away. Ok DPS, slowly. Come here you fucking cunt. Watch the tail! Whelps! Crushim was feared into... Who the fuck was that? Crushim, what the fuck? Whelps, left side! Even side! Many whelps! Now, handle it! Fuck! That's a fucking 50dkp minus! What the fuck was that shit? If you stand in the right fucking place, there is no way you are going to fucking get into the goddamn whelps, whatever fucking fear, tailswipe, whatever the fuck ok? It's like one in a fucking million. From the fucking north corner to the middle into the fucking whelp cave, it's not even fucking remotely imaginable!
Looking to buy any human leather or human leather made clothes because my guy loves that kind of stuff.
I'd like to make it myself but then people get all emotional about it
Idk about make no sense, but a fun one is:
"Can you put the leg in the fridge?" Or "damnit is that another leg? That's like the 3rd one today!" Or "Did you take photos of that rectum?"
Computers are an endless source of these. Someone else already mentioned daemons and killing orphans; I submit "I only ever ssh into that box, so I keep it headless." ("I only ever access that computer via the terminal, so I don't install any software that uses graphics.")
Conlanging (constructing languages) inherits all the jargon of linguistics, and then adds a bunch of slang on top for good measure. "I was worried that glomming tense markers to subjects in my analytic clong was unnaturalistic, but it turns out ANADEW" is the kind of thing I might say in a casual conversation with another conlanger.
"The one thing about working concom is that fen sometimes enjoy freaking the mundanes."
The one thing about working as science fiction convention staff is that your attendees sometimes like being weird to outsiders, just to see them react in amusing ways, and that can be annoying to deal with.
German medical abbreviations like SH# re, probably needing a PFNA or HTEP. Gotta prepare the papers for the AHB.
Translates to broken femur at the right hip, needs a (huge) Nail or artificial hip to fix. Insurance usually pays for rehab right after the surgery so we fill out the application for that.
Also, patient has very low BI, probably won't get the AHB. Let's search for a KZP.
Yo, 4B has a UI with MRSA now, on top of the massive PE post SAB. We might need to up the Nor and increase the PEEP. But I think it`s time to talk with the NOK about DNR. Will be a turf without bounce back soon.
"[Patient in room 4B] has a urinary tract infection with Methicillin-resistant Staph now, on top of the massive pulmonary embolism post"... surgery, I assume? Not sure about the AB. Second sentence I don't get, but third is "...time to talk with Next of Kin about Do Not Resucitate. Will be burying them if they don't start recovering soon."
Man, I work in the medical field and sometimes people go too far with the abbreviations. It can be hard wading through a patient's history when the person that wrote up the history decides to use every single abbreviation, even uncommonly used ones. And then there are no additional explanatory notes or history documents to tell what it means.
I cast on the right amount, but the double points always give me trouble, especially since they're size 0. But it has to be tight, others the stuffing falls out and the cat is sad.
You send it to the queue and let the load-balancer decide which server picks it up and handles it as a transaction.
(That's from server-side software development and it would be talking about some kind of message with a comand or data being sent to a system with multiple computers handling such messages, typical in high-performance stuff that has to deal with hundreds of thousands of such requests per minute)
There's not really much official terminology people wouldn't get, but because I have a certain way of going about things, sometimes I find myself making terminology in order to specify things. For example, the topic of how people record history was discussed the other day, and I provided this diagram.