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[Labor senator] Fatima Payman says she's been 'exiled' and is 'reflecting on future' within Labor
  • Are you high? They're just an example of Democratic governance that's all.

  • [Labor senator] Fatima Payman says she's been 'exiled' and is 'reflecting on future' within Labor
  • Don't put words in my mouth, democracy has nothing to do with getting what you want is has to do with participation and voice in the decision making process.

    We have almost no representation in government, no choice as to whether or not we are bound by it, we have no democracy at work, deciding economic priorities anything like that.

    You've been told you live in a democracy but aside from being told that what evidence is there that you do? Can you even fire the government? Your boss? Do you really have a voice?

    here's a Democratic government.

  • One foot in the grave
  • You guys are like mid 20s you're not youths. You're old news now.

  • [Labor senator] Fatima Payman says she's been 'exiled' and is 'reflecting on future' within Labor
  • what do you mean? Any number of things... The system you have with your friends to decide who hosts the next movie night, your community astronomy club annual meeting, your Union, idk what are you involved in? What is this question even? Democratic decision making is as old as time and as varied as the seasons.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • It's a higher standard than tabloid rags but I feel like they're doing this a massive disservice by repeating it at all, especially without adding context such as the number of times various senators have mentioned religion, the mandatory religion in Parliament, and consequently that this is obviously an islamophobic smear campaign.

    Their own stats say that very few people read more than the first paragraph (I can't find them but they had this whole campaign on it using their metrics). It's obviously inflammatory and most readers won't remember the nuance, they'll remember vague concerns of scary Muslim god stuff and not supporting Israel.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • Yeah maybe, again though zero context and dubious evidence.

    She might just not want a two state solution. That's a reasonable stance, whether or not you think it would shake out nicely I can understand feeling like Israel is an illegitimate nation. At this point regardless of how it was founded I feel enough reasonable people ended up there either through birth, feeling persecution, exile or sale (yep... countries sold Jewish people to Israel. Fucking horror show that is) that not allowing them to stay in at least some of the claimed area and self govern is naïve. Although I would probably feel differently if the state killed my parents, gaoled my spouse, and blew up my kid so my opinion is questionably neutral.

    Would labour MPs support a 2 state solution of the second state was to be founded in Australia's sovereign territory? maybe made up of fragments of their houses?

    Giant fucking mess of a sitch.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • Really? I got kicked out of Christian Education in highschool for eating a bible and I've said "It's in God's hand's now". Admittedly as a humourous way to sum up "I've done what I can, now we see how it shaked out" but all the same.

    It's just an idiom. No doubt sometimes people literally mean it as handing off responsibility to a supernatural, interventionist entity but I would not assume that without seeing evidence someone was a fundie.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • That's not the context she appears to have said it in. The quote appears to be in the context of whether she would support a bill requiring a two state solution as conditional for recognition. That is relayed by a third party and a reasonable assumption is the context being "It's not up to me if this bill passes or not, I don't know if I'd support it at the moment. Let's see what happens".

    Remember, you are hearing a fragment of something said by an unnamed source who has the incentive to portray her as bad, and is likely trying to cover for labor continuing to absolutely nothing for Palistine while tacitly supporting crackdowns on protest.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me.
  • Depending on what you mean that might be naïve. As it stands something like half of us are religious and many people who are religious would say it significantly shapes their views on things.

    It's not even clear where the boundaries between religious and nonreligious views are sometimes.

    I think it's reasonable to ask for a politics that's reasonable, earnest, compassionate, and understanding. I think it's also true that fundamentalism can be awful and used to make frothing bigotry seem more reasonable than it is.

    But idk, if someone says "a fundamental creed of some system I believe in is non violence and helping the weak, and I meditated on that in my appropriate cultural building last night, so I will be voting against the 'kill the target minority' bill proposed" is that such a bad or unreasonable thing?

    I think there's some nuance, and it doesn't seem that much more silly than standing before an ocean storm, feeling the sublime, and that moment triggering a reduction in ego or whatever.

