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  • One of my coworkers without children (I think she is in her early 40s) got strep last year and she was out for a whole week! That shit is no joke! I also don't hear much about adults getting it (especially when they don't interact with kids) but I guess it happens! You doing better now?

  • me_irl
  • Yeah my coworker is going to be seeing at least 2 vulnerable people. I'm sure there could be more out there as well.

    Just feels a bit odd and simultaneously wasteful using an extra sick day (we have a limited amount) when I am not even sick. And look, this is totally stupid, but I also don't want people to think I'm a wimp that needs more time to recover than I actually do. Or I don't want people to think that I'm lying and using sick days for no reason.

    I know those last two are kind of nonsensical, but I can't help how my brain works lol!! I'm getting cabin fever in here!

  • Is sex really that awesome? am I really missing out?
  • I have a slight problem when people say stuff like this.

    Yes, I agree that sex shouldn't at all be the most important thing in a relationship. And at some point many people aren't able to have sex anymore. And sure, some people aren't able to have sex to begin with.

    But for most people on the planet, sex is a huge (although obviously usually not the only) component of a relationship and a basic need. So when you can't have sex, it very severely and significantly limits your dating pool. Pretending it doesn't is very unhelpful and just not least not in the modern, Western world. Other cultures might work differently.

  • Is sex really that awesome? am I really missing out?
  • Ah well in that case...for me personally, I'm 30 and I've never had sex. Since sexual themes are so pervasive in media, sometimes I do feel like I'm missing out. But at the same time, I don't personally seem to have the ability to feel sexual pleasure, so it is what it is. Some people are also physically disabled in ways that mean they can't have sex or can't feel physical pleasure during sex. Sometimes it stinks to feel like such an outlier with the inability to experience something everyone talks about, but it is what it is. There are a lot of other things in this world that are fun and can occupy one's time.

  • me_irl
  • Thank you! This is actually unfortunately my second time having it. Definitely nowhere near as bad as the first. I took the whole week off out of paranoia of infecting my coworkers, even though I probably don't need to be out that long. One of them had weekend plans that I don't want to mess up for them. Mostly I'm bored as fuck but I feel basically better!

  • Is sex really that awesome? am I really missing out?
  • It's also ok to not really like it. Some people just don't get that much out of it for various reasons and that's fine too. Most people have an inmate, biological drive to do it, but not everyone does either. If you really are only 14 as some of the comments say, it's perfectly normal to want it right now and it's perfectly normal to not want it. Just be safe about it. You don't need to jump into something right away just because your peers are doing it.

  • Remember when planes and hospitals had smoking sections? (Probably a lot of you do not).
  • I was only a kid when we still had smoking vs non smoking sections, but I remember how odd I thought it was back then.

    The pungent smell of smoke permeated the air throughout the entire restaurant. Usually there was not even a door separating smoking from non smoking. Idk what they were hoping to accomplish.

  • Have rock
  • I was with most of this until the selective breeding part. Did prehistoric humans have a concept of this? Do we have evidence of that? If so, that sounds rather interesting. I'm just a bit skeptical is all.

  • Anyone else who knows they are a softie, but absolutely hate it when someone else points out that they are a softie?
  • I'm sorry people are doing stuff like this to you. I'm a relatively thin skinned individual, personally. People say you're supposed to just grow thicker skin, but why can't we instead focus on trying to get the assholes to not be assholes? Idk man, I guess it's not very realistic. Hope your day goes ok.

  • What the fuck
  • I'm sure that definitely contributed. But I think another big thing is that with the advent of the internet, artists don't have to worry about censorship as much.

    Back in the day, you used to discover new music through the radio. At least in the US, radio does not allow for curse words to be broadcasted. Sure, artists will often have both explicit and clean radio edits, but some just don't bother and make one clean version instead.

    Now that many people listen to and discover new music on platforms like Spotify, YouTube Music, Tidal, SoundCloud, etc., people don't have to worry about censorship as much.

    I could be wrong, though. It's just a hypothesis. Maybe it was solely rap/hip hop and not much else!

  • Penguins ❤️
  • Yeah I feel like I used to give the nature argument to support being gay, but in reality, being natural shouldn't just mean that it's good. There's rape, murder, cannibalism, danger, poison, etc. in nature. Nature =/= good.

