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White Nebraska man shoots and wounds 7 Guatemalan immigrant neighbors
  • Not so obvious when you consider how many of us stopped watching about 5 minutes in. I didn't click your spoiler because I didn't want to hear anything else you had to say. I feel like your joke didn't really land well.

  • "We don't have gods where I come from," said Twoflower.
  • Frankly I'd prefer to dispense with money altogether. It's nothing but a human construct which has turned out to be more trouble than it's worth. It elevates primarily those least deserving of power, while denying all needs to those most in need. The heedless societal pursuit of it is clearly the path of doom for the entire world. It can do nothing at all without us, and we would be better people without it. Money is not a god. It's neither living nor dead. It's a virus.

  • Unprecedented' and 'Very Dangerous,' Hurricane Beryl Explodes Into Category 4 Storm
  • Is there any kind of feed anywhere to be found that just shows a satellite video of how it grew without some newscaster blathering on about it, then showing me waves on a beach and stoking fear? Yeah, I know all about that. Shut up. All I want is to watch a storm build from beginning to end in sweet, sweet silence. Maybe throw some data in there; like wind speed, pressure, historical track projections, etc.

  • Los Angeles’s Mayor Was Contemplating a Mask Ban. She Just Got Covid.
  • Yeah, because conservative idiots refused to follow any of the advice given, preferring instead to live in denial and spread the disease. The best part of COVID was the Herman Caine Awards. God, that was better than any therapy.

  • ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • Correct, Boot Camp is a filter to get rid of people who are unfit for the military, and the quote on the article at the top says "I was not made for war."

    It sounded to me like you were smearing all those men who felt they were unfit for war as all cowards, and it still does. You and I both ought to know that not everybody is fit for war. If some of them are wise enough to realize that fact, that is not cowardice. Some people are not fit to fight and that doesn't reflect poorly upon them. That's simply how it has always been. Some are warriors. Some are not. If we dishonor those who are not, that reflects poorly on us, not them.

  • ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • Really? Because when I went to boot camp we lost almost 5% of the division due to mental health issues and behavioral problems. Only a couple of people got removed for physical issues.

    Do you not believe in mental health problems or something? Is cowardice literally the only thing you think you understand?

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • What? Internet's right in front of you and you're unwilling to make the effort to discredit me? If you think those questions have uncomfortable answers for me, you should do the work yourself. I wonder what you'll find?

    I fail to see how your questions are all that relevant. The context is, she is a nobody, and nobodies do not get seated randomly at tables with dictators of superpowers, who have at their right hand traitor general of the same nation as the nobody.

  • ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • Well it seems like you think you know these people you claim you don't know. For instance, you keep accusing them of being fearful, and that being the only reason you can think of why people would not be willing to go to war.

    Can you think of no other reason why people would be unsuited for the military and combat? Because I assure you, boot camp weeds out people who volunteer, and that the military finds unsuitable. Do you think cowardice is the only thing they look for?

  • Stay Mad, Tankies
  • You could be right. That could be all she is. I feel like she's deeper in, but I can't prove it. Either way, she is totally compromised and unqualified to lead this country, and her fans need to realize it before it's too late.

  • ‘I am not made for war’: the men fleeing Ukraine to evade conscription
  • Many people cannot, correct. And that does not reflect poorly upon them simply because you can't understand it. That's why boot camp weeds out so many people who volunteered but still can't hack it. Many people don't even realize they don't have what it takes. And you think it's a bad thing for wiser people to recognize it in themselves?

  • Just noticed the apartment door.

    It might slide into the doorframe with a sci-fi hiss and recognize your approach to unlock, but it's a 100% manual, electric sliding door. If you walk out of your basic apartment and don't manually close the door when you leave, it WILL be open when you get back. It'll stay open the whole time you're home. Who ever saw a manual, powered, sliding door? If you didn't realize this was a dystopia, there you go. That's hysterical. I wonder if they set it up so you'd get burglarized for neglecting basic security. And if not, why not?!

    Whoever thought that up is an evil genius.

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