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The government of Cuba declares itself in a ‘war-time economy’
  • Were there really in accordance with the definition you are trying to enforce?

  • The government of Cuba declares itself in a ‘war-time economy’
  • You need to be able to distinguish between a countrys primary mode of production versus the scope of its total. A "perfect" capitalist or communist will likely never exist, at least not any time soon. You cannot ignore the aspects of the basis on which development happens.

  • The government of Cuba declares itself in a ‘war-time economy’
  • Every mode of production contains elements of its former, according to Marx, exactly because we have to understand human development and our current paradigm through historical materialism.

    To say that a communist nation cannot contain capitalist components as its non fundamental mode of production is as stupid as saying Britain is not capitalist because they have a king.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Did not know about MAM, but that sounds great. I also hosted a Mumble server for my friends for over 5 years, but it was basically never used because there existed a one-stop solution (Discord) that allowed for more stuffTM. TIL Jitsi was powered by XMPP, thanks. I personally have no problem with fragmenting functionality between different specialized applications, but it will always be a tough sell for those I know because they believe they can have it all in their cool app.

    At the end of the day, communication services usefulness are upwards limited by the people you can reach through them. The need for everything to be easy and centralized for the user (ironic with respect to server federation, I know) is what has made me so hopeful for the Matrix protocol, since it is designed for allowing this while still being decentralized at its core.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • I have no experience with the last two options you mentioned, but I was of the understanding that XMPP does not have video group call functionality. Also, it has been a long time since I used XMPP at all, but syncing history between sessions was not possible to me then. These are features that would be deal breakers to miss.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Well, in their FAQ the Matrix team states that they love both IRC and XMPP and that for those whom these options perform better they wish the best of luck continuing to use them. Matrix does have some qualities they do not and they do not mean to compete with them, rather to put up bridges so as to federate between these decentralized protocols.

    Personally, I want to move away from communicating through Discord with many of my friends. I do not believe neither IRC nor XMPP would entice them, but Matrix could as soon as they finish implementing their new video call capabilities. The same goes for community projects that use Discord as a replacement for forums.

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • Oh no! But you see young people joining the military because of indoctrination or poverty surely are to blame for US interventionism (read terrorism)!!!

  • [Serious] What's your hot take?
  • What fundemental aspect of Matrix is both causing too heavy performance degradation while also being unfixable or impossible to reimplement?

  • what to send other than flowers to say thank you?
  • I guess it depends on the specific laws of your country, but IMO gifts that have any real value save symbolics are off the table (even if not strictly illegal). I would just send a heartfelt letter expressing my gratitude. That would certainly make them feel very much appreciated!

  • [META] State of the worldnews Community
  • Anyone thinking bourgeoisie extortion is fundamentally different from that of feudal lords need to reexamine the process of appropriation of surplus value.

  • [META] State of the worldnews Community
  • How was I racist? Seems to me that your retort targets some untrue idea in your head about who I am rather than what I actually wrote.

    I also do not understand why you made this post if you do not actually make an attempt at trying to understand the replies in return.

  • [META] State of the worldnews Community
  • The first claim is just straight plain old racism, while the second reeks of confused lib. Either way, calling someone a slave in this context is almost certainly meant as an insult to the political organisation of the state and not to its people. This distinction is important with respect to moderation.

    I consider the proletariat of capitalist societies to be slaves by definition. Thus if I were convinced that the PRC was capitalist, I could stand behind this sentiment.

  • Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist?
  • Saw this episode for the first time two days ago and loved everything about it. Especially the inqusition of anti-union Ferengi, that is the FCA, captured the violence of capitalist oppression, both direct and threat thereof, beautifully.

    I also liked the subtle points being made, like Odo being against the strike on basis of upholding law and order, even though this should contradict his moral compass in my opinion.

  • Capitalists: capitalism is the only system that lets you chase your dreams…
  • Free public tuition, like we have in Norway, is a non-capitalist component of an otherwise capitalist society. Paid higher education, like in the US, is a capitalist component of an otherwise capitalist society.

  • China’s universities just grabbed 6 of the top 10 spots in one worldwide science ranking – without changing a thing
  • University rankings are stupid because in the best case they try to measure the quality of articles by number of citations and at worst they are just companies taking money for advertising.

    Looking at the contents of their graduate courses is usually enough IMO to see whether they are serious or not.

  • If you were offered knowledge of exactly when and how you'll die, would you take it? Why or why not?
  • The latter is an obvious smart deal to take. Just make sure to check yourself for cancer, not walking on a red light etc. according to the thing that kills you. Otherwise do the same. Odds are you would gain more time with your loved ones.

  • TIL norway has a homocide map with exact locations of murders.
  • Lots of nazis in the south for real.

  • French election descends into madcap reality TV
  • Unity of the left is a double edged sword. Sure it means increased bargaining power for change. Also, it usually deteriorates into a hostage situation where the most centrist "left" party in the coalition says they will cooperate with the fascists, if the other left parties do not reduce their call for change to just symbolic issues.

  • French election descends into madcap reality TV
  • An age of rising fascism...

  • Elden Ring's developers know most players use guides, but still try to cater to those who go in blind: 'If they can't do it, then there's some room for improvement on our behalf'
  • You have no reason to believe these are exactly the same people. Seems to me you are conflating them because you want to shit on people using guides and at the same time excuse yourself for being an ass because "tHey ArE hyPOcrItEs".

    Even if you were right, what is the problem with people wanting mechanical difficulty and using guides to learn how to master it?

  • What propagandized terms do the bourgeoisie push on you?

    The bourgeoisie in my country have pushed the euphemism of "working capital" as something that needs protection from wealth tax. By inseparably connecting capital with jobs, they push the narrative that you cannot tax wealth without removing jobs and consequently hurting the working class. They paid for research groups to prove this connection, but what their research actually showed was that wealth tax creates jobs due to incentivizing keeping profits within the companies they own. The audacity to think owning the means of production is a privilege they should enjoy special treatment to keep is beyond me, but even so, this type of rhetoric keeps gaining ground.

    What is the propaganda they are pushing on you, and how can socialist policies prevail if reason loses to made up words changing the narrative?

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    SDL2 Version "ready to go soon"

    Great Toady of course wrote this with the "hopefully" caveat, but here is to hoping.

    Urist Urist
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