I had to put my cat down first thing this morning. I've come to terms with it but am distracting myself from the need to go home and clean up his things.
I'm so sorry for your loss. DMs are open if you want to talk or just want someone to listen. I'm told that it gets easier but boy, does it take longer than you might think.
Aww I'm so sorry! Losing a pet can be such a difficult time but I'm sure you two made a lot of happy memories together. I'm here if you need someone to talk to! Hugs
I have had one of the worst days that I can recall since I left my ex-husband. Woke up early to go to the dentist, they had to numb me which is the worst part IMO. I go home and my mother texts me she’s been in the hospital over 24 hours. I rush to get ready for work and go see her. On my way I hit a crow, it ruins the grill on my VW bug. I get to the hospital and sit with my mom until I have to leave for work. I order a fish sandwich to grab for my dinner and only after getting to my desk at work open my takeout and find they gave me a fried shrimp sandwich instead. My mom lets me know the hospital released her saying they didn’t know what was wrong and prescribed a muscle relaxer. I am a supervisor at work, I had one person call out sick, I’m behind on my duties, and I had a new person start today. Not to mention i started my period last night and was cramping several hours today. the cherry on top was getting the email from credit karma that my score had changed, found it had gone down 30 points because my ex-husband skipped the car payment last month and is now behind 30 days. 🥲 I’m pleading, what have I done to deserve all of this? I hope tomorrow is better, and I hope even more that my mothers health improves.
Pretty down I realized today the reason Star Trek being made today is not aspirational like old trek was. At first I thought it was bad writers not getting star trek but now I understand, the writers can't write aspirational when they don't see a future deep in their heart.
Becase deep down we all know we can never make it to that world with peace and a bright future. We will hate and kill each other till the climate wipes us all out and the only life in the solar system is microbes on Mars.
As a Trekkie and sci fi writer I want to believe in this beautiful future and I believe it is any sci fi author responsibility to sell positive stories. We can all imagine it, even if it’s only imagination.
If all we write about is dystopia and zombies apocalypse, then people will abandon the fight as there is no future. But if we sell utopian worlds with a trek style economy and future (or something even simpler, like no food shortage anywhere on our planet) then we might influence people to fight for that better future.
The problem with today Star Trek is not the writers but the corporations they work for. Besides, strange new worlds kept that old trek ambitions.
Whereas section 31 is… Well… Let’s say the best part of that film was the "on yo mama 4" joke at the end…
I hope so, I guess really I'm sad cause humanity's aspirations are just not sellable anymore to a mass market. At this point i have created a plex box ripped all my DVDs ans Blu-rays of old trek and use the Playlist feature with random to create my own trek channel. I know it's pathetic but it brings me confort.
Or we will pull through it, jettisoning the billionaire capitalist class and learning how to survive and thrive again.
Do I believe it? Fuck no. But it's not worth discarding the possibility. I've spent my life trying to be better. Others can too. And enough people trying to be better might be able to pull through.
Here's my take. I grew up in the Cold War. I saw no way out. Figured we were all done, with a state of permanent Cold War until an inevitable Hot War that ends it all. And then, very suddenly, in 1989, the Cold War was over. No nuclear explosions, no cities vaporized. Just a new and hopeful future.
And now, here we are today. I see no way out of the climate crisis, and it's depressing. But I haven't forgotten the lesson I learned from the Cold War. Just because I can't see a way out, it doesn't mean there isn't, or that there won't be. I don't know how, but I've seen it before, humanity's disaster somehow averted out of nowhere. Doesn't mean we'll skip climate disaster. Just means that just because you don't see a way out right now, there still may be a way, and we should all work toward such a future.
Thank you for reading my Ted Talk. Fingers crossed.
The class war, hell nuclear war I can believe we can beat. The climate is where I don't see a way out. Even if we did an Apollo level effort as a whole world coming together like today. It would not be enough it would be better sure but not enough.
But we are not doing that we have to do the class war / undo fascism and the water wars first before we eventually start to make make a major effort. It's like recycling they all tell us if I just sort these cardboard boxes I will makes the world a better place as company dumps plastic waste in the water supply. It's diminishing results and that equals not enough.
I think maybe only Discovery and Picard are like that? The Lower Decks, Prodigy and Strange New Worlds feel closer to old Star Trek. And there's The Orville too, though the comedy isn't great and it takes a bit to tone it down.
I think part of it is also that Star Trek is hampered by its own branding. No network would want to risk their cash cow by having them be controversial, so they'll keep it safe.