  • ABC article alleges caucus concern over Fatima Payma being "guided by god". Smells of a character assassination to me. Payman decision expected as caucus colleagues express concern over claims she was being guided by 'God'

    The West Australian senator has told colleagues she is seeking religious guidance on her next move but is expected to make a decision on quitting her party today.

    Payman decision expected as caucus colleagues express concern over claims she was being guided by 'God'

    This is fucked reporting right? The quote they use as evidence is her saying something is "in God's hands". Elsewhere articles are run using quotes of her praying to god.

    This is like, extremely normal lexicon for even casually religious people right? I'm an atheist with a pretty negative view of religion and to me this looks like pearl clutching.

    Lots of extremely normal people say "I am praying for guidance" when they're reflecting on something. That in isolation doesn't mean they expect a hedge to catch fire and tell them what to do...

    If our standard is pollies never mention religion then we might want to do some stuff about the Lord's prayer, the oaths, and the magical mace of the Royal cult.

  • Millions of addicts can't be wrong!

  • America is in danger of Fascism
  • yeah fair actually

  • America is in danger of Fascism
  • Which definition of fascism are you applying?

  • Vegan Parents Help Please
  • Well her three kids are all great! Her first pregnancy went complication free, twins needed a c section because umbilical tangles. All healthy as, super sweet, and the eldest is extremely articulate and agreeable for a 2 year old. I don't usually like kids under 5ish but I'll hang out with them any day, very low stress relatively!

    She did find some people were judgey, but surpringly not the healthcare people. They mostly seemed happy at her not being an antivax weirdo and keeping active!

    Best of luck!

  • Vegan Parents Help Please
  • Well her three kids are all great! Her first pregnancy went complication free, twins needed a c section because umbilical tangles. All healthy as, super sweet, and the eldest is extremely articulate and agreeable for a 2 year old. I don't usually like kids under 5ish but I'll hang out with them any day, very low stress relatively!

    She did find some people were judgey, but surpringly not the healthcare people. They mostly seemed happy at her not being an antivax weirdo and keeping active!

    Best of luck!

  • [Labor senator] Fatima Payman says she's been 'exiled' and is 'reflecting on future' within Labor
  • I think you're ascribing too much benign intention to something which was realistically the result of a complex power struggle between monarchs, nobles, intellectual elites, and a new class of merchants/financiers where everyone was trying to use everyone else to fuck everyone else in their favour and riling up the proles as needed.

    It's not some planned genius system carefully crafted for utmost morality. It's a way for rich business owners to get a slice of the pie normally reserved for nobles while offering enough compromises/threat of revolt to keep the smaller but culturally and militarily powerful class of old money happy enough.

    Your participation as a prole is highly limited, you are basically unable, short of mass violence, to hold anyone accountable for any particular decision; you are not allowed to force certain things to even be discussed or debated. It is not a system made for you to participate in, it is a system where you have some (extremely limited) participation because your class of people were a piece on someone else's board.

    Compared to actual democratic institutions which work by consensus and direct representation, or representation at the continued will of a consensus body it is a joke. It does not require your consent, and what little privilege you have does not extent to any practical considerations in your life (housing, work etc) which remain dictatorial.

    Dream bigger dude.

  • Vegan Parents Help Please
  • Idk what stage you're at. I showed my sister your post and she said this:

    I have no literature to share (didn't really look and didn't stumble across anything). Only:

    Prenatal vitamins: vitamin intake super important now, especially Omega-3, iron, choline. Naturelo vegan prenatal vitamin was my pregnancy multivitamin of choice

    Also, it's hard to keep iron up. In twin pregnancy I was taking the max dose of iron, but taking it every two days as there's some evidence that your body produces something (heparin?) in response to iron intake so actually skipping every second day (not doubling the dose either; literally just skipping a day) results in higher uptake. The max recommended dose is 200mg elemental iron. This meant one ferro-grad C, a couple of the bioceuticala iron, and a handful of other iron tablets - with a variety of forms of iron (ferrous bisglycinate, ferrous fumarate, etc)

    And I took vegan choline and Omega-3 separately as well

    It's very possible to have a perfectly healthy vegan pregnancy. Hey, I carried twins to 40 weeks!

