... I never said that? I said blue eyes are more light sensitive than darker eyes. This is verifiably true.
Everyone should have polarized sun glasses, but the level of discomfort someone with blue eyes and someone with brown eyes will have while dealing with the same sunny conditions will be quite different. I have very light blue eyes. Some have called them "icey". I cannot deal with pretty much any sunlight and I can also have reflections trigger horrible migraines. It's well documented that lighter colored eyes tend to struggle more often with brightness levels. Kinda like how putting some dark paint on your upper cheeks helps significantly while working outside as it cuts down on the light being bounced into your own eyes by your cheeks.
Is this like a part of something off the marble machine x?
Is it playing music from a large drum? Haha
Great fuckin show. It was pretty much perfect start to finish.
I went into it expecting to hate it because I don't give a single fuck about soccer, but soccer is more of a story telling vehicle than it is the actual focus of the show.
Right now I'm a little grumpy they are trying to make more seasons.
It ends perfectly. There is no need for more. They basically wrapped everything up and left it exactly where a viewer would want them to.
I worry that by trying to add more after the fact it's just going to tarnish the pretty much perfect track record of the original seasons.
I understand why they are going back to milk that cow. I just wish they wouldn't.
Not for manufacturing per-say.... Does this wear piece that rides in a track press up on something? Are the tracks at varying depths? Is is a cam or perfectly round?
Is it made of plastic or aluminum?
I hate not knowing what it is lol
Were the French always a bunch of pretentious elitist pricks or did that only start after some specific event?
Their food is good but it certainly isn't significantly better than many other places.
They still smoke like chimneys.
They are still pretty misogynistic.
They make terrible cars and pretty much all their manufacturing may as well have their quality control run by Helen Keller.
Their "world famous" city smells like piss and is a filthy mess (unless they decide to clean it up for something like the Olympics).
Their police are notorious for abusing their power and attempting to silence reporters or the media.
See I would have no problem with that but the other people living in this house would have a lot of problems with that. Namely the women. I know for a fact me and the other guys would prefer it but the ladies would never green light something that "ugly" lol.
Well shit. I've only been fuckin microwaved cantaloupes. No wonder I'm still unhealthy.
I enjoy talking to lots of different people on a variety of different topics.
Other people have different perspectives than mine and while I often won't agree with them I am happy to hear them.
I personally believe that in order to be a well rounded person you need to be able to discuss a wide variety of topics with a vide variety of people. If you only ever surround yourself with people that already agree with you on everything you aren't exactly challenging your own beliefs very often now are you?
If there is ever a tornado warning in Texas just head to the cowboys stadium. No chance of a touchdown there.
Yeah at some point you just say fuck it and limp along until the problem is big enough that it's time for a completely new house or you move.
In our situation it's one of those things where it just doesn't seem worth it to properly address because if we are gonna have an electrician cut a bunch of holes in our walls to redo all the wiring we may as well have a plumber cut a bunch of holes in our ceiling to insulate all the pipes they installed in the ceiling crawl space without any insulation. And if we have them cutting holes in every wall and every ceiling we may as we lost have them tear the whole goddamn house down and start over properly lol.
Is that angled wear piece running in a track or does it ride on top of something and it's only constrained by the bar it's mounted to on the other end?
I feel like this is a piece of a machine used for manufacturing, but I have not a clue what it would do specifically lol
Idk. I just looked up "Cheetah testicle color" and there was a video some tourist took that was zoomed in a little too much tbh. But the balls were white. Not Cheeto orange. Lol
I looked it up because Mama didn't raise no bitch.
Who is more grown up? The people who are able to have calm discussions about controversial words without losing their minds or the people who can't even type out a word without having a meltdown?
Seriously do you guys even own mirrors?
You're wasting your time. I got banned from somewhere else earlier for talking about this. They are so unbelievably sensitive that you can't even type out a word in a conversation about what words count as a slur without them taking that very discussion as a slur. Zero thought from them as to how that might become a problem down the line.
They don't see any difference in saying a word while discussing the word vs using the word directed at someone with malice. They are incapable of understanding any nuance in language.
Any console that existed before me is retro. I started with the PS1 and N64 so those are modern and all the ones before are retro lol
I can't win with you people. I post any link thats center or right and you give that as the reason why it's all nonsense. I give a left leaning source and y'all ban me from the sub and delete my comments (not you specifically but still).
I actually defended Imane when that all went down because it didn't make any sense to me. I did briefly have doubts when an alleged medical record surfaced but it was from one random French doctor with zero corroboration so I ignored it. But yeah just keep assuming things about me.
Every time one of you guys makes assumptions about me they are wildly incorrect and it's always funny to me. You do your little stalking session and downvote all the comments I've made recently and then you come back and make a bunch of assumptions about me as a person.
Have a good night.
I'm not playing that game. Only people who voted get a say. Even if you give Kamala ALL the third party votes (which arguably the RFK votes would probably go to Trump) she still loses the popular vote and the election.
Red is bad and blue/green is good.
The colors are backwards and it bothers me constantly. Is there no way to change those?
My own name is highlighted red. I don't even like the color red. I want my own name to be highlighted in green.
I would pay money for this functionality it bothers me so much.

It's a metal band tensioner and cutter. Usually used to secure something to a post that you have no intention of removing for the foreseeable future.

Obviously I understand the trash can icon, but I didn't delete my own comment so is that telling me the mods or the original poster deleted my comment? Does the symbol on the right mean they blocked me?
I tried finding info anywhere in the sync app and looked for Lemmy FAQ pages but none of them had anything on the symbols anywhere.

Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.