I have quite a hard time envisioning any new Star Trek nearly getting the show taken off of the air by pushing boundaries like the original Star Trek did.
Burying myself in my work so I don't burst into tears every other moment. Grieving the sudden loss of a cat that was my universe for her whole fuzzy diabolical life. It's been a month, but I knew the second I plucked her from the bushes that she was going to destroy me. We had a good eleven years but fuck, man.
My gf and our surviving cat have been great consolation, but violet had no sense of personal space and I find this void in my orbit to be currently...unbearable.
I'm so sorry about your cat! hugs if you need someone to talk to I'm here! Pets can be our best friends and losing a best friend can be such a difficult thing to go through. In those 11 years I'm sure you gave her the best life she could, and she appreciates that dearly. Be sure to give yourself time!
My lease ends today and I've had two apartments reject my application. So I'm going to be sleeping in my car with my cats tonight. It's all pretty surreal. It really can happen to anyone.
I mean I'm okay for now. The world is burning but none is affecting me yet (that doesn't make it okay, I'm just trying be real about my situation) and I semi-recently landed a new job where people seem to appreciate me. It looks like we are weirdly very well positioned to weather the current storms and I got an email from management essentially saying "I don't care who's in charge, we are still a woke company". Family is good. We have food, housing, and our health for now. It could be a lot worse. I'm sorry to anyone going through tough times. I wish I could fix it for you.
Edit: I gotta amend this a bit just to vent. I do increasingly feel isolated and alone. I have my immediate family (wife and kids) which is great. I highly recommended it if you can find someone. However, my wife is mostly apolitical and just tries not to think about things like that. I'm sure that reads bad but I'm sympathetic. She didn't ask for any of this and is just trying to live her life. We're also not into a lot of the same things. That actually would be nice if I had other people to share my interests with. Its nice sometimes to have things that are your own in a relationship. I've lost nearly everyone else to maga and culture war BS. I catch myself doing that thing that elderly people do where they talk too long to customer service people (not about politics, just small talk). I have no community and I don't know how to find that
I recently made a decision to transfer colleges in order to save my mental health. This meant I’d have to take on a few student loans, but with FAFSA it still felt manageable, and it has significantly improved my life.
However, If financial assistance from the government drops, the chances I will be able to afford school long enough to graduate drop significantly too.
I’m not super jazzed about that; though, I still think the transfer was worth it.
Oh yeah, also, I just recently got medicated for ADHD and it’s what’s let me start to pull my life together, but adderall might get banned so… rip me.
Maybe I’ll take up smoking lol. I mean that as a joke, but what a world when clinically safe, prescribed meds might get banned but literal cancer causing, heavy metal filled, habit forming drugs are going to be legal forever…
Cheers mates, couldn’t have asked for a better seat to watch the final fall of America and possibly the rest of the world. Good luck to all of you who’ll last longer than me.
I'm okay, thank you for asking. Work was a little frustrating, but it will pass. My GF's life turned a corner, which makes me happy. And I saw Sonic. I'm not great, but today was a 'nice' day.
Scared in an existential sense but materially I am doing ok. Recently changed my major to history because I enjoy it more than I enjoyed physics and it has made my studies into something I actively want to engage in. It's nice. I will be fleeing this country but that won't end the dread as unfortunately America affects everyone.
My anxiety almost acted up again today and my afternoon was kind of sucky during that. But, I got it under control after an hour so I just went back to normal disassociation. Not happy, sad, or anything. Just...nothing. How are you?
Today was a bastard. Helped a bunch of people but now I’m mentally exhausted. Family has been great and I’ve got a cat sleeping on me. Couldn’t have ended better.
I am great, it is the lunar new year and I am celebrating it with my family.
I made vegan fried rice for them. Most asian haven't had vegan fried rice, because typically fried rice involves lard and egg. However, they loved the vegan fried rice so much that my cousin asked my aunt to recreate it tonight.
Past two weeks have been such a roller coaster that I don't even know. Thankfully I have therapy in the morning so I hope I can get the help I need to get this sorted. Things seem to be happening back to back to back that it feels, at times, that I don't get a chance to breathe.
(Champagne problems warning) Was goddamn great until I pulled a calf muscle playing soccer tonight and now probably can't ski on Friday and Monday, despite our mountains FINALLY getting a nice dump.
Admittedly, my problems are nothing compared to the children who mined the cobalt for my phone but godfuckingdamnit.