  • America is in danger of Fascism
  • brain dead take.

    Always a racist slave state? sure. A military cult since like 1910? sure. A broken oligarchy? sure.

    Fascist? defs heading that way. Not always.

  • [Labor senator] Fatima Payman says she's been 'exiled' and is 'reflecting on future' within Labor
  • We are actually kinda involved, as a US protectorate (Prove me wrong pollies, prove me wrong! defy your masters. Ask the Kurds how always allying with the US works out) we tend to support their interests in the middle east, also we ship Israel weapons except we claim we don't because apparently if I give you a trigger, a barrel, and a receiver and you have the rest I haven't technically given you a weapon under international law 🙄. I think Australia has helped them repair some of the planes they're using to murder children.

    But I do broadly agree with your analysis. I think the issue isn't as simple as "loyalty pledge evil! mean evil labor" but also like what it's being used for here is absolutely horrible and could most charitably be interpreted as a system backfiring and least charitably ghoulish power brokers squashing the soul out of a decent person to back warhawks.

  • [Labor senator] Fatima Payman says she's been 'exiled' and is 'reflecting on future' within Labor
  • I don't always agree with the party's ordering. Some people I just fundamentally do not trust. I think there's some concern with weird vote exhaustion (e.g. my 2nd is party 1st, my 1st is party 2nd, my 3rd is party I don't want. My 1st goes to my 2nd, which doesn't win, so my 3rd is counted and party 2nd loses by one vote) but I don't know how likely that really is in practice and I mostly just drop horrible people and political schemers /shrug

    TBH I've basically lost faith in the Westminster system. I participate because absolutely fuck disempowering yourself to any degree but I put my energy in smaller scale stuff and trying to build community.

  • Old, but we all have to learn these.

    Alt text can't be formatted. Have it here

    Things I've learned since going vegan

    • You can slice someone's throat and still love them.
    • The word "need" can also mean "could easily live without but do kinda want".
    • The word "humane" can mean literally anything you want it to.
    • It's ok to call people out for harmful behaviour unless that behaviour involves bacon.
    • Plants definitely feel pain and lawns scream when you mow them.
    • Crop workers are exploited but slaughterhouse workers definitely aren't. No exploitation here, no sir.
    • Meat is the only food that contains protein.
    • "Found the vegan" is still funny and original the millionth time.
    • Before humans came along, cows were just wandering around with massive udders praying for someone to invent industrialised agriculture.
    • Steak is cheaper than beans, rice, pasta, and canned vegetables.
    • While 99% of all meat comes from factory farms, no one eats that meat.
    • Everyone only buys local, organic, humane, Dalai Lama approved meat.
    • Everyone has an uncle who owns a farm straight out of a 1950's Americana magazine
    • Everyone has a degree in nutrition and evolutionary biology.
    • Everyone knows that one guy who went vegan and almost died.
    • Everyone is free to talk about their identity, beliefs and interests without being shamed for them. Unless they're vegan. Vegans can fuck off.
    Why is it called the skibidi tree?

    Is it a lore reference to a toilet? Hinting at some of the late game of elden ring being shit?

    The premier's apology for harms to LGBT people is belied by their reluctance to take action on NSW's barbaric gender change policy.

    NSW still requires surgeries that are often unwanted, complex, and have mixed results (particularly for ftm patients, unless they opt for steralisation instead which might count. mtf steralisation is mandatory), and tremendously expensive (not covered by medicare, in fact barely offered in australia at all especially for ftm people).

    Further if you are fortunate enough to be able to do this you are required to be inspected by two unrelated medical professionals. I went through that process and it was the most humiliating moment of my life.

