Oh no, the thing that literally everyone said would happen just happened!
And the perpetrators don't care, they don't give a shit about dead babies, they just want women to suffer for daring to have freedoms.
But that would require some kind of massive gravity well. Oh, I know! We'll create some kind large black hole, and the...
That attitude will soon have you pay for the next statue of Zeus, mister.
(Adding: there's a row of Statues of Zeus near the Olympic stadium, with plaques describing why they were placed. The idea was that these would be bought with the fines placed on cheaters. One common way to cheat was to have various gods and/or powers place a curse on the competition, and we have numerous records of this)
Outrageous! What will they think of next? I guess we'll just let all the competitors place curses on eachother too then? The statues of Zeus are there for a reason, people!
But how will they read the data of the disks in the future?
I would hope a team fighting a time war would have some skills here. I don't have to solve that problem.
It's... Ok ish. If you know the books, it's pretty terrible and breaks a LOT of the lore and setting. The series isn't shit, but it's not actually something I'd recommend.
Ja, de PVV leden stemmen unaniem in alle gevallen
Not that I said "read theory" not "make applicants take personality tests".
Ah, that's a much better take.
Look up any personality+leadership theory, DISC is a common one I've seen.
Ew. Personality tests are a terrible way of building a working team, and the idea that every need field needs the same kind of people is just demonstrably stupid
A lot of writers seem to have forgotten that scifi uses aliens and new worlds to talk about humans. They just think that scifi uses aliens and new worlds.
So you can survive up to three stabs, but not four.
Or more hilariously, 18 full seconds of being attacked.
And most supply missions give it a boost before leaving as well. Also, the ISS can "glide" by turning it's narrow end forward, getting less drag from the atmosphere and reduce the decay rate at the cost of power generation
A name in the Native American language
There is no single native American language. There are over 200 of them, and used to be around 300-400, in 57 different families and over two dozen completely isolated languages (which might not be, but it's hard to find out). And they'd likely be at the very least somewhat mutually culturally insensitive.
So that might be even more difficult than using English, which at least has the benefit of being popular now.
And any vegans that think is for the best, keep in mind it involves a genocidal like slaughter of all those dairy animals occurring within hours of workers being unavailable.
Ok, but they'd probably it would be only once, instead of the current unending cycle.
What an amazing and totally unintended coincidence
And doesn't plankton already sequester CO2 on the ocean floor when it dies?
USA: this is an aircraft carrier. It carries aircraft to destroy enemy ships.
Japan: this is a helicopter destroyer. It carries helicopters (and some aircraft) to protect our fleet.
Indonesia: this is a humanitarian vessel. It uhhhh. Shhhhh
You're telling me that two different cultures both concluded that small gaps between large rocks can be filled with smaller rocks?
Shock. Gasp.
Next you'll tell me that several different groups of people independently realized that "wide on the bottom, narrow on top" is a really good way of making tall things.
Both are concepts a 4 year old playing with blocks will realize pretty quickly, so this post is pretty hilarious
It's not loading for me. What is it?
Battlefleet gothic started as a tabletop game with plastic space warships. That's what I was referring too.
But, totally apart from that, the Battlefleet gothic videogames are also really good, if you like slow tactical ship sims.
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Am I missing something, or does marking a post just grey it out?