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Rednote right now
  • They are an American. It's not like 900 dollars is some insurmountable of money to pay off in 5 years. 180 bucks a year. 15 bucks a month.

    That's literally a Spotify subscription.

  • Rednote right now
  • I'm sorry you haven't paid off 900 in 5 years? That's kinda on you at that point.

  • How tankies struggle with abstract reasoning
  • Don't tankies struggle with basically all reasoning? Abstract or otherwise?

  • They just don't understand
  • Yeah they can work on older homes but I find they tend to work better in newer construction

  • They just don't understand
  • Mesh networks are pretty hard to beat. Especially for houses with walls that aren't kind to wifi.

  • They just don't understand
  • I have never had that issue. I would have been very curious to try and trouble shoot that. Was it older house? Plugged in near the microwave?

  • They just don't understand
  • If your house was built after 2000 (or has updated wiring) you might wanna look into Ethernet over power. The kits are usually less than 50 bucks (depending on the speeds you're using) and they allow you to hardline your computer without running a cable across the entire house.

    The way they work is by plugging a parent box directly into the wall near your router you can run a short Ethernet to the box and then plug in the sister box near your gaming rig and run another short Ethernet from the wall to your computer. It basically just uses the copper wires of the house wiring to transfer the data.

    There are some exceptions to be aware of. If you have a particularly large house the speeds might suffer over a long enough run. Or if they have the internet on an entirely different breaker panel it won't work.

    I am currently using one at my house. The wire gives me better ping, but slightly lower total download speed. So if I'm downloading a big game or something I'll just unplug the Ethernet at let it download faster over wifi and then I switch back to wired for gaming.

  • Tips to open up family dynamics
  • Well if you're able to converse with them in their native tongue then I don't understand the problem. You should be able to talk to them just fine.

  • Tips to open up family dynamics
  • This is the answer. You don't need to become fluent or learn to read it. Just conversational so you can at least partially participate in conversations around them.

  • Official IMAX poster for "Captain America: Brave New World"
  • Everyone thinks it should have been Bucky. I fucking love Anthony Mackie but he just doesn't feel right in that role to me.

  • They're rare, but they're unfortunately here
  • Sadly I don't think that's ever going to happen. The unfortunate reality is that both forms of extremism tend to slowly pull at people from the center over time. Even if we got a group of moderates around someone would get mad and get pushed one way or another more. And thus the cycle repeats.

    It's the classic "what radicalized you" meme. All of us are extremists in one way or another. We just haven't had something push us over the edge yet.

  • *cel
  • I've pretty much given up and just let Google have everything. I know that's an unpopular opinion around here and I totally get it, but I just can't be fucked to try and peel Google outta my life.

  • They're rare, but they're unfortunately here
  • I got sorta yelled at on here for "only attacking the left" and I was like... I can't attack people who aren't around now can I?

    I have seen like one or two "right"comments in the sea of lefty circle jerkin that's permeated this entire site. It really is as abundant as oxygen around these parts.

    I'm still gonna stick around and attempt to engage in meaningful discussions from time to time, but I have already had comments deleted and been banned from subs for saying very normal and accurate things. Now I'm not surprised that I was banned from the Vegan sub instantly, but still. The mod abuse and censorship here seems even worse than reddit which is honestly kinda impressive.

  • Google is now forcing gemini in their gmail app
  • I know enough to drive my car into Google headquarters soon.

    For legal reasons that is a joke and I have no intentions of driving my vehicle into the Google buildings.

  • We tend to describe the pupil as though it's its own actual separate part of the eye. It's almost strange to think about the fact that in reality it's just a hole in the Iris and not a "thing" at all.
  • When I said "handful" I more so meant in all of language yeah there are probably hundreds of words for the empty space between certain things, but in all of human language that's probably a pretty small number.

  • I did it, lads.
  • Ain't no racism like Asian racism. I lived with a Chinese buddy of mine for almost 10 years. He said American racism has nothing on Asian racism. Some of the Chinese and Japanese people legitimately despise each other. Long history of atrocities between them.

  • *cel
  • How is the S22 holding up? I've got an S23 which I got about a year ago and I have had battery protection on since I got the phone so my battery life is still 100% and I honestly can't see myself needing an upgrade for at least 3 more years.

  • They're rare, but they're unfortunately here
  • I would argue it's worse than reddit in terms of the average political leanings of users. I have seen overwhelmingly far far left users around here. The few reasonable moderates I've seen are getting downvoted for incredibly normal comments. Then I recently found the conservative sub and that place is just a mess. Even in their own space all the posts and comments are downvoted.

    I am genuinely concerned for these people. Shutting everyone down and running away from people you disagree with doesn't make them magically disappear. It's just creates more division and less understanding at every turn.

    It's not even just a problem here though. Even in my own family the far left thinking and shutting out all who even slightly disagree leads to problems. I tried to warn them that Trump was probably going to win and they didn't believe me. Being in California and surrounded by deeply blue/left people 24/7gives you a warped sense or reality. The bubble is so big around here that many people don't even realize they are in a bubble.

  • *cel
  • I've never personally tried adding the ' before you import but the one document that was causing problems with that for me recently was an auto generated document so I couldn't have possibly added any spaces or characters before excel went and messed them up anyways.

  • I don't know where else to ask this. What do the various symbols I've seen around mean?

    Obviously I understand the trash can icon, but I didn't delete my own comment so is that telling me the mods or the original poster deleted my comment? Does the symbol on the right mean they blocked me?

    I tried finding info anywhere in the sync app and looked for Lemmy FAQ pages but none of them had anything on the symbols anywhere.

    Majorllama Majorllama
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