    This policy is out of line with policy adopted by the federal government over a decade ago now, and is similar to policies previously enacted by Sweden and The Netherlands. Policies which they are currently apologising for and paying re-compensation to transgender people harmed by them.

    Having ID which identifies someone as transgender causes ongoing dysphoria which runs contrary to treatment recommended by health professionals while exposing someone to violence and discrimination.

    Chris Minns' words ring hollow when the state government continues to drag its feet on this front, despite support from the Greens and Alex Greenwich.

    While I'm glad for any of my comrades getting a sense of closure, to me this leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and appears another empty political stunt of pretty words without commitment to action.

    More stellar reporting from the abc on 1,4 butanediol smuggling. Thousands of litres of date rape drug 'bute' found concealed in body oil bottles in Sydney

    The AFP are warning importers of the date rape drug known as 'bute' will face heavy penalties after more than 4,000 litres of the substance have been seized in Sydney since a change in legislation in March made it a border-controlled drug.

    Thousands of litres of date rape drug 'bute' found concealed in body oil bottles in Sydney

    I read this while enjoying a glass of the date rape drug known as Shiraz which some users consume to the point of death.

    You could power a city on my eyerolls. My message to the community is to demand reasonable and measured reporting on drugs, and sensible drug policy with a harm minimisation orientation.

    Or you know, let's get hysterical about people taking a ghb prodrug that's harder to dose and more likely to be contaminated because it's easier to import than GHB. That'll keep the kids safe.

    2 David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents

    McBride, who had pleaded guilty to stealing commonwealth information and passing it to the ABC, receives non-parole jail term of 27 months

    David McBride: former army lawyer sentenced to five years for stealing and leaking Afghanistan war documents

    Complete bullshit. Regimes that punish whistleblowers harder than war criminals reveal themselves as dreaming of tyranny.

    The entire trial was cooked, and I'm furious :(

    That non parole period is nuts too, pure revenge. What danger does this man represent? If he's out on the streets some war criminals better watch their backs?

    edit: I should add, it's also quite frustrating that at the end of all this top brass has had no light shone on them, which was his initial goal on leaking. He thought the SAS was being investigated overmuch as a distraction from leadership failures. I guess we'll never know. A slap on the wrist for the executioners, no systematic investigation, and an inconvenient man in gaol.

    45 Police stopped Brad on his morning walk for wearing a hoodie. Ten minutes later, he was dead

    Brad Balzan died a violent death in his own backyard. Some are calling it "the worst outcome imaginable of proactive policing".

    Police stopped Brad on his morning walk for wearing a hoodie. Ten minutes later, he was dead

    Alternative title: NSW cops murder a kid because he ran home when 4 people in plain clothes pile out of a car and accost him. For wearing a hoodie.

    38 Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000

    Taxpayers earning under $150,000 would be better off under a plan to retain the 37% tax bracket, unwinding the Morrison government’s stage-three tax cuts due to come into effect this year

    Stage-three tax cuts: cabinet approves new cost-of-living relief for workers on less than $150,000

    Looks like a rather significant adjustment to the proposed cuts. Although still moving some beans around rather than dropping it.

    Rough back of the envelope stuff it seems like ~80-120k earners get the largest dollar cut, but it's more significant in terms of % income at the lower end. So workers in "professional" roles likely to see the biggest impact, still gonna be tough at the low end of town.

    Inflation falls to the lowest level in almost two years (4.3%) Australia is still seeing disinflation. This is what it might mean for interest rates

    The latest monthly indicator from the ABS shows consumer prices rose at their slowest pace in almost two years in November.

    Australia is still seeing disinflation. This is what it might mean for interest rates

    Unsurprisingly it's still food and housing driving it largely.

    Cold dogs: Icecream in an edible sleave on a bun

    Marketing campaign involves targetting usaians insecure about a lack of nationalism in their desert choices. Claim icecream sandwiches are effete and European while hot dogs symbolise freedom and the rags to riches stuff.