I had a hackday at work where I experimented a bit with python (I haven't worked in it professionally before)... I translated a package I maintain into it and I really loathe a lot of the language's design decisions. It's still fun to experiment though so I had fun. On the other hand I'm planning to fly into the US next week and I've been semi-nervous as a skirt wearing non-conforming man... but now I'm legitimately uncertain if shit like the TSA, CBP and air travel will work with the "Hey, anyone want to resign" memo. If it wasn't for an important family event I'd absolutely cancel my shit.
FYI I don't think Python is really suitable for use with a production environment. After you want to start installing other people's modules, you'll encounter nightmares without any good solutions, and someone will eventually be extremely unhappy that you decided to use Python (probably within 5-10 years, if not much sooner): https://chriswarrick.com/blog/2023/01/15/how-to-improve-python-packaging/
In general, Python seems to be much too closely coupled to the Shell Command Language (which you should also try to use as little as possible): it seems like a lot depends on the environment, so trying to use Python after interacting with a PATH variable or changing the working directory might unexpectedly produce different results. A clear example of this is the idea of "virtual environments", as using one essentially requires that using Python is managed using the Shell Command Language (see what I expect is the source code for the "activate" and "deactivate" utilities also). "Virtual environments" seem to be extensively used by at least Pipenv. Also, the people managing Python seem much more concerned about maintaining interoperability with C than with making packaging less terrible (this is understandable, but other languages also interact with C while having better packaging systems).
I'll say that using Python is probably better than using C or C++ (especially since it seems that there are many more published best practices regarding package management for Python than for C), but it's probably better to choose a different memory-safe programming language if you have a choice at all.
I can hardly speak to people anymore. Suppressing my gender for 4 years then finally coming out feels awful. I really thought it would be better. I know my family would have issues but fuck. I have so many thoughts in my head but I can't get more than a word to two before bursting to tears.
Add on top of that the most stressful school schedule I've faced yet and the political climate?
I kinda just want to go to sleep and never wake up to go through more of the same pain the next day.
I have two kids in college and have always been optimistic about their future, but the next couple years are critical to forming the world they emerge as adults into. It’s not encouraging
I currently work as a postdoc in biomedical research, so my line of work was directly in the line of fire of recent Trump administration nonsense... Not great.
Beyond this though, I'm just impressed at how almost delusional my boss and some of my lab members has been. Lab PI/group leaders are responsible for bringing in grants, yet they don't seem to even care about the fact that almost all grant reviews are paused (and some of their grants are due early Feb!)... Not to mention they seem almost happy about RFK and Bhattacharya; I do not approve of such behavior as a researcher... Especially since another student in the lab is fucking suffering from long COVID-induced chronic fatigue. I don't understand how could some other ppl in the lab be so insensitive
To be fair, I've been essentially "fired" from the lab anyway. Not actually fired, but was on an 1-year contract and PI refused to renew (and it's more difficult to fire someone than not renewing contract in Illinois law anyway). Pretty shitty behavior but I guess I should have expected a newer PI to not know how to properly lead a lab... Partly due to that, I've started applying for jobs in Europe two months ago and have just recently started getting interviews. All of them are scheduled early morning for me, I'm not a morning person, and at least one or two have been somewhat disrespectful so... At least I'm hoping to get at least one offer I hope?
Also am worried about selling some large possessions (furniture, hobbyist items) since I'm probably leaving the US soon. So a bit stressed recently between work and personal matters
All in all, I'm... surprisingly calm for the amount of bullshit I need to deal with. No ideal why. Maybe it's just the power of video games lol
okayish. didn't get enough sleep, because i poured me a big soft drink yesterday evening and decided to watch shows until i drank it all up, even though i slowly exceeded waaaayy past bedtime. i regret nothing!
Been sleeping the majority of the last 36 hours in between emptying my stomach, so not too hot. I really should not go into work today but I probably will anyway.
Haven't been sleeping super well and my back is burning because of it. Stressed to high heaven about rent but luckily not awake enough for a panic attack yet
Up and down.
Actually lots of things are falling into place, and a few "end points reached" are proving to be... just new starting points.
What to say, need to get my knee in order tough. After last marathon it is still giving me issues and i am fed up to wait and want to go back running....
I'm tired and with a few deadlines that will hit me on monday. I need to finish my task or i wont get vacations... so... all the fuel is going to the wrong place.
I'm doing great! Thank you for asking. I recently woke up from a nap, and now I'm hungry! Though I'm not entirely sure what it is I want to eat... How are you? 😃