    I'm not saying this because I'm anti-gay. Actually I feel like I'm on a bisexual-asexual spectrum. It's just not an argument that we should be using I guess unless there's a better way to spin that particular argument.

  • Looking for some HVAC suggestions to better cool my stifling second floor

    Hi all. I have a 2 storey, ~1200 sq ft home in a hot climate. I have a single HVAC unit...central air and ductwork, electric AC/heat. There is no zoning to the system. The thermostat is downstairs.

    Everything is great in the winter months. But in the summer months, the upstairs is absolutely stifling. I don't have a thermostat upstairs, but it feels like it stays at least 10 degrees hotter than downstairs. I get that hot air rises, but considering the bedrooms are upstairs, it makes things unbearable.

    My HVAC air handler and condenser are from 2008, so they are rather old and I'm likely to have to replace them soon. When I do so, I want to figure out how to keep the upstairs more comfortable.

    Before I start asking companies for quotes, I want to figure out what I'm doing first. Some things I've come across...

    1. Install something like a Nest system with a remote temperature sensor. Place the temperature sensor upstairs and have the Nest use that to figure out when to cycle the AC on instead of the downstairs thermostat. I could install something like this myself instead of needing an HVAC company, though it isn't necessary very efficient.

    2. Consult with an HVAC company about having dampers/a zoning system installed. From what I've read online, it seems like people are saying this isn't really financially worth it. But if I'm at the point where I want a new system anyway, would it make sense?

    3. Window AC units are an obvious "solution", but I can't have them due to the HOA.

    4. I have read of suggestions of people saying to close the vents downstairs in the summer, but it seems like this is bad advice, as supposedly it will stress your HVAC and cause it to fail prematurely.

    Edit: Just found a new one...setting the fan on the thermostat to "on" instead of "auto". Although some people seem to warn of mold growth.

    Would love to hear any and all suggestions. Thanks!

    I got a sizeable raise and am now officially making low six figures and have no one to share my good news with

    Hi all. Apologies if this is not allowed here. I know people out there are struggling, but I just want to share my good news with someone.

    It's a big milestone of accomplishment in my life, but I feel weird just telling family members or my online friends about it. The only other people who know are my coworkers because we all got the same raise. Money doesn't go as far nowadays due to crazy inflation post COVID and my area has higher cost of living than where I grew up, but I'm still very happy about this. I remember back when I used to only make minimum wage. All those years of schooling eventually made their way back to me. I'll never make as much money as someone like a doctor, but it's definitely enough for me to live comfortably as a single person.

    Anyway, I'll delete this in a bit (or sooner if it gets removed by a mod), but I hope you guys out there have a good weekend.

    Edit: Thank you guys very much :)

    Edit 2: Jeez there are so many more comments than I expected. You guys are so nice!!

    How do you deal with two people who you are close to and have to spend every day with...but one of them hates the other one?

    I apologize if this isn't allowed, but I wasn't sure exactly where to put it. Just let me know if it's inappropriate and I'll delete. Thanks.

    I'm a loner, so my life is basically just work and the internet. Two of my coworkers are among my favorite people in the whole world, but one of them doesn't like the other one and will complain to me about how they don't like them.

    We work incredibly closely together...only a few feet apart for hours on end. Our job also necessitates that we frequently communicate with one another. In the beginning, I absolutely loved it and there was no conflict.

    Now, I often get my one coworker complaining to me that the other is lazy. And I'm not going to lie, the "lazy" one definitely takes more breaks than everyone and doesn't at all work as hard as the others. But that doesn't really bother me because she's a super incredibly nice and friendly person.

    But over time it has bothered my hardworking coworker more and more and driven a wedge into what I would have once considered to be a friendship between the 3 of us.

    It never gets to the point where there is yelling or arguments or anything, but it absolutely ruins the mood and then I hear about it later.

    I interact with these people for hours on end every single day and I'm just not sure how to handle it. I've been struggling to know how to deal with it for months now.

    To top it all off it gives me endless paranoia that the hardworking coworker secretly resents me and hates me too. This stuff never used to happen before, but know I feel like it's all that happens.

    Looking for music with specifically **rapidly ping ponging** right/left stereo effects

    Whenever I come across a song with specifically rapidly switching and ping ponging or warbling right/left effects, I get chills. But it's hard to find exactly what I mean.