    3d printed jig for assembling LED cube layers

    Includes a little jig off the side to bend the leads regularly, and holds the LEDs in consistent orientation using the cathode cutaway on the rim.

    Designed by my lovely wife.

    btw It is food safe to drink coffee next to 3d printed parts nerds ;)

    P.S. this filament is awful, filamentium pla. The worst thing I've used since early reprap days when variability was high.

    Any ideas what's causing that "shadowing" between the holes? those parts printed last I think but at the same speed/ironing pattern etc as the more matte parts between.

    pretty basic but I made myself a less mess espresso basket prep ring thing.

    It'a detained by magnets so it doesn't get in the basket and interfere with spreading out the grounds. Needs a clean up with a lick of sandpaper, pretty stupid but these things cost like 50 bucks /shrug


    EDIT: appreciate all the concern for my health, it touches dry coffee grounds. I agree that if it got wet there'd be health problems but unless it gets real humid there's just no opportunity for decay. As for random leaching same diff, without heat and wet it's not really a concern.

    That said I probably will seal an improved design, this is just a test piece.

    Echoing my post on masto: Does asafoetida smell amazing to you?

    Does asafoetida smell amazing to you? and if yes do you consider yourself someone with an accurate sense of smell (e.g. identify if someone needs dental work in a conversation, smell who someone has been hanging out with, identify spices and herbs used in a meal with high accuracy, identify the perfume someone wears etc)

    4 Antarctica's ozone hole may not be mending as well as we thought, study says

    New Zealand researchers say changing weather dynamics could be influencing the formation of larger holes in Antarctica's ozone layer, but others debate the new study's findings.

    Antarctica's ozone hole may not be mending as well as we thought, study says

    Seems more related to air movement maybe than depletion of ozone. Still, the possibility is a bummer

    Diving back in after a hiatus. What's good fun in a Savage good biome?

    Obviously giant creature war breeding is the goal. Any great candidates that are from good biomes for taming?

    Do cavern invaders still cause save corruption/become completely unmanageable?

    Also since it's been a long time I'm thinking of setting a lower population limit and taking my time. Do any of you have recommended settings for enemy invasions etc based in a ~50 dwarf cap?

    I've gone with super terminal heavy setups for years. If I want to dip my toes into a more GUI oriented setup what's your rec?

    I've got a refurbed thinkpad yoga in the mail. It's a stylus oriented laptop so I need to change the software I use to be more clicky.

    For years I've favoured stuff like netctl, xrandr, xbacklight etc etc over GUI alternatives and usually gone for very minimal WM setups (e.g. dwm).

    For obvious reasons this would be actual hell with a stylus in tablet mode, but it's been around 15 years since I last had a clicky linux setup and I'm really lost as to how to set one up on arch. What do you folks recommend for laptops?

    EDIT: update for wayward souls. Went with plasma, less works nicely out of the box but gnome hung occasionally on a 2019 yoga x1. There's a lot about plasma I would say is annoying but configuring it is vastly easier than gnome.

    Share your warm up and your stretches? This is knowledge I can be trusted with

    Silly title aside what do you do to warm up and if you do any stretching for mobility after a run what are they?

    I confess to being extremely lazy. My idea of a warm up is just running a bit easier than normal and the only stretch I do is foam roll my calves and stretch out the old hams on a wall.

    Every time I look up articles you get insane fitness blogs regurgitating the same 3 page "easy" routine that you absolutely must do all of or you will definitely die.

    So what do actual other human beings do? Come, share your wisdom or commiserate in haphazardness.

    naevaTheRat naevaTheRat

    Despite all my rage I'm still a rat refreshing this page.

    I use arch btw

    Credibly accused of being a fascist, liberal, commie, anarchist, child, boomer, pointlessly pedantic, and db0's sockpuppet.

    Pronouns are she/her.

    Vegan for the iron deficiency.

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