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It also works great as a name.
  • I’ll be in my bonk

  • One Neighborhood’s ‘Bizarre Culture War’ Over Bike Lanes
  • Everybody here drives <-> no other transit options

  • Feelin' the burn
  • As a 40 something can confirm

  • 'Brain-in-a-jar' biocomputers can now learn to control robots
  • Even in death, I serve the Emperor

  • Let me play among the stars...
  • If they say "by 王OK", they have it on repeat.

    Fly me to the moon 王OK

  • What's your favorite kind of salad dressing?
  • Olive oil, dijon mustard, salt, pepper.

  • World's largest sodium-ion battery goes into operation - Energy Storage
  • There are some electric vehicles so far, which is promising.

  • What's with all of these stories about beauty companies on ABC
  • It struck me as strange also. I think since the dupes are mostly legal, they couldn’t outright identify a bad actor which is cool and normal when you are a reporter.

  • World's largest sodium-ion battery goes into operation - Energy Storage
  • Nice. This seems to be the future that solves a lot of problems. Right now in Australia, we’re seriously entertaining building nuclear power plants for the first time ever, to provide base load power that renewables allegedly can’t. Large sodium batteries could help us avoid that.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • If a president is killing off supremes, we’re well past following rules, so that’s anyone’s guess.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • So that they can be appealed to in any specific case and decide for themselves.

  • Supreme Court Justice warns Americans: "The president is now a king".
  • It’s horrendously incorrect. Listen to the dissenting justices, or constitutional scholars like Luttig and Tribe. Basically anyone who’s serious and not a craven Trump crony.

  • Icon Drive
  • It’s honest work. Thank you!

  • Why Do We Even Listen to New Music?
  • A good read, thank you. In our teens and twenties my friend group all sought out new sounds. Now, only a few of us do, but we are always excited to share a strange new gem.

  • Knowledge is power
  • Fetchez la vache!

  • Sovcit did a thing.
  • The collateral is the paper?? Holy shit

  • Steve Bannon says 'Maga army' ready, as he reports to prison
  • They are ready to serve (time)

  • American Chattel Slavery Might Be Uniquely Cruel in World History
  • Shout out to John Adams and his boy.

  • The certificate for expired on 12/11/2023

    Browsing to, I get SEC_ERROR_EXPIRED_CERTIFICATE. Is there a problem?

    1 Tire Dust Makes Up the Majority of Ocean Microplastics, Study Finds

    Recent studies have shown tire emissions to be a larger threat to global health than anyone realized—and EVs could make the problem worse.

    Tire Dust Makes Up the Majority of Ocean Microplastics, Study Finds
    DarkDarkHouse ddh
    Posts 4
    Comments 868