    The only two songs that I know of that exemplify this are:

    • Such Great Heights by The Postal Service
    • Slow Me Down by Emmy Rossum

    I heard the latter song first and I'll never forget that moment I was sitting in front of the stereo and hit play, not knowing what to expect. I kept repeating the beginning of the song over and over again to hear that effect in the intro, amazed at what my ears were hearing.

    There are a few more songs I've listened to that do this, but I've lost them and can't remember what they were called sadly. I've been combing through my music library but haven't found them again.

    An example of songs that do NOT fit this criteria are Left and Right by Charlie Puth or Runaway by Kanye West. I don't really care that the lyrics switch ears. It doesn't provide that indescribable experience that the songs I posted above give.


    I'm finding that this is such a hard thing to Google. A lot of people link to songs simply with "right left stereo effects", but I'm looking for something more specific as in the above. I'm specifically looking for rapid right left switching effects, and NOT just instruments occasionally played in a different ear.

    My genre of choice is pop/EDM and modern pop, but I'm open to others. Thanks all, I'd really appreciate it.


    Edit: Sorry I haven't been keeping up with the responses, guys. There are so many songs to wade through. Thanks!

    How can I deal with not being able to help with other people's problems whom I care about?

    Hi all. Apologies if this isn't the right community for this type of question. Just let me know and I'll remove it.

    Recently I've been struggling a bit. There are a few people in my life right know who I care deeply about. They are going through some very rough times right now. (Ex: money issues, sick relatives, etc.)

    I am very frustrated because I hear about what's going on all the time and I am powerless to do anything to help. The advice I've had in the past is "just be a friend and be there for them," but there is only so far I am mentally and even physically able to go with that. All I want to do is to fix it and make it better for them but I can't.

    And it's been making me go a bit crazy tbh. It's pretty narcissistic of me to be reacting this way, but I can't help it. I don't tell these people that I am stressed out because of them and I don't tell them that it is affecting me in any way. It's such an asshole move for me to be feeling this way but I just don't know how to get out of it.

    I try to be nice and friendly all the time, but it's killing me. I just want to be able to help but I can't. I'm completely and totally powerless.

    Surely there are those of you out there who care about others and have run into this issue before. What the actual fuck am I supposed to do? "Just be a friend" doesn't help my mental state or do anything for any of the issues that any of us have.

    Thanks all.

    The water from my faucets suddenly smells like stagnant pond water. How can I tell if it's safe to drink?

    Hi all.

    This happened several months back as well in June. However, at the time, I had an incredibly old water heater that had not been serviced. I replaced it due to its incredibly advanced age (not due to the smell) and the smell eventually went away.

    But this week I noticed my water has suddenly developed the same smell again. However, my new water heater is only a few months old. Surely it doesn't need to be serviced already? It is still outputting very hot water. I have it set to 130F, which is above the temperature that it was set at by default. (I think when I got it, it was set to 120F at first, which I found too cold. So I upped it not long after).

    ALL faucets and things with a water supply within the home (ex toilets) exhibit the smell when the water is running. It is not limited to one spigot, floor, or room. Hot water makes it worse (as in showering), but I still notice it with cold water (as in flushing the toilet or room temp water from the tap...I can't get my water super cold where I live though).

    The smell reminds me of when I used to swim in a lake or pond. It doesn't smell like sewage and it doesn't smell like fish, but it is not overly pleasant.

    Is there a way I can investigate this easily enough without hiring a plumber? And how can I tell if it's safe to drink.

    I have city water, NOT well water.

    Thanks all.

    How the hell do I clean/vacuum carpeted stairs?

    I know this is a cleaning request than a home improvement one, but I would appreciate some advice.

    Some months back I moved into a place where the only carpet is located on a staircase. The carpet is thick and maybe considered to be medium to high pile??

    The entire time I've lived here, I've struggled to figure out how to clean the damn stairs. The carpeting seems to be a magnet for every particle of dirt and strand of hair.

    I have a full size vacuum with a hose. The hose doesn't actually seem to vacuum up anything from the stairs and the main part of the vacuum is too large to use. So the vacuum does fuck all for it.

