They are forgetting that TERRIBLE design choice where if you accidentally bite the inside of your cheek it swells up making it easier to bite it on accident again and again.
We need to have some process engineers look at the pregnancy and birthing process, there's much room for improvement. Maybe take a totally new approach to it, it's just not it.
Can we also fix the depression glitch where happiness points aren't collected and your brain energy bar depleats completely with no way of regeneration without hacking the brain with 3rd party tool antidepressants.
I’d like someone to at least look into the whole ADHD thing. It’s been going on for some time now without any word on why it’s there, or what it’s for- and aside from funny and relatable memes, it’s yet to provide any positive results.
Can we rather make the kernel more stable before we change the design?
These instabilities cause the whole process to hang itself up or terminate FAR to often!
Am I weird in that I actually like the hypnic jerk feeling? It doesnt happen often to me, maybe once every few months. I also like bedspins, used to get them every night as a child/teen. though they rarely happen anymore. It was like my own personal rollercoaster ride!
You say that now but wait till you’re sleeping in a tree (to escape the dinosaurs) and start to fall and there’s nothing to wake you! Then you’ll be sorry you wished away that “glitch!”