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Is it moral to vandalize Teslas?
  • The cars at least could be hand waved that they could have been before Musk went maskoff, but the Cybertrucks, like the one pictured are from well after that and what I think we're all talking about. Cybertruck owners are making a very different political statement compared to the early car owners.

  • Some people haven't learned that corporate will screw them over again
  • I'm on a bunch of different discord servers and I fucking hate them. Just a giant fucking soup. I'd would actually rather they be subreddits. I would much much prefer them be forums or lemmy instances, but anything is preferable to discords.

  • Shopify tells support staff to give ‘no comment’ on Kanye West Nazi T-shirt
  • I was thinking the "no comment" policy could just have been them working though the process to shut down their participation. A more direct statement would have been preferable, but it doesn't surprise me that they would rather get their ducks in a row before making an official statement.

  • Indian MAGA says 'MAGA is Turing Into a White Propaganda'
  • a lot of indians are some of the biggest asskissers for racist white folk.

    Which Indians? What other people have said, but this is such a uselessly vague description of a hugely diverse grouping of cultures, ethnic groups and skin tones.

    It's also an incredibility caste based group and if you're a member of the higher castes, it's not at all surprising that you would identify with MAGA beliefs. If you're a member of a lower caste, not so much, but those groups have a hard time leaving the country.

  • White House Faith Office
  • We don’t see farmers today getting farming advice from the church. They get it from other farmers.

    uh, they get it from the ag departments from their state/local universities. They didn't have universities back then.

    Also, while most farmers probably knew not to do hybrids back then, the consequences of loosing an entire year's harvest of a stable crop would mean famine for the tribe. You can't just ask for half of a neighboring village's seed stock. It was important enough to make it a sin.

  • White House Faith Office
  • No. The seed thing is explicitly so the farmers could grow the same crop from year to year. If you grow a cucumber in the same plot as squash, the seeds from both will be a hybrid and not give you anything useful. Cucurbits are notoriously easy to hybridize and create useless offspring. The genetic mechanics wouldn't have been know, but you would still see the results. People needed to live in groups then and now. No farmer would ever be able to be completely self sufficient regardless, especially then.

    I was thinking more along the lines of shellfish for a primarily desert people or the Rabbi being the defacto food inspector.

  • VTubers Duamerthrax
    【Shiki Miyoshino】Confessions of a Rotten Girl - SAWTOWNE【Cover】

    What has it been? Only three days since the original came out? This is actually the second cover I've found, but the first with custom visuals.

    This is the first cover I found actually.

    Man aged 59 and ¾ discovers climate change after dismissing it for 30 years on his show. Still wont say it's man made.


    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Tenma from PhaseConnect interviews ANDY LAND
    The story of Pacific Tech's Graphing Calculator for the PowerPC Macs.

    I don't know of a niche com that this would be better in. If someone knows a modern FOSS equivalent, I'd like to know. Honestly, I should try to get a copy running in WINE just for nostalgia.

    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Phy The Neutrophil is doing a 12 hour marathon to fund raise for St.Judes
    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Nyana Banyana's Banyana Split 3D Concert

    19 vtubers, big and small give free a 3D concert.

    I'm replaying Entropy Zero 2 and I just realized something.

    Are they hinting that Chell could be Bab Cop's daughter? First chapter of the game explains that Bap Cop/Aiden Walker joined the Combine because they promised they would help find his wife's killer and where his daughter went. The first chapter that takes place Arbeit/Aperture Science has a room with slide about how "Human Resources" procures test subjects and how they operate coverups. Aiden Walker was framed for his wife's and daughter's(presumably) murder. Rechecking stuff. His wife died of an illness. His daughter went missing and everyone presumed he kill her. Portal 1 and 2 never state Chell's last name, does it? Good fiction doesn't waste space, so I'm wondering if this is hinting that Chell is Aiden's daughter.

    Edit: Yeah, Chell is not Aiden's daughter. His daughter's name is Ava. Still, with now soon the Aperture "Human Resources" room was after introducing Aiden's back story seems to imply that Aperture abducted her and she could still be on ice in some Aperture facility. With Wilson being jacked into both the Arbeit computers and the Combine's system(at least enough to free Aiden), he could already know the answer. It could be the direction the next game takes.

    Is there an open source version of the AvE Catapult?

    It's not available anymore and even if it was, I don't really want to buy one from him. And I need about 15 anyway for the youth group activity. It's far more cost effective to order direct from pcb fab shop.

    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Nova Aokami leaves VReverie, keeps the IP and is going indie.

    There was a long rumor that the reason she didn't quit the company when everyone else was quitting was because she was trying to outlast the company and retain the IP. She's the companies top talent, so the fact that there were willing to sell the IP to her really doesn't look good for the longevity of the company. They now only have 3 of the 14 talents they had signed.

    I've held a theory that she's independently wealthy and could weather the bs. She's mentioned having her own manager that she pays directly a few months ago, which is really weird for an agency vtuber to have.

    Community college is a joke and shouldn't preclude entering a 4year as a Freshman.

    Community college ostensibly for people who don't have a good track record from High School, but is often advertised as the cheap, local option for people who don't want to feel bad about having to go.

    I did in fact try community college and it's really just high school material with smaller text. I even took it in parallel with an edX equivalent and the material wasn't even close to each other. The idea that CC is suppose to replace the first 2 years at a real college is terrifying and reinforces how much of the professional word is theater.

    If you do any number of years at a community college, you should be able to apply as a freshman to a real college if you want.

    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Rin Penrose discussing the Brave Group buyout of Idol Corp.
    VTubers Duamerthrax
    MSM Talent's talent list from March to today.

    This might be considered drama, but I thought some people might be interested in an update.

    March Wayback Machine listing.

    Current List.

    For those out of the loop, back in May, FalseEyed broke a story about MSM. Right after that, several vtubers shared their own stories about dealing with the CEO and his bad behavior.

    Just afterward, Aethel made two statements. The first one saying that he's talking to HIS laywers. The second announcing his departure.

    Since then, the company has been shedding talents. I assume more are just waiting for their contracts to run out and want to leave quietly.

    According to Krimbo, the MSM CEO is largely responsible for Takahata101's burnout last year. It will be interesting to see who shows back up in the bar now that Taka is back.

    Edit: Another four dropped since I posted this. GhostySaige, Nagzz, RPR and Vexoria.

    Most of the open drama is happening on Twitter, which I don't use, so I can only relay second hand info. MSM's Director of Talent also bailed yesterday with the support of exMSM talents.

    Edit 2: and the talent page is empty. Some back and forth going on on twitter.

    Edit 3: Falseeyed's coverage of the msm fallout.

    VTubers Duamerthrax
    ClioAite is doing a lecture on the "Dark Ages" ClioAite - Twitch

    Full Time Streamer, VTuber, Strategy game addict

    ClioAite - Twitch

    As of this posting, she's still in the prep/warmup room. She previously went viral for her "The Troubles" lecture on Saint Patrick's Day.

    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Figured out where Miyune went.



    Weird that she would abandon a 100k+ identity for a rebrand when her old IP already had a serious redesign. It was bothering me where she went when she disappeared out of the blue. One of her notable collabs was being the first to collab with Neuro-sama.


    Old clip, but given that something's happening on the official Kizuna channel right now, I thought a refresher is in order.

    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Something's happening on Kizuna AI's channel...
    VTubers Duamerthrax
    Sayu reveals she's joining a company
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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