    I'm thinking I maybe need to use something like a wire bristle brush and a lint roller to actually remove dirt and hair??? Is there a best methodology for something like this?

    Also of note...I was gifted a Bissell Crosswave recently. It doesn't seem like it would work well on thick carpeting, but I'm wondering if there's a technique where I could maybe use it for that???

    I appreciate any advice! Thanks!

    Is there a way to disable haptic feedback?

    Somewhere within the last few updates, it seems that haptic feedback has been added to whenever you swipe over a post.

    I know a lot of Apple users were asking for this, but I really don't like it as an Android user who doesn't have haptic feedback for apps normally. It's annoying for my phone to be vibrating every 2 seconds when I'm doing things. Is there no option to turn it off?

    Thanks! Loving the work you guys do!

    Happy Friday!! Are any of you doing anything fun this weekend??

    I am having some family members visit my place for the first time since I moved in and I'm pretty excited. It's a small thing, but yeah. I have a tendency to work most weekends because I don't have a social life so it's a nice change of pace. Do any of you get to do anything fun? Hooe your Friday goes well!

    What do you do personally to find happiness in your everyday life?

    I know the question is a bit vague, but I'm hoping people will interpret this however they see fit an give their own experiences.

    To be honest, I'm struggling a bit with this right now and would enjoy reading others' experiences.

    What brand and type of milk alternatives will froth in an automatic milk frother?

    Hi all! Don't kill me but I'm a heathen that just uses a Keurig. I recently got a new one that has an automatic milk frother and it's been fun to use with regular milk.

    I think milk has been hurting my stomach though so I thought I'd use a milk alternative. Supposedly alternative milk types can froth, but I found out the hard way that it is dependent on brand, water, and fat content. I've heard of milk alternatives having special "batista editions" that will froth up better, but I'm unfamiliar with what those are.

    I tried picking up some almond milk at my local Aldi and it doesn't froth at all.

    Are there some more readily available and prominent brands out there that I can pick up that will froth? I have access to Publix, Aldi, and Walmart. I do NOT have access to places like Costco or Trader Joe's. I am not picky about what kind of milk alternative it is at the moment (oat, almond, soy)...I'm just looking for a type and brand that will actually froth.

    Thanks all!

    wefwef completely died for me all of a sudden and will not work at all. Anyone else having issues?

    I am no longer able to log in or view any content with wefwef. I deleted the app and tried to navigate to the website with my phone.

    I am technically able to access the website, but any attempts to login in say "connection error". Any attempts to view posts say "problem fetching posts". I have tried multiple instances and none of them work.

    Is anyone else having this issue? I am an android user. Thanks.

    How do I get rid of the hard particulate matter embedded within my window screen

    I moved into a place with one very hazy window screen that is difficult to see through.

    I have tried scrubbing it with a brush with soapy water and blasting it with the hose. But I cannot get rid of the hard material buildup. I even tried dipping a brush in CLR and scrubbing the screen.

    When I Google how to clean a window screen, I just run across people telling me to do what I already tried. But I think the people touting these methods simply have screens with dirt in them.

    This doesn't seem like simple dirt buildup. I enclosed a close up photo of what it looks like.

    I bet if I poked all of the holes individually with a toothpick I could clean it, but that would take eons. Any advice? Thanks.

    My little Baphomet statue says hello :)

    Sorry for the quick post and then delete. Uploading through Jerboa rotated the image for some reason!

    Why is it that sometimes I can see the exact number of upvotes and downvotes on a comment, and other times I can only see the overall karma?

    The vast majority of the time, I can only see the overall karma score on my comment. But occasionally, I can see exactly how many times it was upvoted vs downvoted. This happens across multiple instances, not just a single instance, but it is very uncommon.

    Bobby's reaction to the Longhorns losing kills me every time

    Bobby: "Is it ok that I feel like I don't want to live anymore?" Hank: "Yes, Bobby, that's normal."

    Scammers Face 1,000 Viruses Controlled By Viewers (Kitboga)

    Not sure if any of you are Kitboga fans, but he's a scam baiter (he deliberately messes with phone scammers) and he can be pretty entertaining. Enjoy!

    How did you discover TST?

    Hi all. I know there is no one here at the moment, but for anyone that decides to pop in, I'd love to hear your story.

    Hope all is well and hail Satan!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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